Men’s Book Club Meeting, Saturday, July 7, 10am: The book is Deep, Down, Dark by Hector Tobar. It is the untold stories of 33 men buried in a Chilean mine, and the miracle that set them free. HAVE A GOOD READ.
General Convention, July 4 – 13: This summer our church holds its triennial gathering in Austin, TX, and Rev. Miranda will attend as an alternate deputy from our diocese. To get news from our deputation, follow “The Diocese of Milwaukee at General Convention” on Facebook or email to subscribe to our diocesan e-news.
The Rev. Tom McAlpine will preach and celebrate on Sunday, July 8, while Miranda is away serving the larger church. Father Tom will be available if anyone urgently needs to speak with a priest during Rev. Miranda’s absence.
Resources for Kids at Worship: We have many resources for kids at church during the summer. The “Sunday Papers” (in versions for older and younger kids) introduces the day’s Bible lessons. We also have reflective coloring pages based on texts from the Sunday readings. These are always available on the way into church and on the coloring table at the back of church. In addition, kids can pick up a “Big Blue Bible” on the way into church. A bookmark in the Bible will direct them to a version of one of the day’s Bible stories, in an illustrated version appropriate for an elementary-level reader.
Composing Together: Psalm Refrain, Sunday, July 8, 9:30am: Come compose a simple sung refrain to our Sunday psalm together! All ages are welcome. We’ll gather in the Nave at 9:30.
Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, July 11, 1:00 – 2:45pm: We welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about contemplative spirituality in the Christian tradition. We meet the second Wednesday of the month for a period of contemplative prayer, after which we discuss a reading from Julian of Norwich, a 14th Century English mystic who has been called “a theologian for our time.” We would love to have you join us. If you have questions, contact Susan Fiore.
Vestry Meeting, Wednesday, July 18th at 6:45pm: The Vestry is the elected leadership body of our parish. Any members are welcome to attend our meetings, to observe or raise questions or ideas.
Criminal Justice Reform in Wisconsin, Wednesday, July 25th at 6:30 pm: A presentation and discussion of criminal justice reform and the work of MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength, Equality, & Solidarity). We will welcome presenters Tom and Jan Gilbert, Middleton residents and members of MOSES, as they shine light on the many areas of our criminal justice system that need addressing and why it matters. The Gilberts spoke to the St. Dunstan’s Outreach committee earlier this year and we were so moved by their presentation that we want to share it with the whole congregation. We hope to see you there!
Sandbox Worship: NOTE: NO SANDBOX for the next few weeks. We’ll plan to gather again on July 19 and 26, before taking a longer hiatus during Rev. Miranda’s sabbatical.
SaintFest 2018 will be August 5 – 9, 5:30 – 7:30pm! SaintFest is an all-ages festival of saints, skills and sharing! Everyone is invited. Look for more information soon. If you’d like to help out, talk to Sharon Henes.
Women’s Mini Week 2018, “Courageous Women of God!” August 9-12 at Camp Lakotah in Wautoma, WI: Ladies, do you need a long blessed weekend away? Do you know of other women in your lives that could benefit from such a weekend? Women’s miniweek -an annual retreat for adult women, offers opportunities for relaxation, friendship, refuge and renewal. Once again we will be at Camp Lakota (formally Camp Webb) in Wautoma, WI. 180 acres of beautiful pine and oak forest, nestled
along the shores of Little Hills Lake. The weekend is geared toward honoring the participants. It provides the opportunity for them to learn new things, make new friends, take long naps and not do dishes! It is a welcome respite from all the cares of life. This will be the 42nd year for Miniweek and it started here at St. Dunstan’s! Talk to Dianne McCoy, Shirley Laedlein, Rose Mueller,Connie Ott, Robin Ertl, Laura Norby, Ellen Rishel about Miniweek for memory sharing. Dates – August 9-12
More info at There are scholarships readily available.
Diocesan Opportunities to Serve: If you are interested in having a greater role in the Diocese, there are several positions becoming available. Open nominations are happening from now until August 13, 2018. To learn more about the positions, talk with Rev. Miranda and/or see the information sheets posted under the bulletin board calendar.
Rev. Miranda will be on sabbatical for August, September, and October. The Rev. Jonathan Melton, chaplain at St Francis House Episcopal Student Center and friend of St. Dunstan’s, and his family will be with us on Sundays during Miranda’s absence, while Father John Rasmus and Father Tom McAlpine will coordinate with staff and lay leadership to help keep the daily life of the parish running and be available to those who need special prayer or counsel. To arrange a visit with one of our clergy or to alert us that someone else may need a visit, please talk to Father Jonathan, Father Tom or Father John on a Sunday, or contact the church office at 238-2781 or . Prayer requests, as always, may be sent to .