Announcements, January 5


Epiphany Service of Light, Friday, January 6, 5:30pm: Join us as we share the story of the Wise Men who came to honor the infant Jesus, and of how the light of Christ has spread through time and space all the way to here & now! A simple meal will follow the service; feel free to bring something to share. All are welcome. Talk to Rev. Miranda or Sharon Henes if you’d like to be a reader for this service.

Sunday School, Sunday, January 8, 10am: This Sunday, our 3 year olds to kindergarten class will learn about Epiphany, while our Elementary classes will reflect together on the baptism of Jesus.

Epiphany Pageant Practice: There will be a rehearsal after church at 11:30am this Sunday the 8th.  All kids are welcome to participate!

Looking for Coffee Hosts for January 2017 and Beyond! Consider being a coffee host and talk with Janet Bybee for more information.

Vestry nominations are open! Would you be interested in serving on our vestry, our church’s governing body? Is there someone else you think would be a great candidate? Job descriptions and a box for nominations are in the Gathering Area. Open nominations will run throughout December.  We will be electing two new vestry members in January 2017. Wardens and Diocesan Convention deputies must be elected every year, so candidates for Junior and Senior Warden may also be nominated.

Call for Annual Report Submissions: Every year in December/January, we invite our ministry leaders to submit a paragraph or two about what their ministry is and what they’ve done in the past year, and compile those reports into an Annual Report, shared with the congregation in advance of our parish Annual Meeting (9am on Sunday, January 22). This year we thought we’d cast the net more widely. If you have something you’d like to share, as a special moment, thanksgiving, or success to share, whether from a particular ministry or just something from the life of this household of faith, you’re welcome to submit it to . The deadline for all Annual Report materials is Friday, January 13.


Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, January 11, 1:00-3:00pm (NOTE time change): St. Julian of Norwich: 14th Century psychologist? Sort of . . . she understood the human heart and, through her sixteen revelations of Jesus, she understood the heart of God. Come to one of our monthly meetings and learn about St. Julian and contemplative prayer. We meet the second Wednesday of each month. We’d love to see you.

Your Favorite Lecture: Dr. Mariana Hewson, 9am, Sunday, January 15: “Your Favorite Lecture” is an occasional 9am opportunity for some of our many members who are scholars, educators, and thinkers of deep thoughts to talk about things they love to talk about. Mariana Hewson, a scholar of indigenous healing traditions, will read a story she has written. All are welcome!

Epiphany Pageant, Sunday, January 15: The children of St. Dunstan’s will present a pageant telling the story of Jesus’ birth and the visit of the Wise Men on Sunday, January 15. All kids are welcome to participate!

Spirituality of Parent Lunch, Sunday, January 15, 11:30am: All who seek meaning in the journey of parenthood (at any age or stage) are welcome to come for food and conversation. Child care and a simple meal provided.

Rector’s Discretionary Fund Offering, Sunday, January 15: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund this day and on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Please give generously.

Evening Eucharist, Sunday, January 15, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.

Young Adult Meetup at the Vintage, Sunday, January 15, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney way. Friends and partners welcome too.

Annual Parish Meeting, Sunday, January 22, 9am: Come to hear parish updates, including the 2017 budget, and help elect our parish leaders. All are welcome to attend!

Christian Formation Committee Meeting, Sunday, January 22, 11:45am: Our Christian Formation Committee will meet to review and plan programs, especially for Lent, Easter and beyond. All interested people are welcome to attend and participate.

Church Book Club meeting, Saturday, January 28, 10am: The book is La Rose by Louise Erdrich. In this literary masterwork, Louise Erdrich wields her breathtaking narrative magic in an emotionally haunting contemporary tale of a tragic accident, a demand for justice, and a profound act of atonement with ancient roots in Native American culture. For more information, contact Jim Hindle.

Candlemas Last Sunday Worship, Sunday, January 29: We will celebrate Candlemas with a brief story and candle-lighting prayers at the end of our 10am liturgy. Bring your flashlights and emergency candles from home to be blessed! We also plan to have a candle-making station set up for people to make a small set of candles to take home.