Announcements, 3/25

A BIG THANK YOU to all the volunteers who cleaned in the Meeting Room, Gathering Space, Atrium and Nave last Sunday.  Thanks to all for making the church shine, and thanks to our fearless leaders, Joanne and Helen!

THIS WEEKEND… The Stations of the Cross in Downtown Madison, Friday, March 27, 12pm & 5pm: Walk the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross on the streets of a modern city.  As we walk the fourteen traditional Stations of the Cross, we will reflect together on how we can trace those events in the geography of Madison today – our issues, stories and struggles. We will start on the sidewalk near the Federal Courthouse, across from the Overture Center, and end in the garden at Grace Church on the square. The total walk will be about 1.2 miles, and it takes about 45 minutes. Come at noon or 5pm, as your schedule permits. All are welcome.   

“Palm Saturday”, Saturday, March 28, 10:30am – 12pm: Kids, parents, grandparents and friends are invited to make Easter crafts and communion bread, and to take part in a gentle, age-appropriate and participatory telling of the whole Easter story, presented by the youth and adults of our church. This event is best suited for kids ages 3 to 10. All are welcome!

Palm and Passion Sunday, March 29, 8 and 10am: We begin our liturgy with a Palm Procession, recalling Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, then proceed to the reading of the Passion Gospel according to Mark. This is a solemn and powerful service, and our doorway into Holy Week. People of all ages are welcome in this liturgy.

Backpack Snack Pack, Sunday, March 29 after church: The kids and families of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join our Madison Vineyard Church neighbors in preparing “Backpack Snack Packs,” to help local school children from low-income households to have nutritious snacks available over the weekend. We’ll work in the Meeting Room at St. Dunstan’s, following the 10 am service.

Maundy Thursday Meal Sign-up: Our Maundy Thursday liturgy (April 2, 6pm) includes a shared meal as we remember Jesus’ final meal with his friends before his crucifixion. Sign up in the Gathering Area to contribute lentil soup, hummus, olives, or other items. Thanks for all your offerings!

Spring 2015 Chocolate Making Sign Up: Our Spring Chocolate Event will be after Easter this year. Mark your calendars for Friday evening and Saturday, April 10 – 11. An order/signup sheet is in the Gathering Space, below the big calendar. Sign up by April 5 (Easter Sunday)!

Holy Week Offerings:  As is our custom, offerings made during our Holy Week services will go to support particular agencies and ministries. Maundy Thursday offerings will go to Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) here in Madison. Good Friday offerings will go to the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Easter Vigil offerings will go to Episcopal Relief & Development. It is helpful to our tellers, who count our donations, if you indicate on the memo line which agency you are supporting. Thank you for your generosity.

Tools for Tanzania Update: Thanks to your generosity, we have raised $540 of our goal of $800 so far! Thanks to all who have contributed. If you’ve not yet made a gift to this project and would like to help send better farm tools to our brothers and sisters in the very rural Diocese of Newala, put a check in the offering plate with “TZ Tools” on the memo line, and thanks again!

HOLY WEEK SERVICES … Maundy Thursday, Thursday, April 2, 6pm: in our Maundy liturgy, we will walk through Jesus’ final evening with his friends before his arrest, including a simple shared meal, foot washing (optional), and the stripping of the altar. Please bring 30 pieces of change (dimes, nickels, pennies) – or just a handful. People of all ages are welcome in this liturgy.

Friday, April 3, 4pm, Children’s Good Friday Service: This service is best for kids ages 3 to 10. We will walk the Stations of the Cross together, exploring the story and what it means to us.

Good Friday Liturgies, Friday, April 3, 12 noon and 7pm: A solemn liturgy recalling Christ’s death on the cross. Our 7pm service is followed by the Good Friday Wake, a one-hour vigil, gathered around an icon of Jesus in the tomb. Reflect on the poetry, art, and Scripture of Jesus’ death and the grief of his friends. Hot cross buns and tea will be served.

Easter Sunday, Sunday, April 5, 8am & 10am: Celebrate Easter with the St. Dunstan’s community! After each service, there will be an Easter egg hunt for children. Visitors and guests are very welcome!

THE WEEKS AHEAD…. Thursday Evening Worship in Easter Season: Following the resurrection of Jesus, many of his friends encountered him – at a shared meal, on a lakeshore, walking along a lonely road. In Easter season, at the Sandbox, our Thursday evening informal worship & supper gathering, we’ll be sharing stories of where we’ve encountered Jesus on our journeys. Come hear about another person’s life of faith, or share a part of your own. All are welcome. Worship is at 5:30pm every week, with a simple meal provided afterwards.

Books Needed for Little Library! With warmer weather many more people are stopping by for a new “read” and we have few books to supply the library. If you have books to donate, please bring them to St. Dunstan’s and put in the labelled box in the Gathering Area. Thanks!

Do you like to feed people? Consider joining our St. Dunstan’s Meals Network, to provide a meal for another household in our congregation. New babies, critically ill family members, surgery, or a death in the family are just a few of the occasions for which people might need extra support and compassion. Sometimes it’s just dropping of food, sometimes it’s also sitting with people and listening to how things are going. Go to to join our network or, if you’re already part of it, to pick a date on our current meal calendars.