Announcements, November 5


Budget & Finances Listening Session, 9am: Do you have questions or ideas about our parish’s finances or our Draft 2016 Budget? Come meet with the Rector, Treasurer, and other church leaders between services. All are welcome.

 Sunday School, 10am: Today, our 3-5 year old class will learn about the building of the first Temple in Jerusalem, while the 6-10 year old class will explore the story of the generous widow.

Annual Meeting of the St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church Women, after the 10am Liturgy: St. Dunstan’s has a very loosely organized Episcopal Church Women group (“ECW”) which has an official 20 minute meeting once a year to plan a couple events. The agenda is quite simple: 1. Decide where to go for the annual “Day Away” for the women of the parish, involving lunch and a little shopping at a destination not far from the church. 2. Decide where to have the Epiphany Lunch – usually on a Saturday close to January 6th. 3. Decide whether and how to use the ECW’s funds.

Spirituality of Parenting Lunch, 11:45am: All who seek meaning in the journey of parenthood (at any age or stage) are welcome to come for food and conversation. Child care and a simple meal provided.

Kids’ Ornament Sale: Christmas ornaments made by the children of St. Dunstan’s are available in the Gathering Area, for a suggested donation of $1 each, as the kids’ contribution to our fundraising this fall. Buy a couple to hang on your tree or tuck into Christmas boxes!

Remembrance Station: Our Remembrance Station hangs in our nave for the month of November. Consider bringing in a copy of a photo, note, or other token of one of those whom you remember with love, as an extension of our All Saints commemorations. On Sunday, November 22, we will commend these faithful departed to Christ our King.


Needed – Ushers for the 2nd Sunday and 5th Sunday in November: If you are able to help out with ushering on this Sunday or on November 29, please call the office at (608) 238-2781. We are also looking for help on the 2nd Sundays from December through May (Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, Mar. 13, Apr 10 and May 8). If you can usher one or more of those Sundays, let us know. Thanks!

Military and College Student Care Packages: The Youth Group is collecting donations during November to be included in care packages for military personnel and college students. There is a list of suggested items by the donation box. If you have a college student or service member who you would a care package sent to, please provide name and address to the church office at . The youth will be assembling and mailing the care packages the first week of December. Thank you for your support!

Wednesday morning women’s book group, every Wednesday, 9:30 – 11am: This group always welcomes new members! Starting this Wednesday, October 28, the group is starting a new book, recommended by Father David Couper, called “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Come and read along, enjoy snacks and lively conversation, that is sometimes even about the book!

 Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, November 11, 7:15-9pm: You are welcome to attend our November Julian Gathering to learn why Julian is the ‘hottest’ saint of our time. We are living in a crisis-driven era, and it’s not so easy to believe that “all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well,” as Julian wrote. How could she have been so positive? Come and find out.

Liturgy and Music Meeting, Thursday, November 12, 7pm: At this meeting we’ll check in with our core liturgical ministries, discuss our Advent and Christmas liturgies, and reflect together on how to deepen our shared life of prayer as a parish. All interested people are welcome.

 A Spirituality of Gratitude: Anne Lamott’s “Thanks”, Sunday, November 15, 9am: All are welcome to a conversation about how to cultivate a spirit of gratitude even in hard times.

 Sunday School, Sunday, November 15, 10am: Next week, our 3-5 year old class will learn about the people of Israel’s journey of Exile and Return, while the 6-10 year old class hears about Jesus’ prediction of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Christian Formation Meeting, Sunday, November 15, 12pm: We will firm up our Advent Christian Formation plans and begin planning for our special Lent programs. All interested folk are welcome!

 Evening Eucharist, Sunday, November 15, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins.

Younger Adults Meet-up at the Vintage, Sunday, November 15, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.

Piece Be with You! Please join us between services at 9:00am on November 22nd for a festive, all-parish brunch celebrating the ingathering of our prayers, hopes, and financial pledges for our parish life in the coming year. We will enjoy fellowship, delicious pies, quiches and other offerings. Please sign up to bring your favorite pie or quiche. Pre-cut pies with labeled pie servers would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Thanksgiving Service, Wednesday, November 25, 7pm: There will be a simple Eucharist service on Wednesday evening. All are welcome.

Black Friday Craft-In, Friday, November 27, 1 – 4pm, St. Dunstan’s Church: Tired of the mall? Make stuff. Give it away. This year we’ll host our second annual Black Friday Craft-In, a free public crafting event. If you’ll be in town and would like to volunteer to help out, please sign up in the Gathering Area or email the office at . We can use all kinds of volunteers – whether your skill is sewing, woodworking, stamping, paper crafting, smiling at people and saying “Welcome!” setting up tables, or putting cookies on plates.