Announcements, November 9

Tonight – Revelation Study Group, Thursday, November 9: (Rev 8-16) What are all these divine judgments for? What, if anything, does martyrdom accomplish? These are among the many questions we might wonder about in chapters 8-16. All are cordially invited to the study of Revelation this Thursday at St. Dunstan’s after Sandbox, 7-8:30 PM. This week focuses on Rev 8-16. Extra copies of the book in manuscript format will be available. There will be some historical orientation, but we’ll mostly focus on trying to hear the text together today. Fr. Tom McAlpine is facilitating.


Childcare, Saturday, November 11, 9am-12:30pm: Looking for some child-free time? The middle school youth group would love to spend time with your child this Saturday at St. Dunstan’s. There is no charge, however, any tips will go towards our summer trip.

Men’s Book Club, Saturday, November 11, 10am-12pm: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, first published in America in January 1885, has always been in trouble. It was condemned by many reviewers in Mark Twain’s time as coarse and by many commentators in our time as racist. But, according to Ernest Hemingway, it was the “one book” from which “all modern American Literature” came, and contemporary critics and scholars have treated it as one of the greatest American works of art.

Fall Gospel Fest, High Point Church, Saturday, Nov. 11, 7:00pm: Chris and Marian Barnes invite any St. Dunstan’s members to meet at their home at 6pm for snacks and fellowship, then continue on to this local concert. Tickets are $30 ahead or $40 at the door. Contact Chris Barnes at with questions, and read more about the event or buy advance tickets here:

Attending to Scripture in the Anthropocene, 9am, Nov. 12 & 26: “Anthropocene” – have you heard this word? In Nature, a top-ranked scientific journal, earth scientist Clive Hamilton writes: “[It arises]…from the new discipline of Earth-system science. Earth-system science takes an integrated approach, so that climate change affects the functioning of not just the atmosphere, but also the hydrosphere, the cryosphere, the biosphere and even the lithosphere…. [the] human imprint on the global environment has now become so large and active that it rivals some of the great forces of Nature in its impact on the functioning of the Earth system.”  Between services in November, Biblical storyteller Pamela Grenfell Smith invites you to listen and reflect on some key Biblical stories with her as people of the Anthropocene Age. What happens when we pay careful attention? How do they sound to us now?

Sunday School, Sunday, November 12, 10am: This Sunday our 3 year olds to kindergarten class will learn about the Ten Best Ways, while our Elementary classes will explore the meanings of the parable of the bridesmaids who didn’t have enough oil for their lamps.

Christmas Cards for Jail Inmates:  Christmas is a bleak time for those who spend the holiday as inmates of the Dane County Jail. Even a simple message of kindness can bring some joy and hope. Our card-writing Station is now set up opposite the kitchen. You can take a moment to write a message while at church, or take home a couple of cards and the card-writing guidelines, and write at home. These cards will be delivered to inmates through an initiative of our sister parish Grace Church. Our goal is to complete at least 100 cards by mid-December.

Black Friday Craft-In: VOLUNTEERS WANTED, Friday, November 24, 1 – 4pm: This year we’ll hold our fourth annual Black Friday Craft-In, a free public crafting event. We can use all kinds of volunteers – whether your skill is sewing, woodworking, stamping, papercrafting, helping little kids with simple crafts, smiling at people and saying “Welcome!”, setting up tables, or putting cookies on plates. If you’d like to plan and set up a craft station of your own, let Rev. Miranda know, and we have some Michael’s gift cards available to help you cover materials expenses. A new hope this year is to help kids make teacher gifts – your ideas needed! Sign up in the Gathering Area to help out, or email Rev. Miranda at .

Revelation Study Group, Thursday, November 16: (Rev 17-20) When we look at Madison, Washington, Beijing, what do we see? Rev 17-20 looks repeatedly at “Babylon”. Do these chapters have any contribution to make to our vision? All are cordially invited to the study of Revelation this Thursday at St. Dunstan’s after Sandbox, 7-8:30pm. Extra copies of the book in manuscript format will be available. There will be some historical orientation, but we’ll mostly focus on trying to hear the text together today.

Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, November 17, 6pm: Come join us for good food and good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at the Nile, a Mediterranean restaurant located at 6119 Odana Road in Madison. For more information, or to arrange a ride, please contact Kathy Whitt or Debra Martinez.

What Does Racism Look Like, and What Can We Do About It? Saturday, November 18, 10 – 11:30am, at St. Dunstan’s: Eliot Smith is a cognitive scientist who studies and teaches about prejudice and stereotyping. He’ll help us understand what racism is from the perspective of social science, and how we can begin the work of change. All are welcome!

Piece Be with You! Fall Giving Campaign Celebration Pie Brunch, Sunday, November 19 at 9am: Please join us between services for an all-parish potluck brunch celebrating the ingathering of pledges for our prayers, hopes, and financial pledges for our parish life in the coming year. We will enjoy fellowship, delicious pies, quiches, and other offerings. Please sign up in the Gathering area to bring your favorite pie or quiche. Thank you!

Sunday school, Sunday, November 19, 10am: Next Sunday, our 3 year olds to kindergarten class will learn about the Exile and Return, while our Elementary classes will wrestle with the Parable of the Talents.

United Thank Offering, Sunday, Nov. 19: Bring in your United Thank Offering Little Blue Box next Sunday. UTO has been a program of the women of the Episcopal Church for 126 years and has granted millions of dollars over the years – all coming from coins of thanksgiving being given over the year – then gathered together by parishes and forwarded to the national UTO Board for granting. If you do not have a box, there will be some on the entrance table as you go into church. If you would like more information about the program, contact Connie Ott.

Rector’s Discretionary Fund Offering, Sunday, November 19: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund this day and on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Please give generously.

Spirituality of Parenting Lunch, Sunday, November 19, 11:30am: All who seek meaning in the journey of parenthood (at any age or stage) are welcome to come for food and conversation. Childcare and a simple meal provided.

Evening Eucharist, Sunday, November 19, 6pm: Join us for a simple service as the week begins. All are welcome.

Young Adult Meetup at the Vintage, Sunday, November 19, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.

Thanksgiving service, Wednesday, November 22, 7pm: There will be a simple Eucharist service on Wednesday evening. All are welcome.

Remembrance Station: Consider bringing in a token of one of those saints whom you remember with love and respect, as an extension of our All Saints commemorations. Our Remembrance Station this year will include a place to hang pictures or notes, and a table where you may place a photo or other memento. Please don’t bring in anything precious or irreplaceable. On Sunday, November 26, we will commend these faithful departed to Christ our King.

Help Feed the Students! Sunday, December 3: St. Dunstan’s is providing dinner for the St. Francis House community in a few weeks. We are asked to provide food for up to 15 people, and we are invited to attend worship with the students at 5pm. Rev. Miranda will be in touch to work out whether you want to drop off your food Sunday morning, or deliver it to St. Francis House and meet the students. Thank you! The students really enjoy the home-cooked meals supplied by area parishes or individuals!

Military and College Student Care Packages: The Youth Group is collecting donations during November to be included in care packages for military personnel and college students. There is a list of suggested items by the donation box. If you have a college student or service member who you would like a care package sent to, please provide name and address to Sharon Henes. The youth will be assembling and mailing the care packages the first week of December. Thank you for your support!

Bring Christmas Cheer to St. Dunstans! Celebrate what’s important to you with a gift that helps us decorate for Christmas and honors a loved one or a special event. Please see the red Christmas Flowers sign-up sheets in the Gathering Area. Write “Christmas Flowers” on the memo line of your check or on the envelope containing cash. Suggested donation is $25.


Capital Campaign Possibilities: Parish Presentation, Sunday, December 3, 9am: At this meeting, the Capital Campaign Discernment Steering Committee, along with our consultant and our architect, will present the ideas we’ve been developing in response to the hopes and needs that the parish has named over the past many months. This presentation – and your responses – will help us decide whether to move forward to the Study phase of the capital campaign. Please plan to attend! NOTE: The 10am liturgy will begin at 10:30 that morning in order to allow sufficient time for our presentation and discussion. If you can’t attend that day, look for materials to come out by email, on our church website, and by snail mail to those who prefer information by that route.