Announcements, April 6


Stations of the Cross & Supper, Thursday, April 6, 5:30pm: All are invited to come walk the Stations of the Cross in our nave at St. Dunstan’s, sharing Scripture, prayer, song, and meditations from Christian tradition. We will share a simple meal after praying the Stations. This event is this week’s Sandbox worship, our regular Thursday evening gathering.

The Stations of the Cross in Downtown Madison, Friday, April 7, 12pm: Walk the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross on the streets of a modern city.  As we walk the fourteen traditional Stations of the Cross, we will reflect together on how we can trace those events in the geography of Madison today – our issues, stories and struggles. We will start on the sidewalk near Way of the Cross Park, at the corner of Henry, across from the Overture Center, and end in the garden at Grace Church on the square. The total walk will be about 1.5 miles, and it takes about 1 hour. All are welcome. If you would like to read one of the stations, talk with the Rev. Miranda Hassett.

Palm Saturday, Saturday, April 8, 11am-12pm: Kids, parents, grandparents and friends are invited to make Easter Crafts and communion bread, and to take part in a gentle, age-appropriate and participatory telling of the whole Easter story, presented by the youth and adults of our church. This event is best suited for kids ages 3 to 10; our Middle Schoolers are invited to help present the Easter pageant. All are welcome!

Palm and Passion Sunday, April 9, 8 and 10am: We begin our liturgy with a Palm Procession, recalling Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, then proceed to the reading of the Passion Gospel according to Mark. This is a solemn and powerful service, and our doorway into Holy Week.

Sunday School, Sunday, April 9, 10am: This Sunday, our 3 year olds to kindergarten class will learn about the Faces of Easter, while our Elementary class will explore Palm and Passion Sunday. Older children are invited to stay in church for the Passion Gospel.

Maundy Thursday Meal Sign-up: Our Maundy Thursday liturgy (April 13, 6pm) includes a shared meal as we remember Jesus’ final meal with his friends before his crucifixion. Sign up in the Gathering Area to contribute lentil soup, hummus, olives, or other items. Thanks for all your offerings!

Night watch Vigil Sign-Up: From 9pm – midnight on Thursday, April 13, following our Maundy Thursday service, and from 6am – noon on Good Friday, April 14, members of St. Dunstan’s will keep a vigil of prayer in the church, in pairs. Sign up in the Gathering Area for your desired shift. Talk with Connie Ott with any questions.

Easter Flower Dedications Due by Wednesday, April 12: If you’d like to make a donation towards our Easter flowers, in memory or in honor of a beloved person or special occasion, please sign up in the Gathering Area or contact the church office at 238-2781 or . Suggested donation is $25. All dedications must be received by next Wednesday.

Looking for Coffee Hosts for Easter and for April 30, 2017! Please consider being a coffee host. We especially need people for Easter and the last Sunday in April. Contact Janet Bybee  for more information.

The Holy Ground Project: Several people have “staked out” their spots to visit on our grounds, over the course of this season – and some have started to note their observations of nature, here or around town, in our parish Nature Observation Book in the Gathering Area. If you would like to participate, take a wooden stake  and claim a spot – or pick one of the stakes already out on the grounds. Visit every week or so and look closely, to see nature at work as first spring, and then summer, unfolds.

Madison-Area Julian Gathering, April 12, 1:00-2:45 PM: Julian of Norwich was a 15th Century English mystic who wrote a book about a series of revelations which opened her to the depths of God’s unconditional love for us.  At a Julian Gathering we support each other in the practice of contemplative spirituality.  Each meeting includes time for contemplative prayer, fellowship, and reading/discussion of Julian’s book.


Sunday, April 9 – Palm & Passion Sunday

Thursday, April 13, 6pm: Maundy Thursday Meal & Worship

               Offerings will go to Briarpatch Youth Services.

Friday, April 14 – Good Friday

12pm, 4pm & 7pm Good Friday services

Children are encouraged to attend the 4pm service.

               Offerings will go to the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East.

Saturday, April 15 – Holy Saturday

8pm: Great Vigil of Easter. Light incense will be used.

               A portion of our offerings will go to Episcopal Relief & Development.

Sunday, April 16 – Easter Sunday

Egg hunt for children follows both 8am & 10am services


Looking for Greeters: Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s off to work we go! Well it’s really not work, more like fun. We’re looking for some of you who might be interested in Greeting on Sunday mornings at the 10am service. Let Bernice Mason know.

Gospel of John Study Group Resumes, April 19 & 26, 6:30-8:30pm at the McAlpine’s: This year the Daily Office Lectionary has us reading the Gospel of John from the last week of Epiphany through the second week of Easter. All are welcome as we conclude our reading of this challenging and important Gospel. We meet at the McAlpine home in Fitchburg; check your directory or call the church office at 238-2781 for more information.

Islam from the Heart of our Muslim Neighbors: Forthright Questions and Honest Answers, Saturday, April 22, 9am – 1pm, hosted by St. Dunstan’s Church: This event, organized by a coalition of local advocacy groups, will be a unique opportunity to meet local Muslims and to ask questions about the practices and beliefs of Islam, to address the many misconceptions that stoke our divisions.

– Helpers wanted for Muslim Neighbors event! We need 2 – 3 St. Dunstan’s folk to open the building, make coffee, and support this event. If you’d like to help out, let Rev. Miranda know or contact the church office at or 238-2781.

Men’s Book Club, Saturday, April 22, 10am: The book is All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren. Warren wrote the book in 1946 to enormous critical acclaim and won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1947. It’s about Huey Pierce Long, Jr., self-nicknamed The Kingfish, who was an American politician who served as the 40th governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and as a member of the United States Senate from 1932 until his death from assassination in 1935. There is something about Huey, his combination of magnificent abilities and a genuine if primitive idealism with bottomless corruption and lust for power, which fascinates the literary was well as the political mind.

Outreach meeting, Saturday, April 29, 8-10am: All are welcome to join our conversations about how St. Dunstan’s can best serve the world with our resources and our hands. We begin with an optional potluck breakfast at 8am.

Spring Clean-Up Day, Sunday, May 7, 12-2pm: Join us after the 10 am service to enjoy a time of shared work on our beautiful grounds, tidying them up and preparing for the growing season. A list of tasks will be posted in the Gathering Area ahead of time. Wear or bring your scruffy clothes and work gloves. Lunch will be provided! A list of tasks will be posted by Sunday, April 23rd.

– Lunch Host(s) Needed for Clean-Up Day! Would you like to prepare a simple meal to feed our workers? We could use your help. Food expenses can be reimbursed. Contact Rev. Miranda at 238-2781.