Palm and Passion Sunday, March 20, 8 and 10am: We begin our liturgy with a Palm Procession, recalling Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, then proceed to the reading of the Passion Gospel according to Mark. This is a solemn, powerful service, and our doorway into Holy Week. People of all ages are welcome in this liturgy.
Sunday School, 10am: This week, we invite kids, ages 3 to 6, to come down to our Godly Play classroom for the Faces of Easter lesson, an exploration of the Easter story for young children. Kids, ages 7 and up, are invited to remain in church for the reading of the Passion Gospel, then go out for a time of responding to the story in their classroom.
Easter Flower Sign-Up – Last Chance: Thanks for your dedications and gifts! The deadline for dedications is this Sunday, March 20. Flower donations may also now be made online at giving link,
Middle School Lunch & Learn, Sunday, March 20, 12-1pm: Rev. Miranda invites the 10-and-up youth of the parish to meet with her for lunch after church once a month. We’ll dig into faith, Scripture, life, and our questions about all three. We’ll wrap up by 1pm. Rides home can be arranged for kids who need them.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, March 20, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.
Younger Adults Meet-up at the Vintage, Sunday, March 20, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.
Maundy Thursday, Thursday, March 24, 6pm: In our Maundy liturgy, we will walk through Jesus’ final evening with his friends before his arrest, including a simple shared meal, foot washing (optional), and the stripping of the altar.
- Sign up in the Gathering Area if you’d like to contribute to the meal or help with cleanup after the service.
- Please bring 30 pieces of change (dimes, nickels, pennies) – or just a handful.
- People of all ages are welcome in this liturgy.
Night watch Vigil Sign-Up: From 8:30pm till midnight on Thursday, March 24, following our Maundy Thursday service, and from 6am till noon on Good Friday, March 25, members of St. Dunstan’s will keep a vigil of prayer in the church, in pairs. Sign up in the Gathering Area for your desired shift. Come in silence, sit or kneel in silence, depart in silence. Reading material will be provided. Talk to Connie Ott with any questions.
Good Friday Liturgies, Friday, March 25, 12 noon and 7pm: A solemn liturgy recalling Christ’s death on the cross. Our 7pm service is followed by the Good Friday Wake, a one-hour vigil in which we honor Jesus’ death and remember our own beloved dead. Reflect on the poetry, art, and Scripture of Jesus’ death and the grief of his friends. Hot cross buns and tea will be served.
Friday, March 25, 4pm, Children’s Good Friday Service: This service is best for kids ages 3 to 10. We will walk the Stations of the Cross together, exploring the story and what it means to us.
The Great Vigil of Easter, Saturday, March 26, 8pm: The Easter Vigil is one of Christianity’s most ancient and beautiful liturgies: fire and water, music and art, darkness and light, death and resurrection! Please bring bells and noisemakers. We will use INCENSE at this liturgy. The Great Vigil liturgy is appropriate for adults, youth, and older kids; it is about two hours long.
Easter Sunday, Sunday, March 27, 8am & 10am: Celebrate Easter with the St. Dunstan’s community! After each service, there will be an Easter egg hunt for children. Visitors and guests are very welcome!
Holy Week Offerings: As is our custom, offerings made during our Holy Week services will go to support particular agencies and ministries. Maundy Thursday offerings will go to Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) here in Madison. Good Friday offerings will go to the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Easter Vigil offerings will go to Episcopal Relief & Development. Thank you for your generosity.
The Great Three Days (Triduum)
Thursday, March 24 – Maundy Thursday – 6:00pm: Maundy Meal & Worship
Friday, March 25 – Good Friday – 12pm, 4pm & 7pm: Good Friday services. Children are encouraged to attend the 4pm service
Saturday, March 26 – Holy Saturday – 8pm: Great Vigil of Easter
Sunday, March 27 – Easter Sunday – Egg hunt for children follows both 8am & 10am services
Outreach Committee Open Meeting Invitation, Saturday, April 2, 8:00am: The Outreach Committee at St. Dunstan’s oversees and coordinates all the many ways that the people of St. Dunstan’s serve those in need beyond our parish, by sharing our time and skills as volunteers and by giving funds and other resources. Outreach Committee meetings are always open to interested folk, but we especially invite those who would like to learn more or get involved to attend our upcoming meeting. We’ll offer an overview of our core ministries, and we’d love to hear about your ideas or passions! We gather with a simple potluck breakfast at 8am, then move into the meeting proper at 8:30am.
Retirement Celebration for Deacon Sybil: The Rev. Sybil Robinson is a much-beloved elder of our parish, an Episcopal deacon, and a retired professor of theater and drama. Sybil has proclaimed the Gospel faithfully for us for many years, even at the age of ninety-one. Sybil will soon retire from serving in this capacity, though she will continue to worship with us as she is able. We will have a celebration of Sybil’s ministry on Sunday, April 3. Please thank Sybil for the blessing of her beautiful and well-trained voice, all these years!
Easter Season 2016: Healing Democracy, One Heart at a Time
On Sundays at 9am in Easter Season, starting on April 10, we will explore techniques for creating safe spaces in which to talk honestly, strive to transcend partisanship and reconnect as human beings across the political gulfs that divide us. We’ll experiment with five habits that author Parker Palmer believes will help heal our hearts and the collective heart of our nation:
- An understanding that we are all in this together.
- An appreciation of the value of otherness.
- An ability to hold tension in life-giving ways.
- A sense of personal voice or agency.
- A capacity to create community.
In a year of contentious politics, let’s claim this opportunity to engage in deep conversation and strengthen the ties connecting our faith, our hearts, our convictions and our communities. Watch this space for more details, but please consider participating in the weeks ahead!