Announcements, March 28


NO COOKIE CHURCH THIS SUNDAY! Cookie Church will resume for April 7 and 14.

Outreach Committee Meeting, Saturday, March 30, 8-10:30am: All are welcome to join our conversations about how St. Dunstan’s can best serve the world with our resources and our hands. We begin with an optional potluck breakfast at 8am.

Rev. Miranda’s Vacation: Rev. Miranda will be on vacation from March 27 through 31. Father John Rasmus will preach and celebrate the Eucharist on Sunday, March 31. Father John will be available if anyone urgently needs to speak with a priest during Rev. Miranda’s absence..

Sunday School, Sunday, March 31: We will have a simple “one-room schoolhouse” Sunday school session, for kids ages 3 through 6th grade, during 10am worship on the 31st. If weather permits, we may take the kids outside; please have them bring suitable footwear!

Palm Sunday Reader Sign-Up: If you would like to read one of the parts for the Passion Gospel on Palm Sunday, April 14, please sign up on the sheets on the corkboard near the big calendar in the Gathering Area. You should be a confident reader who can read in a loud voice. Please indicate if you need to see your part ahead of time.

Palm Saturday Intergenerational Gathering: Sign Up to Help! On Saturday, April 13, from 10 – noon, all are invited to get ready for Easter together by preparing our space, our hearts, and our minds. We’ll spend about an hour sharing various activities, then gather for our participatory Easter Pageant at 11am. If you plan to attend and would like to help out with one of our activities, sign up in the Gathering Area under the big calendar!

An Open Conversation about Roles for Kids and Youth at St. Dunstan’s, Thursday, April 4, 6 – 7:30pm: This is an initial conversation to begin exploring one of the ideas Rev. Miranda brought home from her sabbatical work on intergenerational worship/church: Kids like having jobs! But not every kid wants to be an acolyte or sing in children’s choir. Let’s brainstorm ways kids and youth could share their gifts as part of our common life at St. Dunstan’s, in worship and beyond. All interested folks (including kids and youth!) are invited. If you can’t attend but have thoughts to share, email Rev. Miranda.

Saturday Morning Bible Study: Luke devotes a good chunk of his Gospel to Jesus’ last journey to Jerusalem. We’re going to read part of it together, wondering what Luke wants us to hear and see, wondering what following this Jesus is about. Five Saturday sessions 8-10 am starting March 16. If you plan to attend, please let Rev. Miranda or the church office know so we have enough materials.

Easter Flower & Coffee Hour Sign-Up: Would you like to help with our Easter celebration on April 21? To contribute to our special coffee hour after 10am worship, or to sponsor and dedicate flowers for the Easter services, please see the sign-up sheets in the Gathering Area under the big calendar.


Looking for Coffee Hosts for April 2019! Consider being a coffee host and talk with Janet Bybee at (608) 836-9755 for more information.

Walking the Stations of the Cross in Lent: You are invited to walk and pray the Stations of the Cross in our nave, any time during the season of Lent. Fridays at noon are a traditional time to do so. Call ahead to the church office (238-2781) or check in with Rev. Miranda  if you want to make sure the church is open when you’d like to come, or would like to walk the Stations with others. Our Stations booklet is based on Scripture and readings from Christian tradition. Rev. Miranda will be walking the Stations at NOON on Friday, April 5.

MOM Special Offering, Sunday, April 7: Next Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. Here are the current top-ten, most needed items: canned chicken, shelf-stable milk, whole grains; salt, pepper, spices; laundry detergent; vanilla or other extracts; low sugar dried/canned fruits; cooking oil; honey; nuts. Thank you for your generous support!

Meals for Enters Household, via St. Dunstan’s Care Network: Did you know that St. Dunstan’s has a Care Network that helps provide meals for those in our parish family who may need them while they go through a life-changing event?  Right now Bill and Betty Enters would appreciate help with some meals while Betty recovers from surgery following an arm injury. If you are interested in joining our network, to help out with this or future opportunities, go to and join our network. Meal calendars for sign up will be posted as they are created. If you know (or ARE) someone in the parish who could benefit from this service, please contact me, Shirley Laedlein.  Thank you!

Madison-Area Julian Gathering Wednesday, April 10, 1:00 – 2:45 PM: St. Julian of Norwich: 14th Century heretic?  No, although a reader might at first think so.  14th Century psychologist?  Sort of . . . she understood the human heart and, through her sixteen revelations of Jesus, she understood the heart of God.  Come to one of our monthly meetings and learn about contemplative prayer.  We meet the second Wednesday of each month.  We’d love to see you.  For more information, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2019: SAVE THE DATES – AUGUST 4 – 8! Plans are just starting to take shape but we expect to spent a lot of time outdoors, and to invite the adults of St. Dunstan’s to join our kids and youth for shared learning and fun, as we did in 2018. Mark your calendars!

Seeking Sponsors for our Kids & Youth!  Your $25 sponsorship helps one of the children or youth of St. Dunstan’s attend Camp Webb or our summer youth mission trip. Each shareholder will receive a postcard from one of our kids or youth, during their time at camp or on the youth mission trip. We also plan a late summer social event for kids and sponsors, when kids can share about their trips.  You can contribute with a check in the offering plate with “Camp Sponsorship” on the memo line, or online at .

Camp Webb 2019 (June 16 – 22) is accepting applications now! Camp Webb is an outdoor ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, for children and youth grades 3 through senior high. It is held at a camp outside Elkhorn, WI. Camp tuition is $400, with a deposit of $100 due at the time of registration. St. Dunstan’s offers $150 in aid to all our campers, with additional assistance possible; contact Rev. Miranda for financial assistance. for registration forms. Camp Webb IS EXPECTED TO FILL this year, so apply soon!

Women’s Mini-Week, August 8 – 11: The mission of Women’s Mini-Week is to provide an annual retreat event for adult women, offering refuge, friendship, relaxation, and fun. Mini-Week combines opportunities to learn with fellowship, spiritual exploration and delicious food as we invite all women to participate as much or as little as they would like and need. Mini-Week is held at a beautiful lakeside camp in northern Wisconsin. Many members of St. Dunstan’s have attended, planned, and led, over the years. Visit to learn more and make Mini-Week part of your summer plans.