Announcements, January 14


Guest Preacher, 10am: Percy Brown is the Director of Equity and Student Achievement for the Middleton-Cross Plains School District, and serves with Rev. Miranda on a local task force focused on addressing racial disparities in Middleton. We are glad to welcome Percy as our guest speaker this Sunday!

Sunday School, 10am: This week, our 3-6 year old class will be learning about Holy Baptism, while our 7-11 year old class digs into the story of the Wedding at Cana.

Rector’s Discretionary Fund Offering: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund this day on and on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Thank you for your generosity.

Christian Formation Meeting, 12 noon: If you would like to help plan our ministries and programs that help people learn, reflect, and grow in faith, come along!

Evening Eucharist, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.

Younger Adults Meetup at the Vintage, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.

Kids for Kids Success! Through your generous gifts this past Advent, we raised enough to buy four goats through Episcopal Relief and Development’s Gifts for Life program! Thanks so much to all who contributed, and to the kids for their commitment.

Survival Kits for Homeless Teens: We are stocking three backpacks with essentials for teenagers who are living on the streets, to be distributed through the Transition Education Program, a program of the Madison school district to support homeless kids and youth. Check out the display in the Gathering Area and take a tag or two for items you’d like to provide. In addition to the individual items, we are looking for a team to assemble three first-aid kits. We would like to gather all items by Sunday, February 7.

Do you love getting books into the hands of readers? Our St. Dunstan’s Little Free Library is seeking a new co-Librarian, or two. The Library sits on the southeast corner of our property, at Old Middleton Road and St. Dunstan Drive, and can be reached by car or on foot through our woods. The Library needs to be checked and restocked (every few weeks in winter, perhaps weekly in nice weather), and this task can easily be shared by a small team of helpers. Members and friends of St. Dunstan’s donate used books to put in our Library. Please talk to Rev. Miranda To get involved!


Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, January 22, 6pm: Join our monthly get-together as we dine at area restaurants and enjoy good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at Sa-Bai Thong at 6802 Odana Road in Madison.

Annual Parish Meeting, Sunday, January 24, 9am: Come to hear parish updates, including the 2016 budget, and help elect our parish leaders. All are welcome to attend!

Youth Lunch & Learn starts Sunday, January 24! Rev. Miranda invites the 10-and-up youth of the parish to meet with her for lunch after church once a month. We’ll dig into faith, Scripture, life, and our questions about all three. We’ll wrap up by 1pm, and we can arrange rides if that helps.

Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday, January 24, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the gathering area.

Recovery Eucharist, Sunday, January 31, 6pm: The Recovery Eucharist, celebrated in many churches, is designed for those recovering from any addiction and for those who support them in their recovery. Elements of the service are drawn from the Book of Common Prayer and the 12 Step readings. Our first Recovery Eucharist falls on the feast day of Samuel Shoemaker (1893-1963), who contributed to the growth of the Twelve Step movement. The Eucharist will be celebrated with grape juice instead of wine. All are welcome; feel free to invite a friend.

Understanding Racial Disparities in Dane County, Thursday, Feb. 25, 11am, St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, Middleton: Ken Taylor of the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, which produced the Race to Equity report, and Percy Brown, who works with equity issues in the Middleton school district, will offer a presentation for all those interested in learning more about the barriers to racial equity in our local communities. A $5 donation is requested. Please RSVP to Rev. Miranda at or 238-2781 so that we can let St. Luke’s know how many we are bringing and make provisions for lunch!