Spirituality in Nature, 9:15AM, Sunday, July 28: Meet just outside the front doors at 9:15 for a half-hour shared exercise in abiding with God’s Creation. Future tentative dates are August 4 and September 1. (Attending one or more of these events counts as one activity towards our Green Habits Challenge Badge!)
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovations Are Underway: Renovation of the main floor restrooms and kitchen is happening! The lower level bathrooms will be available (down the central staircase and to the right). During the kitchen renovation, there will be NO refrigerator or prep space available. If you’d like to bring something for coffee hour, please bring it ready to put directly on the table in the Gathering Area.
Psalm Refrain Composition, Sunday, July 21, 9:30AM: One of the musical practices we’ve been developing together is writing and performing our own music in service. We’ll gather, discern a refrain melody, and practice singing and teaching it together. All ages and levels of musical experience welcome! For more information, please contact Deanna Clement .
Bat Count, Sunday, July 21, 8PM: Come hang out and socialize around a campfire, then count our bats as they come out to feast on mosquitos. We count our bats as part of a statewide monitoring program. The bats usually start to emerge around 8:45pm. We may shift to another evening if it is rainy; talk to Rev. Miranda if you want to be in the loop of any changing plans
NO COOKIE CHURCH, Wednesday, July 24: LAST SUMMER COOKIE CHURCH, July 31, 6 – 7PM: Cookie Church, our child-centered evening liturgy, will take a break next week because Rev. Miranda is out of town – at an event talking about Cookie Church! We will gather once more the following week. Then Cookie Church will take a hiatus for August and the first half of September. Watch for Cookie Church to return in the fall!
Have you read a good book lately? We are seeking *brief* book reviews from members and friends of St. Dunstan’s, of all ages. If you’ve read something recently that you think others might enjoy, write up a short review and send it to . Reviews can be just a few sentences (and should not be longer than a short paragraph). Focus on telling us what you liked about the book and why you think others should read it! We’ll publish reviews periodically in our E-news and post them in the gathering area. So, read a good book this summer and tell us all about it!
Seeking Sponsors for Middle School Mission Trip: St. Dunstan’s Youth Group is headed out on a mission trip from July 29 to August 1! They will visit other churches around the Diocese of Milwaukee and help out with service projects. We’re sending a big, lively group of kids this year! Would you like to help sponsor the trip? Your $25 sponsorship helps cover trip expenses. Each sponsor will receive a postcard from one of our youth, during or after the trip. You can contribute with a check in the offering plate with “Camp Sponsorship” on the memo line, or online at donate.stdunstans.com . Thank you!
Reading Just Mercy at St. Dunstan’s: Bryan Stevenson, the author of Just Mercy, was a gifted young attorney when he founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice dedicated to defending the poor, the wrongly condemned, and those trapped in the furthest reaches of our criminal justice system. His legal work with clients all across the United States transformed his understanding of mercy and justice forever. In 2014 Just Mercy was named one of the best books of the year by The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, Time, The Seattle Times, and Esquire. Copies of Just Mercy will be available for you to pick up at St. Dunstan’s beginning on July 28. Discussion opportunities begin on August 11.
All-Ages Evening Church Camp: God in Creation
August 4 – 8, 5:30 – 7:30
EVERYONE is invited to our Evening Church Camp! We’ll explore Scriptures that tell us about God, humanity, and the created order. We’ll learn, play, explore, and build together. Get to know one another and St. Dunstan’s grounds! Dinner is provided. Registration forms are in the Gathering Area. Please register soon so we can plan food and organize groups.
BRING YOUR OWN T-SHIRT! We will have a screen printing station where you can print our “God in Creation” logo on your own shirt (or bandana, or ….). Keep an eye out at the thrift store or department store for a plain shirt you’d like to bring. If you’re bringing a new shirt, please pre-wash it so that the inks adhere better.
MEAL HELPER(S) NEEDED! We are seeking 1 – 2 people who can help set up and clean up our dinners. We have simple meals planned with minimal prep, but it would help a lot to have someone committed to making sure it’s out and ready to eat each evening. Talk with Rev. Miranda () or Sharon Henes () for more information or to volunteer. (You don’t have to do the shopping, though you can if you’re willing!)
Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, July 26, 6pm: Come join us for good food and good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at Anointed One Soul Food, 515 Junction Rd. For more information please contact Kathy Whitt.
Sew a Bag for your Re-Usable Steel Straw! Saturday, July 27, 1 – 3pm: Drop in and sew a bag to carry your reusable steel straw around with you, to reduce single-use plastics. Don’t have a steel straw yet? That’s OK; we have one for you! Bring your own fabric if you like – and if you use a sewing machine, feel free to bring that too. Questions? Talk with Heidi Anderson or Rev. Miranda.
Saturday Book Club, August 3rd at 10am: The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman. Getting a hard copy of the book: The Madison Central Library (next door to the Overture Center) has a Book Club section – located on the western end of the second floor. This section contains multiple copies of selected books. The next meeting’s book – The Ocean at the End of the Lane – is available in this section.
Buildings & Grounds Meeting, Monday, August 12, 6 – 8pm: All interested folks are invited to Buildings & Grounds meetings (usually on first Mondays; bumped to accommodate Church Camp in August). We usually do small tasks around the building from 6 – 7, then meet to discuss needs & plans at 7pm.
Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, August 14, 1:00-2:45pm: What is a Julian Gathering? A Julian Gathering is open to everyone and you are welcome at all times. We support each other in the practice of contemplative prayer and contemplative spirituality, and have the quintessentially Anglican writing of St. Julian of Norwich at their core. They are for all who want to deepen their life of faith through the practice of contemplative prayer, for beginners as well as those already practicing. Each meeting includes time for contemplative prayer and reading/discussion of St. Julian’s revelations. Don’t worry if you’ve never practiced silent prayer before, we can set your mind at ease. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month. For information, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN.
Green Habits Challenge Badge, July – September 2019: Part of our parish Creation Care Mission Statement invites us to pattern our daily lives as caretakers of Creation. Many of us are trying to make our daily habits “greener”, so let’s try together! Pick up a green leaflet under the big calendar in the Gathering Area or go to stdunstans.com/faith-practices/green-challenge-badge-summer-2019/ to see a list of eleven changes and challenges you could undertake. Complete five by the end of September to earn a badge!
Women’s Mini-Week, August 8 – 11: The annual miniweek for women will be held at Camp Lakotah, in Wautoma (center of the state) from Thursday evening through Sunday brunch August 8-11. The program is what YOU want to do. There are workshops, worship, music, beach time, puzzles, games, silent auction, conversation, walks in the woods, good food, new friends, old friends, conversation with the chaplain, massages(for a fee), nap time, books. The housing is indoor cabin with facilities nearby or lodges with semi-private or dorm rooms and facilities in the building. The cost of the weekend is $240 for the cabins, or $270 for the lodges. There are scholarships available. The title this year is “Where Friends Gather”. If you have questions there is info on the bulletin board and you can ask Dianne McCoy, Robin Ertl, Ellen Rishel, Laura Norby, Rose Mueller, Connie Ott for further information. Visit womensminiweek.org to learn more and make Mini-Week part of your summer plans.