Sandbox Worship, Thursday at 5:30pm: Simple evening worship and a shared meal. If the weather isn’t too scorching, we’ll be outside.
Annual Bat Count, Friday night: If you enjoy counting bats and learning more about our little furry flying friends, come to church Friday night, June 1, for our early summer (pre-volancy, that is, before baby bats) count. We count our bats as participants in statewide monitoring of the health of bat colonies. The bats will likely be emerging between 8:40 and 9pm or so; come any time after 8, we can sit around the fire bowl & visit. If you have favorite bug spray, you may want to bring it!
New Member’s Welcome, Birthday and Anniversary blessings and Healing Prayers will be given this Sunday, June 3. All who consider themselves new members of St. Dunstan’s will be invited to come forward at the Announcements to be formally welcomed by the rest of the congregation. (No pressure if you’d rather not!)
MOM Special Offering, Sunday, June 3: This Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. Here are some of the current top-ten, most needed items: toilet paper and paper towels; canned chicken; 100% juice; laundry detergent; raisins and other dried fruit; olive oil. Thank you for your generous support!
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, June 3, 6pm: Join us for a simple service as the week begins. All are welcome.
Look what we’re doing! After a fabulous kick-off party on May 19, St. Dunstan’s has not slowed down. Already 56 households have contributed $1,016,200 toward the Open Door Project. If you haven’t been invited to participate yet, someone should contact you soon asking you to get together to talk about the campaign and consider making a pledge. (If you’d prefer not to be contacted or would like to make a pledge directly, email with your preferences.)
Summer Flowers start in June: From June through August, we invite members to sign up to “bring” flowers, instead of ordering them through our florist. During these months, local flowers are readily available, at the farmer’s market or in your own gardens. We have flowers on the church grounds as well, which can certainly be used! If you’d like to contribute flowers, simply sign up for your chosen Sunday. You can still make a dedication, and we will include it in the bulletin as usual. You may use your vase, or one of the vases here at church. Please take your flowers home, or give them to a friend, aft her 10am service. Questions? Talk with Gail Jordan-Jones or Rev. Miranda.
Seeking Sponsors for our Kids & Youth! Your $25 sponsorship helps one of the children or youth of St. Dunstan’s attend Camp Webb or our summer youth mission trip. Each shareholder will receive a postcard from one of our kids or youth, during their time at camp or on the youth mission trip. We also plan a late summer social event for kids and sponsors, when kids can share about their trips. You can contribute with a check in the offering plate with “Camp Sponsorship” on the memo line, or online at
The History of the Episcopal Church: Inquirers’ Group session 2, Sunday, June 10, 9am: This group is for those new to the Episcopal Church, as well as long-time members who’d like to learn more. At each session, we’ll discuss a short book, read ahead of time. Our second book is, “The Episcopal Story: Birth and Rebirth,” by Thomas Ferguson. Rev. Miranda will have a few copies available, or you can also buy it online in print or Kindle editions. No need to sign up for the group, or to have come to a previous session. Just read (or skim) the book, come on the 10th, and join in!
PICNIC TIME! On Sunday, June 17, to celebrate the end of the fundraising phase of the Open Door Project, and the conclusion of a wonderful program year, we’ll celebrate with a picnic at Marshall Park (just around the corner off Allen Boulevard)! After a short 10am liturgy, we’ll head over to the park for food and fun, including soccer, face-painting, bubbles, and whatever else you want to bring! If you have food or an activity to contribute, sign up in the Gathering Area or email .
Attention all members of St. Dunstan’s Care Network! Mike and Kendra Dando have recently welcomed a new member to their family, and have asked for a few meals to help them make the transition to their new family life. To sign up to help, go to St. Dunstan’s website and click on the Fellowship and Learning tab. Scroll down to Sharing Meals and click on it to link to the Lotsa Helping Hands website, where you can sign up to provide a meal for the Dandos. Thanks for all you do to help with our mission of hospitality! Contact me with questions. Shirley Laedlein
Fragrance Sensitivities: We ask those attending worship at St. Dunstan’s to please avoid using heavily scented products (perfume, colognes or scented lotions). Some people are sensitive to chemicals and strong fragrances. Using fragrances lightly or not at all means that others can worship in greater comfort. Thanks for your consideration!
Looking for Coffee Hosts for June 10 and 24! Please consider being a coffee host and talk with Janet Bybee for more information.
Sunday School, Sunday, June 10, 10am: Next Sunday our 3 year olds to kindergarten class will learn about The Part That Hasn’t Been Written Yet, while our Elementary classes will talk about Israel’s desire to have God give them a king.
Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, June 13, 1:00 – 2:45pm: Julian of Norwich was a 15th Century English mystic and anchoress. (What’s an anchoress? In the Middle Ages, certain women and men chose to live a life intensely devoted to prayer permanently enclosed in a small room, called an anchorhold, attached to a parish church.) Little is known about Julian’s life, but she wrote a book, as far as we know the first in English written by a woman, about a series of revelations which opened her to the depths of God’s unconditional love for us in Jesus Christ. Nearly forgotten for 600 years, Julian’s insights and gentle wisdom are becoming ever more widely known and appreciated. Thomas Merton called her “the greatest theologian for our time.” Julian prayed often in silence, and at a Julian Gathering we support each other in the practice of contemplative prayer and contemplative spirituality. They are open to all who want to deepen their life of faith through the practice of contemplative prayer, for beginners as well as those already practicing. Each meeting includes time for contemplative prayer, fellowship, and reading and discussion of Julian’s book. We meet the second Wednesday of each month. For additional information, contact Susan Fiore.
SaintFest 2018 will be August 5 – 9, 5:30 – 7:30pm! SaintFest is an all-ages festival of saints, skills and sharing! Everyone is invited. Look for more information soon. If you’d like to help out, talk to Sharon Henes.
Women’s Mini Week 2018, “Courageous Women of God!” August 9-12 at Camp Lakotah in Wautoma, WI: Spread the Word, Ladies! You are invited to Women’s Mini Week, beginning at Thursday dinner, August 9th through Sunday brunch, August 12th. For registration materials and to answer questions, go to the website: or email to .