Announcements, June 23


Rev. Miranda’s Vacation: Rev. Miranda will be on vacation from June 25 through July 2. Father John Rasmus will preach and celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday, June 26. Father John will be available if anyone urgently needs to speak with a priest during Rev. Miranda’s absence.

Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday, June 26, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the gathering area to help out. To learn more, talk with Rose Mueller at (608) 836-1028.

Diocesan Opportunities to Serve:  If you are interested in having a greater role in the Diocese, there are several positions becoming available. Open nominations are happening from now until August 8, 2016. To learn more about the positions, talk with Rev. Miranda and/or see the information sheets posted under the bulletin board calendar.

Take Out Church: If you haven’t yet picked up a “Take Out Church” box, please do! It’s full of ways to practice and explore your faith over the summer. Take Out Church is for all ages. One box per household; if you need extra coloring pages, ask Rev. Miranda. Take Out church is a gift to you, but if you wish you may make a $3 donation to help cover material costs.

Summer Thursday Evening Eucharist and Supper, 5:30-7pm: Got weekend plans? Come to church Thursday evening for an information Eucharist (outdoors, if weather permits!) and simple meal. Starting June 16, our Thursday evening Sandbox Worship will include an informal Eucharist every week. We also plan to worship outdoors as much as possible. All ages very welcome; dinner provided. If you have special dietary needs, let Rev. Miranda know and if you like to cook you can sign up to contribute to a meal sometime.

Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, June 24, 6:30pm: Join our monthly get-together as we dine at area restaurants and enjoy good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at Los Gemelos at 6713 Odana Road in Madison.

Neighborhood Exploration, July 12 – 17: Rev. Miranda plans to spend this week doing some intentional noticing of the neighborhoods around St. Dunstan’s. Would you like to join her? The goal of this Neighborhood Exploration is not to develop a program or recruit new members. We’re open to both of those possibilities, but that’s not our current focus. Think of this as the kind of exploration you might do when you’re staying in a new city for a few days. Posted in the Gathering Area there is a list of possible things you could do – particular streets to walk, parks to visit, etc. – and tips for noticing and reflecting. Jot down some notes, and send them to Rev. Miranda via email, and/or meet at 11:30 on Sunday, July 17, to discuss in person. Read more & sign up in the Gathering Area if you’d like to participate!


Give it a Try July: Would you like to try doing a reading at church? Or serving as an acolyte, or maybe help clean up after the Eucharist? For the month of July, instead of a set schedule of helpers for our liturgy, we’ll put out a set of cards every Sunday with the name of a role – Acolyte, Reader, Usher, Altar Guild Helper – and a short explanation of what you need to know. The intention is both to allow our regular helpers to serve when they’re available, in a month that’s often hard to schedule due to summer travel, AND to allow curious folk to try out a new role and see what’s involved. If you’d like to try something out, try to arrive ten minutes early to grab a card and read over what’s involved.

Summer Choir on First Sundays, next Sunday, July 3: Come at 9am to learn some simple music to share as part of our 10am worship. Young singers and adult singers with no previous choir experience are especially invited! You should be able to read text, and be ready to begin to learn to read music. Talk with our Organist & Choir Director, Martin Ganschow, to learn more. More summer choir on August 7 and September 4.

Healing Prayers: Next Sunday, one of our ministers will offer healing prayers for those who wish to receive prayers for themselves or on behalf of others.

Birthdays and Anniversaries will be honored next Sunday, July 3, as is our custom on the first Sunday of every month. Come forward after the Announcements to receive a blessing and the community’s prayers.

MOM Special Offering, Sunday, July 3: Next Sunday, Half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. There are the current top-ten, most needed items: rice or pasta, spaghetti sauce, canned ravioli/spaghettios, cake or brownie mixes, flour, sugar, cooking oil, canned peaches, trail mixes and dried fruit snacks, 64 oz. beverages, dried beans (black, garbanzo, etc.), and baby wipes. MOM is also in need of paper grocery bags. Thanks for all your support!

Eucharist with Holy Baptism, Sunday, July 10, 10am: We rejoice to celebrate the baptism of a new member of Christ’s Kingdom, Schuylar. We join parents Rachel and Dave and big sister Kenley in celebrating this day!

Between Church, Sunday, July 10, 9:15am: Come try out simple outdoor worship between our two regular services. We gather at the stone altar to sing one or two simple songs, listen to the day, and share some brief reflections on spiritual practice in daily life. We will also meet July 17, 24, and 31. Between Church can be an enrichment to one of our regular Sunday services at 8 and 10am, or you can just come for Between Church.

Coffee Hosts Needed! Please consider being a coffee host. Sign-up sheets for upcoming Sundays can be found in the Gathering Area. For more information, contact Janet Bybee.  Thanks!

The Thrilling Adventures of Tobias and Sarah! Evening Bible & Arts Camp, 5:30 – 7:30pm, July 30 – August 4. We are designing our own VBS this year, focusing on the book of Tobit, a rousing story of faith, adventure, risk, romance, and mystery, from a part of the Bible known as the Apocrypha. Drama, art, and outreach will be integrated into our curriculum. Kids ages 3 to 10 are welcome to participate; need not be members of St. Dunstan’s. Registration forms will be available soon. We will also be inviting the adults of the parish into study and artistic engagement with the book of Tobit this summer; watch for more information!

40th Annual Women’s Mini Week – Surprised by Joy! – August 11 – 14, 2016, Camp Lakotah, Wautoma, Wisconsin: This is your time to retreat from your everyday routines, to allow discoveries and friendships to refresh you, to find comfortable activity or blissful quiet. Registration forms are in the Gathering Area. For more information, see the website at