Ascension Eucharist, Thursday, May 25, 5:30pm: Celebrate a festive service on the Feast of the Ascension, with our Thursday evening “Sandbox Worship” community. A simple meal will follow.
Christian Formation Committee Meeting, Thursday, May 25, 7pm: Our Christian Formation Committee will meet to review and plan our summer and fall Christian Formation programs. All interested people are welcome to attend and participate.
Sunday School, Sunday, May 28, 10am: Our Sunday school classes will learn the story of Pentecost, in anticipation of our celebration on June 4.
Retirement Celebration for Martin, Sunday, May 28, Coffee Hour: Martin Ganschow, our Organist & Choir Director, is retiring from his role here after seven committed and fruitful years. We will celebrate Martin’s service and thank him with a festive coffee hour.
A Reminder to Ask Each Other’s Names! We are a growing parish and it’s OK to say, “Hi, I don’t know if we’ve met, I’m ____!” (Or alternately, “Hi, I know we’ve met but help me with your name once more; I’m ____!”) Rev. Miranda can attest that you are all really interesting and lovely people, and well worth getting to know. If you have a name tag, please remember to wear it, and if you don’t have one and would like one, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board under the big calendar in the Gathering Area.
Middle School Lunch & Learn, Sunday, May 28, 12-1pm: Rev. Miranda invites the 10-and-up youth of the parish to meet with her for lunch after church. We’ll dig into faith, Scripture, life, and our questions about all three. We’ll wrap up by 1pm, and we can arrange rides home for the kids if that helps the parents’ schedules.
Teen Clothing Drive for GSAFE: Do you have clothing collecting dust in your closet? Eager to support transgender teenagers struggling to build a wardrobe that makes them feel confident? Swing by St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church on Sunday, May 28th between 1pm-4pm to donate your gently used, teen-friendly clothing to GSAFE’s Youth Leadership Board for their clothing swap events!
Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday, May 28, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. To learn more, talk with Rose Mueller.
Coffee Hosts Needed in June: Please consider being a coffee host. If you would like to partner with someone for coffee host, please put your name in the column for a partner on the sign-up sheet. For more information, talk with Janet Bybee.
Evening Arts & Music Fundraiser, Friday, June 16: Some of the musicians and artists of St. Dunstan’s are organizing an evening event to raise funds for Voces de la Frontera, a community organization that focuses on the needs of immigrants in Wisconsin. We will have art and crafts for sale, and musical performances. If you’d like to contribute items for the sale, or share a performance of music or other original work, sign up in the Gathering Area or contact Phil Hassett.
Summer Flower Sign-Up: From June through August, we are trying something new with our altar flowers. We invite members to sign up to *bring* flowers, instead of ordering them through our florist as usual. During these months, local flowers are readily available, at the farmer’s market or in your own gardens. We are planting some flowers on the church grounds as well, which can certainly be used! If you’d like to contribute flowers, simply sign up for your chosen Sunday. You can still make a dedication, and we will include it in the bulletin as usual. You may use your own vase, or one of the vases here at church. Please take your flowers home, or give them to a friend, after the 10am service. Questions? Talk with Gail Jordan-Jones or Rev. Miranda.
St. Dunstan’s Second Annual Diaper Drive, May 14 – June 18: We are having a diaper drive for sizes 4, 5, and 6 from Mother’s Day, May 14 to Father’s Day, June 18. We will donate the diapers to pantries around the area, including Allied Drive Food Pantry and MOM. You can shop around for a great deal ($.20 or less per diaper) or make a check or online donation to St. Dunstan’s designated for the Diaper Drive and let our skilled diaper shoppers do the shopping! We’ll dedicate all our gifts on Father’s Day. Thanks for your support!
Bat Count, Friday, June 2, 8 – 9pm: Come hang out and count the bats emerging from the colony on our property. This is part of a statewide bat count to monitor bat populations, so it’s both science and a chance to get to know our (flying) neighbors. All are welcome!
Pentecost Sunday All-Ages Worship, June 4: On this feast day we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church, and celebrate the Spirit’s continued action among us. Red is the church’s color for this holy day; consider wearing something red for church!
Come at 9:30 if you’d like to help act out one of the readings!
Anniversary and Birthday blessings and Healing Prayers will be given on Sunday, June 4, as is our custom on the first Sunday of the month.
MOM Special Offering, Sunday, June 4: Next Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. Here are the current top-ten most needed items: toilet paper & paper towels; shelf-stable dairy/non-dairy beverages; oil and butter; whole grains (rice, quinoa, barley); nut butter (other than peanuts – allergy); ketchup & mayonnaise; dried lentils, garbanzo or black beans; canned tomato products; prepared meals in cans or boxes; baking supplies and mixes. Thank you for all your support!
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, June 4, 6pm: Join us for a simple service as the week begins. All are welcome.
Parish Picnic, Sunday, June 11, 12:00pm: Come for good food and good conversation at our annual June parish picnic. We’ll have fun activities for all ages, including our favorite face painter! Bring something to share, if convenient – a bag of chips, a salad, a favorite dessert. Drinks and a main dish will be provided. The picnic will happen rain or shine. Mark your calendar and watch for more details!
Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, June 14, 1-2:45pm: Julian understood the human heart and, through her sixteen revelations of Jesus, she understood the heart of God. Thomas Merton called her “the greatest theologian for our time.” Come to one of our monthly meetings and find out why—and learn about contemplative prayer. We’d love to see you. For more information, contact Susan Fiore.
Men’s Book Group, Saturday, June 17, 3pm: Candice Millard’s third book, “Hero of the Empire: The Boer War, a Daring Escape and the Making of Winston Churchill,” would make a fine movie, though Richard Attenborough did, in a sense, get there first. In 1972, he made “Young Winston”, drawn from Churchill’s own account of his early life, and it includes the same material Ms. Millard recounts so thrillingly: the future prime minister’s brash heroics in the South African Republic in 1899, which culminated in a prison break and nine days on the lam. Have a good read.
1 Samuel Study Group, Wednesday nights, June 21-July 26, 6:30-8:30 PM: Gather with a friendly group to explore the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel – a rich and complex tale of the rise and fall of kings. The study group is hosted by the McAlpines at their home in Fitchburg, about five minutes from the intersection of the Beltline and Verona Road. There will be a sample lesson on Sunday, June 4, at 9am; come try it out!
Vacation Bible School: The Story of Jonah, July 30 – August 3: Our Vacation Bible School this summer is planned for Sunday, July 30, through Thursday, August 3. We’ll meet in the evenings – likely 5:30 to 7:30pm, as in previous years. Keep these dates in mind as you make your summer plans! Kids ages 3 to 10 are welcome to participate; middle school and older kids will be involved as actors and helpers.