Announcements, October 31


All Saints’ Day, Sunday, Nov. 3: We will celebrate this holy day with an opportunity to remember the faithful departed; renewal of our baptismal vows; and, at our 10am service, a kids’ saint procession.

Birthday and Anniversary blessings and Healing Prayers will be given this Sunday, November 3, as is our custom on the first Sunday of the month.

MOM Special Offering, Sunday, November 3: On Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. Here are the current top-ten, most needed items: Canned Tomatoes (all types), Baking Supplies (all types), Spices, Herbs, Salt and Pepper, Vinegar (all types), Canned Salmon, Sardines, Mustard and Ketchup, Whole Grains (Barley, Quinoa, Oats,etc.), Heart Healthy Cooking Oil, Hair Care Products for People of Color, Laundry Detergent (Fragrance Free) . Thank you for your generous support!

Remembrance Altar: Consider bringing in a token of one of those saints whom you remember with love and respect. Our Remembrance Altar this year will include a place to hang pictures or notes, and a table where you may place a photo or other memento. Please don’t bring in anything precious or irreplaceable. Bring in items on All Saints Day or anytime in November. On Sunday, November 24, we will commend these faithful departed to Christ our King.

Bite Size Climate, Sunday, November 3, 11:50 – 12:10: Many of us are fearful and sad about climate change and its many impacts.  An important first step towards change is to be informed citizens who understand the issue and can talk about it with others – since we’ll all need to work together for change. This time, we’ll look at myths about climate change. Bite-Sized Climate is a time for adults, kids and youth to spend 20 minutes (we promise!) learning and talking together.  Get a snack at coffee hour, then gather in the meeting room! Our next planned date is December 1st, for a super-sciencey look at climate models.

Buildings & Grounds Meeting, Monday, November 4, 7pm: All interested folks are invited to Buildings & Grounds meetings (usually on first Mondays). We meet to discuss needs and plans, and to share some small tasks around the buildings.

Annual Giving Campaign: We are currently collecting pledge cards from members, to help us plan our church’s 2020 budget. If your household has not yet picked up a pledge packet or received one in the mail, pick up a blank packet at church or contact the office (608-238-2781, ). We hope to have all pledges gathered by Sunday, November 17! Need to check last year’s pledge? As you consider your pledge for 2020, if it would help you to know what you pledged last year, contact the office (see above) and Ann will get back to you!

Giving Campaign Thank-You Notes: Helpers Wanted! In our Giving Campaign survey earlier this fall, several folks said they’d like to help write thank-you notes to those who make annual budgets. Now it’s time to begin! If you would like to help with this ministry of thank-you notes, talk to Rev. Miranda or email her. (Pledge amounts are always kept confidential!)


Spirituality of Parenting Lunch, Sunday, November 10, 11:30am: All who seek meaning in the journey of parenthood (at any age or stage) are welcome to come for food and conversation. Child care and a simple meal provided.

“Responding to Hate,” Tuesday, November 12, 7pm, at the Crossing (1127 University Ave.): We live in a time of increasing division and expression of hate. How do we respond? How do we ‘love our enemies’? Pardeep’s father Satwant Singh Kaleka was murdered by a white supremacist along with five others when their place of worship in was attacked on August 5 2012 in Milwaukee. The shooter was a member of the neo-Nazi skinhead gang Arno had helped to found in 1989. Single parenthood, love for his daughter, and the forgiveness shown by people he once hated helped to change Arno’s world, bringing love for diversity and gratitude for all life after he left hate groups in 1994. Come listen to Pardeep and Arno talk about their friendship and moving past hate. The talk is open to everyone. St. Dunstan’s is proud to co-sponsor this important event.

Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, November 13, 1:00 – 2:45 PM: We welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about contemplative spirituality in the Christian tradition.  We meet the second Wednesday of the month for a period of contemplative prayer, after which we discuss a reading from Julian of Norwich, a 14th Century English mystic who has been called “a theologian for our time.”  We would love to have you join us.  If you have questions, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN.

Saturday Book Club, November 16, 2019 at 10 am: This month’s book is Manhattan Beach by Jenifer Egan. Getting a hard copy of the book: The Madison Central Library (next door to the Overture Center) has a Book Club section – located on the western end of the second floor. This section contains multiple copies of selected books. The next meeting’s book – Manhattan Beach – is available in this section. If you check it out at the main desk and say it is a Book Club book, they can also give you an extended time to read it.

Piece Be with You! Fall Giving Campaign Celebration Pie Brunch, November 24, 9:00am: Please join us for a festive, all-parish potluck brunch celebrating our prayers, hopes, and financial pledges for our parish life in the coming year. We will enjoy fellowship, delicious pies, quiches, and other offerings. Look for a signup soon, to sign up and bring your favorite pie or quiche. (Pre-cut pies with labeled pie servers appreciated!) Thank you!

Our annual Black Friday Craft-In, a free all-ages crafting and gift-making event that we open to the wider community, will be Friday, November 29, from 1 – 4pm. If you’d like to help out with hospitality, with a craft station of your own, or as a helper at somebody else’s station, sign up in the Gathering Area or email Rev. Miranda!

Altar Flowers: Fall dates available – sign up at church or by email! Honor a loved one or a special event with altar flowers on a special date! At church, sign up on the clipboard under the big calendar in the Gathering Area, and place a check or cash in an envelope labeled “Flowers” in the offering plate. From home, email with your preferred date and dedication, and make your gift online at Thank you for beautifying our worship space!