Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, September 22, 6pm: Come join us for good food and good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at Nani’s, 518 Grand Canyon Drive in Madison. For more information, contact Kathy Whitt or Debra Martinez.
Outreach Committee Meeting, Saturday 23, 8-10am: All are welcome to join our conversations about how St. Dunstan’s can best serve the world with our resources and our hands. We begin with an optional potluck breakfast at 8am.
Last Sunday All-Ages Worship, Sunday, September 24, 10am: Our last Sunday worship is intended especially to help kids (and grownups who are new to our pattern of worship) to engage and participate fully. NOTE: Our 8am service always follows our regular order of worship.
Young Adult Meetup at the Vintage, Sunday, September 24, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.
Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday, September 24, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the Gathering Area to help out. To learn more, talk with Rose Mueller.
Kitchen Helper Needed for our Clean-Up Day Lunch, Sunday, Oct. 1! We have a simple meal planned but need 1 or 2 folks who can set food out towards the end of the 10am service, and make sure cleanup happens. If you can help, talk to Rev. Miranda or George Ott, or email .
Sign up now for our Parish Talent Show on Sunday, October 22! The Talent Show follows the 10am liturgy; lunch is included. What will you share? A poem, a song, a dramatic monologue, a unique skill, a dance? A sample of art, craft, tinkering, building, study or science? Group acts are encouraged. Start planning now, and look for a signup in late September!
Sanctuary Task Force: Hospitality towards others is one of the clearest mandates in Scripture. Rev. Miranda is gathering a small group to discern together about how that call speaks to us in this time, by learning more about the new Dane Sanctuary network. If you’re interested, contact Rev. Miranda at 238-2781.
Altar Flowers: fall dates available! We are back to our regular Altar Flower process: flowers will be ordered from the church’s florist. Honor a loved one or a special event with altar flowers. Reserve your special date by writing your dedication on the sign-up sheet. Suggested donation is $35. Write “flowers” on the memo line of your check or on envelope containing cash, or donate online at
Coffee Hosts Needed in October: Please consider being a coffee host! Contact Janet Bybee for more information.
Men’s Book Club, Saturday, September 30, 10am-12pm: The Politics of Resentment by Katherine J. Cramer uncovers an oft-overlooked piece of the political puzzle: rural political consciousness and the resentment of the “liberal elite.” What can look like disagreements about basic political principles are rooted in something even more fundamental: who we are as people and how closely a candidate’s social identity matches our own. Have a good read.
Birthday and Anniversary blessings and Healing Prayers will be given next Sunday, October 1, as is our custom on the first Sunday of the month.
New Members’ Forum, Sunday, October 1, 9am: If you’ve started attending St. Dunstan’s recently and would like to ask questions or just chat and get connected, come to the Meeting Room (all the way to the right, once you come in the main doors to the building) to visit with Rev. Miranda between our 8am and 10am liturgies.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, October 1, 6pm: Join us for a simple service as the week begins. All are welcome.
MOM Special Offer, Sunday, October 1: Next Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. Here are some current most needed items: canned chicken, pork (meat other than fish); boxed meals or soup; toilet paper; baking supplies all types; sugar and honey. Thank you for your generous support!
Fall Clean-up Sunday, October 1, 11:30-1pm: Wear your work clothes to church and stay after with 10am service for a simple lunch (with an overview of tasks to complete while we’re eating), followed by time to work on our grounds. We’ll wrap up by 1:30pm, but you can leave any time you’ve completed your tasks.
Special Guest, Heidi Ropa, Haiti Project, Sunday, October 8, 10am: Heidi is the chair of the Haiti Project, a partnership between the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee and the church and school of St. Marc’s in Jeannette, Haiti. Heidi will visit our elementary Sunday school classes to tell them about St. Marc’s School, then greet the conversation at Announcements during the 10am service. Learn more about the Haiti Project at
Blessing of the Animals Service, Sunday, October 8, 3pm: People and creatures are invited to a short service of song, story, and prayer. Animals should be on a leash or in a carrier. Stuffed animals are welcome as well. Spread the word and invite a friend!
Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, October 11, 1:00 – 2:45pm: Little is known about Julian’s life, but she wrote a book, as far as we know the first in English written by a woman, about a series of revelations which opened her to the depths of God’s unconditional love for us in Jesus Christ. Nearly forgotten for 600 years, Julian’s insights and gentle wisdom are becoming ever more widely known and appreciated. Each Julian Gathering meeting includes time for contemplative prayer, fellowship, and reading/discussion of Julian’s book. We meet the second Wednesday of each month. For additional information, contact Susan Fiore.
Diocesan Convention, Saturday, October 14, 9am – 4:30pm at St. John’s Northwestern Military Academy in Delafield, Wisconsin: All are welcome to attend all or part of the convention! The morning will be devoted to worship and book discussion based on “Just Mercy.” The afternoon session will be the ‘business’ session. Visitors are asked to register. To learn more and register, go to There will be a Pre-Convention informational meeting at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on the East side, on Wednesday, October 4, at 7:30pm.
Candle-Lighting Service to Honor Infertility, Pregnancy & Infant Loss, Sunday, October 15, 6pm: October 15 is widely observed as Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day. We will hold a simple liturgy, with Eucharist and candle-lighting, to mark the day. All are welcome; feel free to invite a friend.