Financial update, Sept. 2019

At the end of the summer, our budget continues to look healthy. Overall, our income is above budget, and our expenses are below budget. Some specific expense lines are over budget, but not by large amounts. Some expenses will catch up in the final four months of the year, but we’re entering the fall on a steady financial footing. 

See the table below for an overview of where our income and expenses stand as of the end of August, relative to our budget. Please note that numbers in table are rounded to nearest $100 for ease of browsing. This means columns may not add up exactly in some cases. If you would like to see full financials or have questions about our finances, talk to Rev. Miranda, email , or call the office at 608-238-2781. 

2020 Look-Ahead

We are beginning to think about our 2020 budget. While we’re still working on the numbers, we know that some expense lines are likely to increase. 

  • Since the Parish Center will be coming back to our use (with the Foundry414 church returning as Sunday morning building users), we will be taking on expenses like utilities and cleaning for that building. These costs may be offset by donations from more groups using our new, improved spaces. 
  • Expansion in areas like our youth programs and new worship opportunities like Cookie Church require modest budget increases for things like food and materials. 
  • In addition, we anticipate the usual yearly increases in things like insurance premiums and our Outreach budget line and diocesan giving, which both increase with our annual budget. 

We are always looking for places we can pare back our expenses, as well, to keep our budget in balance and be responsible with the financial resources we share as the people of St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church. 


2019 Budget

(Numbers rounded to nearest $100)

2019 Budget


Budget though August

2019 Actual through August

Feast & Plate 20,000 11,500 15,300
Pledge Payments 270,000 190,000 192,600
Rent & Bldg Use 14,000 9100 9400
Misc Income 3000 1800 2600
Total 307,000 212,400 219,900
Clergy (incl. salary, pension, insurance) 129,000 88,400 87,200
Lay Staff (Music, Office & Childcare) 34,000 22,800 20,000
Worship 5500 3600 3500
Outreach Budget 20,000 12,000 8800
Formation 5000 3400 3700
Fellowship, Welcome, & Leadership 4900 3000 3000
Bldgs & Grounds

(includes insurance)

52,000 28,700 22,800
Admin & Office 12,200 8700 6700
Diocesan Giving 50,000 33,200 33,200
TOTAL 313,500 203,900 189,000