Announcements, August 6


Last Between Church, Sunday, August 9, 9:15am: Come try out simple outdoor worship between our two regular services. We gather at the stone altar to sing, discuss a short piece of Scripture, and share blessings and concerns in prayer.

Donate to our Hoops for Housing Teams! Hoops for Housing will take place this Saturday, August 8. It is a friendly community basketball tournament, sponsored by St. Dunstan’s, to raise funds for Briarpatch, which serves homeless youth in the Madison area. Team pledge envelopes are available in the Gathering Area. Please make a pledge to support your St. Dunstan’s Hoops teams! We are also still seeking some volunteers for that day; see the signup in the Gathering Area!

MOM School Supply Drive: Although it may seem that summer has just begun, it’s never too early to start thinking about “back to school!” Once again, we will be collecting donations of school supplies to contribute to the more than 800 backpacks that Middleton Outreach will distribute in August. More information and lists of Most Urgently Need Items are available in the Gathering Space. Please plan to bring your donations by August 13. Thank you so much for your continued support of this very worthwhile community project!

Calling an “Oikos Team” to Help St. Dunstan’s Welcome Newcomers: The people of St. Dunstan’s talk a lot about feeling that St. Dunstan’s is their “church home,” with a strong and welcoming community. The word “oikos”, in the Greek New Testament, is the word for “household” – as in, “you are now members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). Would you like to help visitors and newcomers feel a sense of welcome and belonging in this “oikos,” this household of God? As a member of the Oikos Team, you’ll be matched with a person or household new to the church, to help them connect and get to know our parish. We’re not trying to manufacture friendship, but to be intentional about planting the seeds of community. You’d only be “matched” with one person or family at a time, and it won’t be a major time commitment. If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, talk with Rev. Miranda at  238-2781. We hope to have all kinds of folks and families on our Oikos team.


Rev. Miranda will be away from August 10 – 18. The Rev. Paul Goddard, one of our resident retired clergy, will preach and celebrate on Sunday, August 16. Father Paul and Father John Rasmus will be available if anyone urgently needs to speak with a priest during Rev. Miranda’s absence.

Evening Eucharist Dates in August: Our Sunday Evening Eucharist will NOT take place on Aug. 2 or 19. We WILL have an Evening Eucharist on Sunday, August 23, at 6pm. Sorry for any inconvenience!

Rector’s Discretionary Fund Offering, Sunday, August 16: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund this day and on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Please give generously.

Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, August 12, 7:15 – 9:00pm, St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church: We welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about contemplative spirituality in the Christian tradition. We meet monthly for contemplative prayer for twenty-five minutes, after which we discuss a reading from Julian of Norwich, a 14th Century English mystic who has been called “a theologian for our time.” These gatherings are supported by the Order of Julian of Norwich, a contemplative monastic order in the Episcopal Church. We would love to have you join us.

Education for Ministry Begins Enrollment for Fall 2015: Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year distance learning certificate program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice. EfM groups meet weekly from September through May with a trained mentor. Members sign up for one year at a time (a continuous four-year commitment is not required). Groups at St. Dunstan’s are tentatively scheduled to meet Monday evenings and Thursday mornings. Information sessions for those interested are being offered at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, August 16 at noon and Monday evening, August 17 from 7-8.

Education for Ministry Grads Invited Back!! The new EfM curriculum was put into use in 2013, and EfM participants are enthusiastic about the scholarship, relevance, and scope of the new program. We are offering a scholarship of $100 off the yearly regular price of $350 to EfM grads who would be interested in repeating any year with the new materials. There are two scholarships available at this time.

Vestry Meeting, Wednesday, August 19, 6:45pm: The Vestry is the elected leadership body of our parish. Any members are welcome to attend our meetings, to observe or raise questions or ideas.

Outreach Meeting, August 29, 8-10:30am: All are welcome to join our conversations about how St. Dunstan’s can best serve the world with our resources and hands. We begin with an optional potluck breakfast at 8am.


Diocesan Convention, Saturday, October 17: This year’s Diocesan Convention will be held at St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy in Delafield, WI. A number of resolutions inviting our Diocese into engagement with some of the big issues of our General Convention this summer will be addressed. Mark your calendar if you would like to attend.