Announcements, April 28


Healing Democracy, One Heart at a Time, 9am: We will explore techniques for creating safe spaces in which to talk honestly and reconnect as human beings across our differences. All are welcome!

Healing Prayers: Today, one of our ministers will offer healing prayers for those who wish to receive prayers for themselves or on behalf of others.

Birthdays and anniversaries will be honored today, as is our custom on the first Sunday of every month. Come forward after the Announcements to receive a blessing and the community’s prayers.

MOM Special Offering: This Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry.  Here are the current top-ten, most needed items: pouch/canned meat, sugar, size 6 diapers, meals in a can, ketchup/mayonnaise, canned potatoes (any variety), laundry detergent, non-perishable lactose free milk, plastic grocery bags, paper grocery bags. Thank you for all your support!

An Introduction to Charitable Giving, 11:30am: Come for lunch with several of the folk of St. Dunstan’s who have expertise in the areas of financial management, charitable giving, and taxes. They’ll outline the logistics of different ways of giving to your favorite organizations or causes, different kinds of gifts, and tax implications of giving. Questions welcome too! Folks of all ages and incomes are encouraged to come; child care is provided.

Backpack Snack Pack, Sunday, 12pm: Every month St. Dunstanites of all ages help pack Backpack Snack Packs for local school children from low-income households, so that they have nutritious snacks available over the weekend. We’ll work in the Meeting Room following the 10am service.

Evening Eucharist, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins.

Ascension Eucharist, Thursday, May 5, 5:30pm: Celebrate a festive service on the Feast of the Ascension, with our Thursday evening “Sandbox Worship” community. A simple meal will follow.

Lost & Found:  Please take a moment to look in the lost and found box and reclaim your items. There are many items including several hats and gloves, a knit scarf, a stuffed animal, a couple of umbrellas and a carry-all. Unclaimed items will be given away after May 8th.

Altar Flowers: April and May dates available! Honor a loved one or a special event with altar flowers. Reserve your special date by writing your dedication on the sign-up sheet. Suggested donation is $35. Write “flowers” on the memo line of your check or on envelope containing cash, or donate online at

St. Dunstan’s Diaper Drive, April 17 – May 8: Imagine having to choose whether to pay rent, pay utilities, buy food, or buy diapers for your baby or toddler. Nearly 1 in 3 American families struggle to afford enough diapers, which cannot be purchased with food stamps. Learn more by reading today’s bulletin insert. We are having a diaper drive for sizes 4, 5, and 6 from April 17 until Mother’s Day, May 8. We will donate the diapers to pantries around the area, including Allied Drive Food Pantry, Kennedy Heights, and MOM (if needed). You can shop around for a great deal ($.20 or less per diaper) or make a check or online donation to St. Dunstan’s designated for the Diaper Drive and let our skilled diaper shoppers do the shopping! We’ll dedicate all our gifts on Mother’s Day. Thanks for your support!


Proclaiming Love in a Polarized World: An Open Meeting with the Bishop, Wednesday, May 4, St. Dunstan’s Church, 6:30 – 8:00pm: Our bishop Steven Miller will be making his annual visit to St. Dunstan’s next month. All members of St. Dunstan’s are invited to an open conversation, over tea and cookies, about how to be witnesses for a loving God in a time of so much polarization and division in our public life.

Guest Preacher Fred-Allen Self, Sunday, May 8: Fred-Allen is a friend of St. Dunstan’s and is a Progressive Christian Alliance Pastor. We welcome Fred-Allen and his words for us! Fred-Allen will preach at both services.

Healing Democracy, One Heart at a Time, Sunday, May 8, 9am: We will explore techniques for creating safe spaces in which to talk honestly and reconnect as human beings across our differences. All welcome!

Sunday School, Sunday, May 8, 10am: Next week, our 3-5 year old class will be learning about the Mystery of Pentecost, while our 6 – 10 year old class will hear about the early church community in Acts.

Words in Season: Mothers – All Kinds, Sunday, May 8, 11am: Dear performance and poetry loving members of St. Dunstan’s, join us for a seasonal celebration of words and the spirit. Daniel Hanson and Evy Gildrie-Voyles invite you to bring a poem to share, loosely connected to our theme of Mothers – all kinds: good and bad, yours or somebody else’s, real or metaphorical. If your chosen poem is long, please consider reading a selected portion, to allow time for all to share. We will share our poems in the Nave after folks have had a chance to get a bite to eat at Coffee Hour. All ages are welcome to participate. No memorizing is necessary.

Spirituality of Parenting Lunch, Sunday, May 8, 12 noon: All who seek meaning in the journey of parenthood (at any age or stage) are welcome to come for food and conversation. Child care and a simple meal provided.

Julian Gathering, Wednesday, May 11, 7:15-9pm: What is a Julian Gathering?  They are for all who want to deepen their life of faith through the practice of contemplative prayer, for beginners as well as those already practicing. Don’t worry if you’ve never practiced silent prayer before, we can set your mind at ease.

Men’s Book Group, ANOTHER DATE CHANGE Saturday, May 14, 10am: The book is English Creek by Ivan Doig. A long-kept family secret leads to events that end in a forest fire and a stunning climax.

Spring Clean-up Day, Sunday, May 15, 12-2pm: Join us after the 10 am service to put some “sweat equity” into tending our beautiful buildings and grounds. Wear or bring your scruffy clothes and work gloves. Lunch will be provided! A list of tasks will be posted in the Gathering Area by Sunday the 1st. We will also have a Pre-Clean-Up Day on Saturday, May 14, from 9am to noon, to do some prep work for the parish work day and some of the more skilled work needed on our grounds.

St. Dunstan’s Day All-Ages Worship & Hat and Tie Sunday, May 22:  We will celebrate the feast day of our saint, Dunstan, on Sunday, May 22. You’re invited to mark the occasion by dressing up with a fancy hat and/or tie – wear your own or borrow one from the collection at church. We will formally welcome new members on this festive day. We will also take up a special collection for scholarships for the Diocese of Milwaukee’s camp program, Camp Webb. It’s our custom to take photos of the whole congregation after the 10am service that Sunday; we hope you’ll stay a few moments to participate.

Parish Picnic, Sunday, June 12, 12:00pm: Come for good food and good conversation at our annual June parish picnic.  We’ll have good food and fun activities for all ages, including a balloon artist! The picnic will happen rain or shine. Mark your calendar and watch for more details!