END OF YEAR PARISH PICNIC! Sunday, June 12, 11:30 – 1pm: Come for good food and good conversation at our annual June parish picnic. Bring something to share, if convenient – a bag of chips, a salad, a favorite dessert. Drinks, pulled pork and egg salad sandwiches will be provided. Activities include a balloon artist and photo booth! The picnic will happen rain or shine.
Sunday School, Sunday, June 12, 10am: Our Godly Play classroom (ages 3 – 5) will hear about “The Part that Hasn’t Been Written Yet,” while our elementary group will learn about the prophet Elijah. This will be our last regular Sunday school session until September.
Funeral Liturgy for the Rev. Dr. Sybil Robison, Sunday, June 12, 4pm: Sybil’s life and ministry will be honored with a service at St. Dunstan’s Church. Bishop Steven Miller will preside, to honor Sybil’s vocation as a deacon.
Take Out Church: Summer means many of our households head out for various adventures and expeditions. When you can’t be here, take church with you! Our Take Out Church boxes contain several ways to practice your faith when you’re not at church, including a “Flat Dunstan” (take a picture of him at the places you visit, and we’ll post it at Church!), meditative coloring pages, and a Christian Practices punch card. Take Out Church is for all ages. One box per household; if you need extra coloring pages, ask Rev. Miranda. Take Out church is a gift to you, but if you wish you may make a $3 donation to help cover material costs.
Neighbors in Faith, Grace Episcopal Church, Wednesday, June 15, 12pm: As Rev. Franklin Graham holds a rally on Capitol Square, join with Madisonians of all faiths to pray for peace, civility, and the common good, and to share a vision for an America that welcomes people of all backgrounds and belief systems, and where all people can thrive and pursue happiness. Speakers will include Rev. Stephen Marsh, Rabbi Jonathan Biatch, Rabbi Bonnie Margulis, and Sheik Alhagie Jallow. This event has been organized by the Episcopal churches of the greater Madison area. All are welcome to attend.
Summer Thursday Evening Eucharist and Supper, 5:30-7pm: Got weekend plans? Come to church Thursday evening for an information Eucharist (outdoors, if weather permits!) and simple meal. Starting June 16, our Thursday evening Sandbox Worship will include an informal Eucharist every week. We also plan to worship outdoors as much as possible. All ages very welcome; dinner provided. If you have special dietary needs, let Rev. Miranda know, and if you like to cook you can sign up to contribute to a meal sometime.
Musical Test Kitchen & BatWatch, Thursday evening, June 16, 7pm – 9pm: A Musical Test Kitchen is an opportunity to try out some paperless songs, either as a leader or a singer. If you’ve enjoyed some of our “paperless” songs at St. Dunstan’s or are curious to learn more about what we mean by “paperless” music, come along and join the singing! As twilight falls we’ll move outside for our early summer BatWatch, to count the bats emerging from our local bat residence, a useful measure of the health of the colony. We’ll have a fire & S’mores. All ages welcome; feel free to come when you can & leave when you need to.
All Ages Worship, Sunday, June 19, 10am: Our Last Sunday worship will be celebrated a week early this month due to Rev. Miranda’s vacation. We’ll explore the Prophet Elijah and his relationship with King Ahab. This service is intended especially to help kids (and grownups who are new to our pattern of worship) to engage and participate fully. NOTE: Our 8am service always follows our regular order of worship.
Greeters for First and Third Sundays Needed! If you enjoy making people feel welcome and at home, please consider becoming a Sunday greeter.
Coffee Hosts Needed! Please consider being a coffee host. Sign-up sheets for upcoming Sundays can be found in the Gathering Area. Thanks!
Rector’s Discretionary Fund offering, Sunday, June 19: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund this day and on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Please give generously.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, June 19, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.
Younger Adult Meetup at the Vintage, Sunday, June 19, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.
The Thrilling Adventures of Tobias and Sarah! Vacation Bible & Arts School, 5:30 – 7:30pm, July 30 – August 4. We are designing our own VBS this year, focusing on the book of Tobit, a rousing story of faith, adventure, risk, romance, and mystery, from a part of the Bible known as the Apocrypha. Drama, art, and outreach will be integrated into our curriculum. Kids ages 3 to 10 are welcome to participate; need not be members of St. Dunstan’s. Registration forms will be available soon. We will also be inviting the adults of the parish into study and artistic engagement with the book of Tobit this summer; watch for more information!
40th Annual Women’s Mini Week – Surprised by Joy! – August 11 – 14, 2016, Camp Lakotah, Wautoma, Wisconsin: This is your time to retreat from your everyday routines, to allow discoveries and friendships to refresh you, to find comfortable activity or blissful quiet. Registration forms are in the Gathering Area. For more information, see the website at .