The Capital Campaign Survey Is Coming on February 2! We ask each household in the parish to respond. Responses will go to our partners in this process, the Episcopal Church Foundation, who will use your input to help us understand which parts of the proposed projects are the highest priority for members of the congregation, and what is a realistic goal for fundraising.
The survey will be accompanied by a document summarizing our projects and options, but please take a few moments in the weeks ahead to re-familiarize yourself with plans and details. You can look at the display in the Gathering Area at church, or view the same information on our website:
Annual Parish Meeting, Sunday, January 21, 9am: Come to hear parish updates, including the 2018 budget, and help elect our parish leaders. All are welcome to attend! Child care will be provided during the meeting.
Get your picture taken for a new photo directory! St. Dunstan’s is a growing parish and putting faces to names can help us get to know each other better. We are putting together a photo directory. Father Tom McAlpine will be available to take photos before and after the 10am liturgy on Sunday, Jan. 21 and 28. If you have a photo from home that you would prefer to use, please email it to Pamela in the office at .
Sunday school, Sunday, January 21, 10am: Our younger class will learn about baptism, while our elementary classes continue to explore the theme of being called by God. Sunday school meets during our 10am worship, and kids ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to participate!
Rector’s Discretionary Fund Offering, Sunday, January 21: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund this day and on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Please give generously.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, January 21, 6pm: Join us for a simple service as the week begins. All are welcome.
Young Adult Meetup at the Vintage, Sunday, January 21, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.
Survival Backpacks: We are collecting items to fill backpacks for homeless high school youth in the Madison school system. They need basic necessities in a simple form that they can carry with them. Please check the window in the Gathering Area for items needed. Take a slip, buy the items, and bring them back by Sunday, February 4. Feel free to take more than one slip if you feel able to meet the need. We will also happily accept donations for the most expensive items; please write “Backpack” on the memo line of a check made out to St. Dunstan’s. Thanks for your generosity! Questions? Contact Bonnie Magnuson.
Seeking kids who love to read out loud! We are looking for strong readers, kids and youth, who would like to join the group of people – called lectors – who read our Bible readings out loud in church on their assigned Sundays (usually once every few months). We ask kids to sign up WITH a parent or other adult who will be responsible for responding to emails about scheduling, keeping track of the calendar, and printing out readings (sent by email a few days ahead) for the young reader to practice. If you know a kid who’d like to be a lector, or if you ARE a kid who’d like to be a lector, please let us know by talking to Rev. Miranda .
Pledge envelopes: If you have had pledge/contribution envelopes in the past or requested envelopes on your pledge card, they will be on the table outside the nave door on Sunday. If you would like envelopes please contact Valerie.
The Sandbox Evening Worship, every Thursday at 5:30pm: We gather at 5:30pm for a simple, all-ages Vespers service of candle-lighting, Scripture and prayer. After our prayers, someone shares something: a hands-on project; a favorite song, poem, storybook or image; a practice of prayer; a memory or reflection… there are many options! Afterwards, we eat a simple dinner together (provided, though folks can sign up to bring food if they wish). Our Thursday evenings are a friendly and informal time to build relationships and explore faith. All are welcome.
Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, January 26, 6pm: Come join us for good food and good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at Amber Indian Restaurant on 6913 University Avenue in Madison. For more information, or to arrange a ride, please contact Kathy Whitt or Debra Martinez.
Outreach Committee Meeting, Saturday, January 27, 8-10am: All are welcome to join our conversations about how St. Dunstan’s can best serve the world with our resources and our hands. We begin with an optional potluck breakfast at 8am. Contact Evy Gildrie-Voyles for more information.
Housing & Hope, Sunday, January 28, 9am: High rent is a major contributor to poverty and instability for low-income families in Dane County. Come learn about a concrete, focused way to help from our guest speaker, Sarah Shatz, who coordinates support for low-income families in Middleton and beyond as part of Joining Forces for Families.
Epiphany Pageant & Candlemas Blessing of the Flashlights, Sunday, January 28: The children of St. Dunstan’s will present a pageant telling the story of Jesus’ birth and the visit of the Wise Men on Sunday, January 28. There will be a rehearsal after church on Sunday, January 21. All kids are welcome to participate! We will also celebrate Candlemas with a brief story and candle-lighting prayers at the end of our liturgy. Bring your flashlights and emergency candles from home to be blessed!
Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday, January 28, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the Gathering Area to help out. To learn more, talk with Rose Mueller.
Ash Wednesday services will be at noon, 4pm, and 7pm on Wednesday, February 14. The 4pm service is especially intended for kids and families. Rev. Miranda will also offer Ashes to Go by the main driveway from 7:30 – 8:30am and 5 – 6pm.
Have you been baptized? The Prayer Book tells us, “Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church.” From the earliest years of Christianity, the season of Lent (which begins February 10) was when new Christians studied the faith and prepared for baptism at Easter. If you have never been baptized, or aren’t sure, and would like to learn more about this rite, please contact Rev. Miranda at 238-2781.
Diocesan Leadership Day, 9am – 3pm, February 24, Zion Episcopal Church, Oconomowoc: Come learn about the concept of discernment – seeking God’s guidance in big decisions and daily life. We’ll try out some tools of spiritual discernment for individual use, and for your church community to use together. Please let Rev. Miranda know by Feb. 9 if you’d like to attend; carpooling is possible.