The Poetry of Mary Oliver, Sunday, June 21, 9am: Dan Hanson will share some of the poetry of contemporary poet Mary Oliver. All are welcome!
Rector’s Discretionary Fund Offering, Sunday, June 21: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Please give generously.
Liturgy & Music Committee Open Meeting, Sunday, June 21, 12pm: At this meeting we will check in with how our regular liturgical ministries and weekly liturgies are going, then spend some time on ideas and hopes for the seasons ahead. All interested folk are welcome to attend and participate.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, June 21, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins.
St. Dunstan’s is recruiting a basketball team (or two) for Hoops for Housing! Members, friends, and family – all welcome, and players can be of all ages and skills. Each team will have 4 – 6 members, and is asked to raise at least $100 through pledges and donations for Briarpatch Youth Services. Hoops for Housing will take place on Saturday, August 8. It is a friendly community basketball tournament, sponsored by St. Dunstan’s, to raise funds for Briarpatch, which serves homeless youth in the Madison area. Team pledge envelopes are available in the Gathering Area; sign up & start gathering a team! Questions? Talk with Rev. Miranda.
Ladies Night Out, Friday, June 26, 6pm: Join our monthly get-together as we dine at area restaurants and enjoy good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at the Dhaba Indian Restaurant at 8333 Greenway Blvd. in Madison.
Prayers for General Convention: Every three years, the Bishops and elected Deputies – both clergy and laypeople – of the Episcopal Church gather to consider issues and new directions in the life of the church, and through democratic process, to make decisions and set directions and priorities. This year we will also be electing a new Presiding Bishop, who is the public face of our denomination and helps run the national church office. Rev. Miranda is one of the elected clergy deputies from our diocese who will be attending General Convention, which takes place in Salt Lake City from June 23 through July 3. Please pray for the Convention, for all bishops and deputies, for the Presiding Bishop candidates, and for the mission of our church.
Stir Up the Spirit – Celebremos! is the theme of this year’s Triennial of the women of the Episcopal Church – (the ECW). Three hundred thirty women will be gathering from 85 Dioceses in Salt Lake City, June 25th-July 1st. They will be meeting in conjunction with the General Convention, sharing worship, exhibit hall and space with the House of Bishops and the House of Deputies. Their program includes keynotes, workshops, and reports, business, a 5K run, a Distinguished Women Luncheon and the celebration of 125 years of United Thank Offering. If you want to see what they are doing, go to Thanks to Connie Ott for her faithful service in the ECW both locally and nationally!
Calling an “Oikos Team” to Help St. Dunstan’s Welcome Newcomers: The people of St. Dunstan’s talk a lot about feeling that St. Dunstan’s is their “church home,” with a strong and welcoming community. The word “oikos”, in the Greek New Testament, is the word for “household” – as in, “you are now members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). Would you like to help visitors and newcomers feel a sense of welcome and belonging in this “oikos,” this household of God? As a member of the Oikos Team, you’ll be matched with a person or household new to the church, to help them connect and get to know our parish. We’re not trying to manufacture friendship, but to be intentional about planting the seeds of community. You’d only be “matched” with one person or family at a time, and it won’t be a major time commitment. If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, talk with Rev. Miranda at 238-2781. We hope to have all kinds of folks and families on our Oikos team.
Worshipping with Zion City Church, Sunday, June 28: The service is from noon to 2:00pm. Meet at St. Dunstan’s at 11:30am to carpool, or meet at Zion City Church shortly before noon. They are located at 1317 Applegate Road in Madison. This is just south of the Beltline, off of Fish Hatchery Road. Share song, prayer, and friendship with these brothers and sisters in Christ!
Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday June 28, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the Gathering Area to help out.
Summer Evening Worship, Thursdays at 5:30pm: Our Thursday evening “Sandbox Worship” will take place outdoors whenever the weather permits. Come at 5:30pm for a shared meal (provided), simple evening worship, and then hanging out around a fire for conversation and s’mores. “Summer Sandbox” will begin on June 18. All ages are welcome.
Between Church, July 2015: Beginning July 5, you’re invited to simple outdoor worship between our two regular services. “Between Church” will meet from 9:15 to 9:45am, every Sunday in July – and maybe August too. We’ll gather at the stone altar to sing, discuss a short piece of Scripture, share blessings and concerns in prayer, and sing some more. Come as an enrichment to regular Sunday worship, or just enjoy this simple service as your summer worship.
Women’s Mini Week 2015: Mini Week will be August 13 to August 16, at Camp Lakotah in Wautoma, Wisconsin. This year’s theme is “Surprised by Joy!” For registration materials and to answer questions, visit the website:
This year’s Parish Talent Show will be Sunday, October 25! What will you share? A poem, a song, a dramatic monologue, a dance? A sample of art, craft, tinkering, building, study or science? Group acts are encouraged. Chat with your friends this summer and begin to plan and practice!