Advent Art Reflection, 9am: We will have several reflective art stations set up in the Meeting Room. Come color, collage, or sketch your way into the expectant heart of Advent.
Sunday School, 10am: This Sunday, our 3 – 6 year old class will continue exploring the season of Advent, while our 7 – 11 year old class will dig into John the Baptist’s proclamation of good (?) news.
Service of Lessons and Music, Sunday, 10am: Our special Lessons & Music service this Advent will focus on the life and preaching of John the Baptist.
Spirituality of Parenting Lunch, 11:45am: All who seek meaning in the journey of parenthood (at any age or stage) are welcome to come for food and conversation. Child care and a simple meal provided.
Younger Adults Meet-up at the Vintage, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome.
Put your Sharing Christmas gifts under the Tree today! If you took a gift tag, please bring the gift back to church by today.
Kids for Kids: The children of St. Dunstan’s would like to raise enough money to buy a pair of goats for people in need around the world – a total of $160. Put your donation in the bank in the Gathering Area to support their endeavor! Read more about Episcopal Relief & Development’s Gifts for Life program here:
Bring Christmas Cheer to St. Dunstan’s! Celebrate what’s important to you with a gift that helps us decorate for Christmas and honors a loved one or a special event. Please see the red Christmas Flowers sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area. Write “Christmas Flowers” on the memo line of your check or on the envelope containing cash. Suggested donation is $25.
MOM Tribute Cards: Would someone on your gift list prefer a gift to charity? This season we are offering Tribute Cards. Make a donation of $10 or more, and take a card to give to someone you care about. All proceeds will go to MOM (Middleton Outreach Ministry) to support their work preventing homelessness and feeding the hungry. Make checks out to St. Dunstan’s, with “MOM Card” on the memo line.
Vestry Meeting, Wednesday, December 16, 6:45pm: The Vestry is the elected leadership body of our parish. Any members are welcome to attend Vestry meetings, to observe or raise questions or ideas.
Caroling Ministry, Thursday/Friday/Saturday, Dec. 17 – 19: Everyone who would like to visit and sing for some of our elders and homebound members is invited to participate. We will meet to practice our short list of carols at 7pm on Thursday, December 17. On Friday, Dec. 18, we will meet at the church at 5:30pm to warm up and head out to make four visits. On Saturday, Dec. 19, a second group may make another 2 – 3 visits, depending on availability. All are welcome!
Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, December 18, 6pm: Come join our monthly get-together as we dine at area restaurants and enjoy good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at Oliva at 751 N. High Point Road in Madison.
Vestry nominations are open! Would you be interested in serving on our vestry, our church’s governing body? Is there someone else you think would be a great candidate? Job descriptions and a box for nominations are in the Gathering Area. Open nominations will run throughout December. We will be electing two new vestry members in January 2015. Wardens and Diocesan Convention deputies must be elected every year, so candidates for Junior and Senior Warden may also be nominated.
Christmas Pageant Practice, Sunday, Dec. 20, 11:30am: All Actors, Readers & Wranglers are invited to a practice session for our Christmas Eve pageant. We will order pizza to sustain our team, and will go no later than 12:30pm.
Come and help with the Greening of the Church! Sunday, December 20, after the 10am service: We will have fresh greenery, gifted by Jack and Ginny Dennis, and lovely poinsettias to place. Sign-up sheet to help is in the Gathering Area.
The Longest Night: A Liturgy of Light in the Midst of Darkness, Sunday, Dec. 20, 6pm. On December 20th, we will gather together out of the darkness of the season for a quiet, meditative worship service. Feel free to invite friends who might appreciate this time set apart to name the darkness in the world and in our lives, and prepare our hearts for the coming of the light of Christ. Contact Rev. Miranda at 238-2781 with any questions.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services:
Family Service with Pageant, Thursday, December 24, 3pm
Festal Eucharist, Thursday, December 24, 9pm
Christmas Day, Friday, December 25, 10am
Calendar Note – No Watch Night service on December 31. Enjoy your New Year’s Eve!
Epiphany Service of Light, Thursday, January 7, 5:30pm: Join us as we share the story of the Wise Men who came to honor the infant Jesus, and of how the light of Christ has spread through time and space all the way to here & now! All are welcome. Talk to Rev. Miranda or Sharon Henes if you’d like to be a reader for this service