Announcements, October 25


Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, October 26, 6pm: Come join us for good food and good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at La Mestiza, a Mexican restaurant, at 6644 Odana Road. For more information, or to arrange a ride, call Debra Martinez.

Inquirers’ Group session 4: Engaging the World, Sunday, October 28, 9am: This group is for those new to the Episcopal Church, as well as long-time members who’d like to learn more. At each session, we’ll discuss a short book, read ahead of time. Our fourth book is “Church Meets World,” by Winnie Varghese.  A leading thinker and vibrant presence at the intersection of church and world, Winnie Varghese explores the “what,” “how,” and “why” of Episcopal engagement with contemporary social issues. Several copies of the book are available for pickup in the Gathering Area, or you can buy it online in print or Kindle editions. It’s OK if you haven’t come to previous sessions. Just read (or skim) the book, come and join in! As Rev. Miranda is on sabbatical Fr. Tom will be facilitating the session.

Please Pick Up Your Pledge Packet if you have not already done so. Packets not picked up will be mailed out the week of 10/29.  Thank you!


Celebration of Life for Virginia DeGolier, November 2, 10:30am: All are welcome to attend the memorial service for Ginny and the luncheon to follow. If you would like to help with the lunch, please contact Connie Ott.

Men’s Book Club, November 3rd, 10:00am: Shakespeare Saved My Life: Ten Years in Solitary with the Bard – Shakespeare professor and prison volunteer Laura Bates thought she had seen it all. That is, until she decided to teach Shakespeare in a place the bard had never been before ― supermax solitary confinement. In this unwelcoming place, surrounded by inmates known as the worst of the worst, is Larry Newton. A convicted murderer with several escape attempts under his belt and a brilliantly agile mind on his shoulders, Larry was trying to break out of prison at the same time Laura was fighting to get her program started behind bars.

Ice Cream Social, November 11th, 3:00 – 5:00pm: Let’s share an intergenerational event (and stories) with the Hassetts and discover what Miranda (and family) did while she was on sabbatical. You are encouraged to bring a favorite ice cream topping to share.

Madison-Area Julian Gathering Wednesday, November 14th, 1:00 – 2:45 PM: We welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about contemplative spirituality in the Christian tradition.  We meet the second Wednesday of the month for a period of contemplative prayer, after which we discuss a reading from Julian of Norwich, a 14th Century English mystic who has been called “a theologian for our time.”  We would love to have you join us.  If you have questions, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN.

Piece Be with You! Fall Giving Campaign Celebration Pie Brunch, November 18th, 9:00am: Please join us for a festive, all-parish potluck brunch celebrating the ingathering of pledges for our prayers, hopes, and financial pledges for our parish life in the coming year. We will enjoy fellowship, delicious pies, quiches, and other offerings. Please sign up in the Gathering area to bring your favorite pie or quiche. (Precut pies with labeled pie servers appreciated!) Thank you!

Looking for Greeters: Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s off to work we go! Well it’s really not work, more like fun. We’re looking for some of you who might be interested in Greeting on Sunday mornings at the 10am service. If you are interested, talk to Bernice Mason.

Looking for Coffee Hosts for November 2018! Consider being a coffee host and talk with Janet Bybee.

Altar Flowers: November dates available! Honor a loved one or a special event with altar flowers. Reserve your special date by writing your dedication on the sign-up sheet. Suggested donation is $35. Write “flowers” on the memo line of your check or on envelope containing cash, or donate online at donate.

How’s the Open Door Project Going? The Open Door Project is moving forward! In September, we sent a Request for Proposals to five general contracting companies. Our interview committee met with our top three choices later that month. The committee strongly recommended moving forward with Findorff and the vestry passed that motion on October 1st. We are currently working with Findorff and Engberg Anderson (our architects) to finalize the construction contracts and begin planning for a kickoff next spring! If you have any questions about the Open Door Project, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Celia Fine, John Laedlein or Krissy Mayer.


Clergy Office Hours: If you would like to visit with one of our clergy, they would like to visit with you! Father Jonathan Melton will hold weekly “office hours” on Mondays from 9 – 11am, at the MOKA at 5227 University Ave. Father John Rasmus will be at St. Dunstan’s on Thursdays from 9 – 10:30am. Father Tom McAlpine will be available on Thursdays from 1-3pm at the Starbucks at 3515 University Ave.