Announcements for E-news: If you have an announcement you would like to see in the weekly e-news or the Sunday News and Notes, we are happy to include it. Send announcements to the office at . We ask that all announcements be submitted by the end of the day on Wednesday, because we prepare the E-news and News & Notes on Thursday morning. If you have an announcement or event you’d like to share but are uncertain whether it’s appropriate for the e-news, you can send it to Rev. Miranda.
Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, July 28, 6pm: Come join us for good food and good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we’ll meet at The Great Dane at Hilldale, 357 Price Place. For more information, please contact Kathy Whitt or Debra Martinez .
Bat Count, Friday, July 28, 8 – 9pm: Come hang out and count the bats emerging from the colony on our property. This is part of a statewide bat count to monitor bat populations, so it’s both science and a chance to get to know our (flying) neighbors. All are welcome!
My Immigrant Story – Alex Surasky-Ysasi: You shall love the stranger living among you, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt (Leviticus 19). Our Scriptures and our God call us to treat immigrants with kindness and respect – remembering that we or our ancestors were once immigrants seeking a new home. To help us understand the lives, needs, and fears of our immigrant neighbors, members of St. Dunstan’s will be sharing their own “how I got here” stories in the weeks ahead, during our Announcement time. This Sunday, Alex Surasky-Ysasi will reflect on her family’s story. If you have a story to share, talk to Rev. Miranda or Evy Gildrie-Voyles.
Vacation Bible School: The Story of Jonah, July 30 – August 3: Our Vacation Bible School this summer is planned for Sunday, July 30, through Thursday, August 3. We’ll meet in the evenings – likely 5:30 to 7:30pm, as in previous years. Keep these dates in mind as you make your summer plans! Kids ages 3 to 10 are welcome to participate; middle school and older kids will be involved as actors and helpers.
The Book of Jonah Dinner Theater, Thursday, August 3, 5:30pm: As the concluding evening of our Bible, Arts & Science Camp, parents of campers and members of the parish are invited to come share a simple supper, watch our Jonah drama, and learn from our campers about what they’ve done all week. All are welcome! You can bring a side dish or sweet to contribute to dinner if you’d like but it’s not required. This is our Sandbox Worship this week.
Co-Leader Needed for St. Dunstan’s Group in Madison PRIDE Parade, August 20th: Last year we sent a lively group to march downtown with our church sign and show that we believe God loves everybody, no exceptions. We’d like to organize a group this year, but some key folks are otherwise committed that weekend. If you’d like to help recruit a group, talk to Rev. Miranda or Evy Gildrie-Voyles.
School Supplies for Middleton Outreach Ministry: Although we still have plenty of summer left to enjoy, the ads are encouraging us to think about “Back to School!” And, that means it is time to think about school supply donations for the MOM Backpack program. You are always so generous with your contributions, giving students the chance to have the needed items to succeed in school! Please check the Gathering Space for the collection box and lists of most needed items. Deadline for contributions is SUNDAY, AUGUST 13! THANK YOU!!!
St. Dunstan’s Care Network – Meals Needed: Jess and Nate Viste, new parents to baby Austin, would like our help with meals for the next week or so as they adjust to their new family life. To sign up to help, go to St. Dunstan’s website and click on the “Fellowship and Learning” tab, and select Sharing Meals from the dropdown list. There will be a link to the St. Dunstan’s Care Network where you can sign up for a meal. Thank you so much!
Coffee Hosts Needed for August 27: Please consider being a coffee host. Janet Bybee can explain more. Thanks for lending a hand!
Birthday and Anniversary blessings and Healing Prayers will be given next Sunday, August 6, as is our custom on the first Sunday of the month.
“Good Books” Book Group Meeting, Sunday, August 6, 9am: We’ll have donuts, coffee, juice, and conversation about our two middle-grade chapter books, “Return to Sender” and “A Door in the Wall.” Come chat even if you didn’t read them; you might get interested!
MOM Special Offering, Sunday, August 6: Next Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. Here are the current top-ten most needed items: dried, freeze-dried, and canned fruit; shelf-stable dairy/non-dairy beverages; toilet paper and paper towels; mayonnaise and ketchup; herbs, spices, and salt; spaghetti and pizza sauce; whole grains: rice, quinoa, gluten free pastas; quick-cook prepared sides EX: Knorr’s (veggies/pasta), Zatarain’s (beans/rice); heart-healthy oil (olive, coconut); nut butter, other than peanut (allergies). Thank you for your generous support!
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, August 6, 6pm: Join us for a simple service as the week begins. All are welcome.
Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, August 9, 1:00 – 2:45 PM: St. Julian’s era was one of turmoil and crisis. Yet in the midst of it all, Julian came to believe unshakably that “all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.” Please join us for contemplative prayer and discussion of Julian’s optimistic theology! For more information, contact Susan Fiore. (Julian Gatherings are initiated and supported by the Order of Julian of Norwich, a contemplative monastic order in the Episcopal Church:
41st Annual Women’s Mini Week: Courageous Women of God! August 10 – 13, 2017, Camp Lakotah, Wautoma, Wisconsin: This is your time to retreat from your everyday routines, to allow discoveries and friendships to refresh you, to find comfortable activity or blissful quiet. Registration forms are in the Gathering Area. For further information please contact Rose Mueller, Ellen Rishel or Robin Ertl. Others who can share info are Joan Knudson, Shirley Laedlein, Kathy Whitt, Connie Ott, and Dianne McCoy.