Announcements, October 22


Giving Campaign Kickoff & Fall Talent Show, October 25, 11:30 – 1pm: Our fall Giving Campaign starts with a Talent Show, at which members of St. Dunstan’s will have the opportunity to share their skills. A light lunch will be served. Come see the accomplishments of fellow parishioners and enjoy the show!

Nursery Care Available This Sunday: We will have child care available in our downstairs nursery this day, as well as in the “play corner.” In future we will plan to have nursery coverage on Sundays when there is neither Sunday school nor all-ages worship.

Bread for the World Blessing of Letters: Sunday we will bless the letters (emails, calls, and Tweets) our members have sent to our elected officials in the past two weeks, urging them to remember the hungry, and specifically, to continue supporting the WIC program. Bring your letter, or fill out a slip that indicates the contacts you have made, and put that in the Offering Plate to be blessed.

 Honoring Our Saints: Please fill out a Saint Form, in preparation for All Saints’ Day, which we will honor on Sunday, Nov. 1. Saint Forms are in the Gathering Area, with a collection box. You can also email Rev. Miranda at with the name of the person you want to remember in love, and a few words about why he or she is so important to you. We will also be hanging a Remembrance Station in our nave for the month of November. Consider bringing in a copy of a photo, note, or other token of one of those whom you remember with love.

St. Dunstan’s Finances-At-a-Glance: As we approach our fall Giving Campaign, our church finances should be clear to all members. Take a look at our display in the Gathering Area. More detailed financial reports are available on request; speak with Rev. Miranda or a vestry member, or call the church office (238-2781).

Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday, October 25, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the Gathering Area. 

Help Feed the Students, Sunday, November 8: St. Dunstan’s is providing dinner for the St. Francis House community, our Episcopal chaplaincy, on Sunday November 8th. Sign up in the Gathering Area to help out! We are asked to provide food for up to 15 people, and we’re invited to attend worship with the students at 5pm. Rev. Miranda will be in touch to work out whether you want to drop off your food Sunday morning, or deliver it yourself. The students thank you!


Needed – Ushers for the 2nd Sunday of the Month: If you are able to help out with ushering on the 2nd Sunday of the month, or even just occasionally, please let Pamela in the office know. Thanks!

 Left Unsaid: Remembering our Beloved Dead at Sandbox Worship, Thursday, October 29, 5:30pm: Maybe there’s something you didn’t have a chance to say. Maybe you thought you’d said it all, but as the years pass, you’ve discovered more. Come for an evening framed in prayer, a space to speak the words you want to say to one of your loved ones who has gone on before, as we anticipate honoring our beloved dead on All Saints Day (Nov. 1). After worship, we’ll share a simple meal. All are welcome. Questions? Talk with Rev. Miranda.

Makers’ Guild, FRIDAY, Oct. 30, 1 – 3pm: Everyone who enjoys working with their hands is invited. We will get acquainted with our church’s new-to-us digital cutter, and start preparing some craft materials for our Black Friday Craft-In event (Nov. 27). You can also bring your own holiday crafting projects to show off and work on – or bring your holiday crafting dilemmas and we can brainstorm together! Friends are welcome too.

All Saints’ Day, Sunday, Nov. 1, 10am: We will celebrate this holy day with an opportunity to remember the faithful departed; renew our baptismal vows; and, enjoy kids dressed as famous saints at our 10am All-Ages Worship.

“Holy Dying: Advance Planning from a Christian Perspective,” Sunday, Nov. 1, 9am: All are welcome to a conversation about end-of-life issues from a spiritual and practical perspective.

Backpack Snack Prep, Sunday, November 1, 11:30am: The people of St. Dunstan’s are invited to help prepare “Backpack Snack Packs” to help local school children from low-income households to have nutritious snacks available over the weekend, following the 10am service.

Webcast of the Installation of the Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry as the 27th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, Sunday, Nov. 1, following the 10am service: We plan to turn on the livestream of the service in our Meeting Room, as soon as our own liturgy concludes. Bishop Curry, currently Bishop of the Diocese of North Carolina, is the first African-American to be elected Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church. On-demand video after the event will be available at this link: