Vestry & Parish Goals, ’15-’16

Leadership Goals for the Year Ahead, as discerned by the Vestry of St. Dunstan’s at our Workday on May 31, 2015

The Vestry offer these to the parish in the hopes that others will join us in taking on these goals, identifying areas of opportunity or challenge in the life of our parish in relation to these goals, and sharing the work of moving together in these hopeful and holy directions. We expect these goals to guide our work through the spring of 2016, and perhaps beyond.

1. Deepen our mutual life of prayer.

We will look for ways to deepen our life of mutual prayer, and to extend it to the wider community.

Some possibilities for pursuing this goal:

  • explore weekday prayer, in person and/or virtual
  • explore fresh approaches to the prayer list
  • explore seeking prayer requests from neighbors

2. Move some recurring tasks from Work towards Ministry. 

We will give thoughtful attention to some of the areas in our common life where a person or ministry is often recruiting or going short-handed, such as grounds work, coffee hour, Sunday school helpers; and others which may come to our attention. We will explore how to re-engineer the work itself so that perhaps it is less, and simpler; and then how to re-market the tasks as easy-entry, low-commitment ministry opportunities.

These goals are intentionally broad and open-ended. We hope for input, ideas, and help from members of the parish (and beyond!) to help us put them into practice.