Episcopal 101, Sunday, June 7: General Convention & Episcopal Church Governance, 9am: This summer our church holds its triennial gathering, and Rev. Miranda will attend as a deputy from our diocese. Come for an overview of how Episcopal Church governance works, and a whirlwind tour of this year’s General Convention.
Parish Picnic, Sunday, June 7, 11:30am: Come celebrate summer with food, fellowship, and fun! We’ll have good food and fun activities for all ages, including our Rogation Procession around the grounds, face painting, a photo booth, and more. Please bring a dish to share. Brats and hot dogs (including vegetarian options) and drinks will be provided. The picnic will happen rain or shine. Friends & guests are welcome.
Birthdays and Anniversaries will be honored Sunday, June 7, as is our custom, on the first Sunday of every month. Come forward after the Announcements to receive a blessing and the community’s prayers.
Healing Prayer: Sunday, one of our ministers will offer healing prayers for those who wish to receive prayers for themselves or on behalf of others.
MOM Special Offering: Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Minister’s food pantry. Groceries are welcome gifts too. Here are the top 10 needed items: sugar, cooking oil, cereal, meals in a box, jelly, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, diapers (sizes 4, 5 and 6), and laundry detergent. MOM is always in need of quality bedding items such as comforters, sheets, blankets and towels too. Thank you for all your support!
Evening Eucharist, 6pm: A simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.
Opportunities to Serve…
Calling an “Oikos Team” to Help Welcome Newcomers: The people of St. Dunstan’s talk a lot about feeling that St. Dunstan’s is their “church home,” with a strong and welcoming community. The word “oikos”, in the Greek New Testament, is the word for “household” – as in, “you are now members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). Would you like to help visitors and newcomers feel a sense of welcome and belonging in this “oikos,” this household of God? As a member of the Oikos Team, you’ll be matched with a person or household new to the church, to help them connect and get to know our parish. We’re not trying to manufacture friendship, but to be intentional about planting the seeds of community. You’d only be “matched” with one person or family at a time, and it won’t be a major time commitment. If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, talk with Rev. Miranda at 238-2781. We hope to have all kinds of folks and families on our Oikos team.
Prayers for General Convention: Every three years, the Bishops and elected Deputies – both clergy and laypeople – of the Episcopal Church gather to consider issues and new directions in the life of the church, and through democratic process, to make decisions and set directions and priorities. This year we will also be electing a new Presiding Bishop, who is the public face of our denomination and helps run the national church office. Rev. Miranda is one of the elected clergy deputies from our diocese who will be attending General Convention, which takes place in Salt Lake City from June 23 through July 3. Please pray for the Convention, for all bishops and deputies, for the Presiding Bishop candidates, and for the mission of our church.
Hoops for Housing Teams Forming! St. Dunstan’s is sponsoring a friendly community basketball tournament on Saturday, August 8, to raise funds for Briarpatch, which serves homeless youth in the Madison area. All ages and levels of skill are invited to participate. Each team is invited to raise $100 for Briarpatch through donations and pledges. Pick up a pledge envelope in the Gathering Area and start to form your team and gather funds!
The Weeks Ahead…
Sunday School, Sunday, June 14, 10am: Next week, our 3-6 year old class will be learning about the apostle Paul and his journeys, while our 7-11 year old class will explore the calling of David the shepherd boy to be King of Israel. We’ll also thank and celebrate our Sunday school teachers and helpers!
Church, Faith & Life Conversation, Sunday, June 14, 12 – 1pm: When are you most conscious of yourself as a person of faith, in daily life? Does your faith support you in hard times? Why do you belong to a church – in five words or less? Come share open-hearted conversation about these questions, with Rev. Miranda and others from our church. This is the final opportunity to participate in a focus group (an informal group interview) as part of Rev. Miranda’s Missional Leadership Cohort inquiry process. Anyone who’d like to take part is welcome.
Summer Evening Worship, Thursdays at 5:30pm: Our Thursday evening “Sandbox Worship” will take place outdoors whenever the weather permits. Come at 5:30pm for a shared meal (provided), simple evening worship, and then hanging out around a fire for conversation and s’mores. “Summer Sandbox” begins on June 18.
Game Night, Friday, June 19, 6pm: An evening of games for all ages. Friends, partners, kids – all are welcome. Bring a snack to share, or come as you are!
Liturgy & Music Committee Open Meeting, Sunday, June 21, 12pm: We will check in with our regular liturgical ministries, then spend some time on ideas for seasons ahead. All interested folk are welcome to attend.
Ladies Night Out, Friday, June 26, 6pm: Join our monthly get-together as we dine at area restaurants and enjoy good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at the Dhaba Indian Restaurant at 8333 Greenway Blvd. in Madison.
Worshipping with Zion City Church, Sunday, June 28: The service is from noon to 2:00pm. Meet at St. Dunstan’s at 11:30am to carpool, or meet at Zion City Church (1317 Applegate Rd., just off Fish Hatchery Road) shortly before noon. Share song, prayer, and friendship with these brothers and sisters in Christ!
Women’s Mini Week 2015: Mini Week will be August 13 to August 16, at Camp Lakotah in Wautoma, Wisconsin. This year’s theme is “Surprised by Joy!” To learn more, visit www.womensminiweek.org.
Between Church, July 2015: “Between Church” will meet from 9:15 to 9:45am, starting July 5. We’ll gather outside at the stone altar to sing, discuss a short piece of Scripture, share blessings and concerns in prayer, and sing some more. Come to enrich your usual Sunday mornings, or let this be your summer worship!
Vacation Bible School, August 2 – 6, 5:30 – 7:30pm (with a 7pm pickup option for younger kids): We had a lot of fun with Vacation Bible School last summer, and plan to do the same this year! Our theme will be “Message Received: Hearing God’s Call.” Using drama, art, and games, we’ll explore the stories of five people called by God, from the Old and New Testaments, and how we hear God’s call today. Dinner is included. Mark your calendar and spread the word – and if you’d like to help out, talk with Rev. Miranda!