Announcements, September 20


Museum Trip, September 22nd at 11:00am: Everyone is invited to learn together at the UW Geology museum on Saturday, September 22nd.  The guided tour begins at 11:00 a.m.  NOTE THE TIME CHANGE!  Please sign up in the Gathering space so we can let the museum know our numbers!  Please contact Sharon if you need/want to car pool.

Haiti Project Talk, September 23rd, 9:00am: Heidi Ropa with the Haiti Project will be sharing with our kids about life in Haiti.

Inquirers’ Group session 3: Theology, Sunday, September 23rd, 9am: This group is for those new to the Episcopal Church, as well as long-time members who’d like to learn more. At each session, we’ll discuss a short book, read ahead of time. Our third book is “A Faith for the Future,” by Jesse Zink.  Zink unites tradition and contemporary thinking to introduce the essentials of Episcopal theology. What’s the story of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, creation and humanity, baptism, church, Eucharist, mission, and the life after death? Several copies of the book are available for pickup in the Gathering Area, or you can buy it online in print or Kindle editions. It’s OK if you haven’t come to previous sessions. Just read (or skim) the book, come and join in!


Edgewood High School’s Day in the Community: Twelve students and two adults will be at St. Dunstan’s on Wednesday, September 26 from 10:00am – 2:00pm to provide us with some volunteer effort on our buildings and grounds work.  We are looking for people to assist in monitoring students as they work on various projects here that day.  Please contact John Ertl for details.

Campfire, September 27th, 6-7pm: Join us for a campfire! We will roast hot dogs and marshmallows.  There will also be an opportunity to build a shelter to eat in as we bring a fall Sandbox tradition to our evening!  An experience you will not want to miss!

Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, September 28th, 6pm: Come join us for good food and good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at Biaggi’s, 1611 Aspen Commons,Middleton, at Greenway Station. For more information, or to arrange a ride, please contact Kathy Whitt or  Debra Martinez.

Poetry/Art Show: Sunday, September 30th is a celebration of the arts! Members of all ages are invited to bring an art or craft to show, or a poem to read. You can write your own poem or read a favorite. Art will be displayed in the Gathering Space between services and after the 10:00 service. The poetry readings will take place at 11:30am. Please bring your artwork to the church on Saturday afternoon, September 29, and put it on the tables that are there.  If you require an easel, bring yours. Thank you!

All Ages Book Group, October 7th, 9:00am: We will discuss Miss Rumphius, a picture book about choosing to spread beauty. Books are available in the Gathering Space.

Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, October 10th, 1:00 – 2:45 PM: Julian of Norwich was a 14th Century English mystic whose theology was six hundred years ahead of her time.  She had sixteen revelations of Christ showing her the reciprocal nature of the bond between the soul and God, a bond that is based on love that is tender and co-operative . . . he wants us to be his partners. If that sounds like the relationship with God you long for, join us.  We meet on the second Wednesday of each month.  If you have questions, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN.

Museum Trip, October 13th at 2:00pm: Everyone is invited to learn together at the Chazen Museum on Saturday, October 13th.  Sign up in the Gathering space so we can let the museum know our numbers!  Please contact Sharon if you need/want to car pool.

 Annual Buildings and Grounds Work Day, Sunday, October 14th after 10:00 service: Please dress in outdoor work clothes that day and plan on a light lunch and to assist in chores around the church afterwards.

Bread for the World Sunday, October 14thPeg and Dan Geisler will share about Bread for the World’s advocacy to reduce hunger in the United States and around the world and how we can be part of it. We are invited to participate in Bread for the Word’s annual Offering of Letters, to advocate to our politicians for programs that will reduce hunger in the United States and around the world. Following the 10:00 am service, those wanting to write their Congressional representatives may take letter-writing materials. Further information, writing materials and sample letters will be provided.

Altar Flowers: September and October dates available! Honor a loved one or a special event with altar flowers. Reserve your special date by writing your dedication on the sign-up sheet. Suggested donation is $35. Write “flowers” on the memo line of your check or on envelope containing cash, or donate online at

Looking for Coffee Hosts for October 2018! Consider being a coffee host and talk with Janet Bybee.


Clergy Office Hours: If you would like to visit with one of our clergy, they would like to visit with you! Father Jonathan Melton will hold weekly “office hours” on Mondays from 9 – 11am, at the MOKA at 5227 University Ave. Father John Rasmus will be at St. Dunstan’s on Thursdays from 9 – 10:30am.