This Friday is C. S. Lewis’ (“Surprised by Joy”) feast day. We’re celebrating with a brief medley of this writings and Holy Eucharist, starting at 5:30 pm at St Dunstan’s and lasting about 30 minutes.
Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, November 22, 6pm: Come join us for good food and good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at Los Gemelos Restaurant at 6713 Odana Road, Madison. On Odana, turn into the parking area immediately west of the paint store, in the area with the Indian restaurant with the blue awning. Then, drive to the back of the building where the sign says Los Gemelos grocery and restaurant. It sounds complicated, but it really isn’t! For more information, please contact Kathy Whitt.
Piece Be with You! Fall Giving Campaign Celebration Pie Brunch, November 24, 9:00am: Please join us for a festive, all-parish potluck brunch celebrating our prayers, hopes, and financial pledges for our parish life in the coming year. We will enjoy fellowship, delicious pies, quiches, and other offerings. Look for a signup soon, to sign up and bring your favorite pie or quiche. (Precut pies with labeled pie servers appreciated!) Thank you!
Christ the King All-Ages Worship, Sunday, November 24, 10am: We will reflect on and celebrate the paradoxical Kingship of Christ in our worship this Sunday. Our last Sunday worship is intended especially to help kids (and grownups who are new to our pattern of worship) to engage and participate fully. NOTE: Our 8am service always follows our regular order of worship.
Remember to contact your elected officials on behalf of Bread for the World this week! This Sunday we will bless the letters (and emails, calls, and Tweets) our members have sent to our elected officials this week, urging them to remember the hungry, and in particular to increase funding for global nutrition programs for mothers and infants. If you write a letter or postcard, bring it this Sunday and we will bless it!
Thanksgiving service, Wednesday, November 27, 7pm: There will be a simple Eucharist service on Wednesday evening. All are welcome.
Our annual Black Friday Craft-In, a free all-ages crafting and gift-making event that we open to the wider community, will be Friday, November 29, from 1 – 4pm. If you’d like to help out with hospitality, with a craft station of your own, or as a helper at somebody else’s station, sign up in the Gathering Area or email Rev. Miranda!
Advent Begins on Sunday, December 1! Advent is the beginning of the church’s new year. Advent is a wonderful season to celebrate at home! Advent materials are available in the Gathering Area! Please take whatever you will use.
Ushers and Altar Guild Members Wanted! Would you like to help out with our Sunday worship? Members of these ministry teams would love to welcome and train you! What does an USHER do? Give people their bulletin & hymnal(s) on their way into church; count how many people are in church that day; carry bread & wine up to the altar, then circulate the collection plates, before Communion. What does an ALTAR GUILD MEMBER do? Get familiar with and help care for the things we use in our worship (like special cups and plates, napkins and candles); come 20 minutes early and/or stay 20 minutes late to set up for Eucharist or clean up afterwards; sometimes, gather to help decorate the church for special celebrations All kinds of people can do either of these jobs! A kid could sign up with a grownup buddy! Sign up in the Gathering Area or tell Rev. Miranda if you’d like to help out.
We again will be sharing Christmas (with a new name – “Winter Wishes”) with Middleton Outreach Ministry. We have 4 families with a total of 7 adults and 6 children. The wishes are on the ornaments on the windows in the Gathering Place. Directions are on the table underneath the ornaments andthe sign-up sheet is there also. Gifts should be brought to St. Dunstan’s by Sunday, Dec. 8th. Questions? Contact Connie Ott.
Bite Size Climate, Sunday, December 1, 11:50 – 12:10: Many of us are fearful and sad about climate change and its many impacts. An important first step towards change is to be informed citizens who understand the issue and can talk about it with others – since we’ll all need to work together for change. This time, we’ll learn about the science of climate modeling. This video is a little longer (12 minutes), but we’ll keep our 20 minute total time.
Bring Christmas Cheer to St. Dunstan’s! Celebrate what’s important to you with a gift that helps us decorate for Christmas and honors a loved one or a special event. Please see the red Christmas Flowers sign-up sheets in the Gathering Area. Write “Christmas Flowers” on the memo line of your check or on the envelope containing cash. Suggested donation is $25.
Madison-Area Julian Gathering Wednesday, December 11, 1:00 – 2:45 PM: We welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about contemplative spirituality in the Christian tradition. We meet the second Wednesday of the month for a period of contemplative prayer, after which we discuss a reading from Julian of Norwich, a 14th Century English mystic who has been called “a theologian for our time.” We would love to have you join us. If you have questions, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN.
Las Posadas Party, Saturrday, Dec. 14, 6pm: Las Posadas (Spanish for “the inns”) is an Advent celebration practiced in Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America, revolving around the concept of hospitality. We learn from the Posadas that by welcoming the poor and the needy, we are welcoming Jesus in our midst. We’ll celebrate Posadas with an intergenerational gathering for food, fellowship & fireworks! All are welcome.
Announcements for E-news: If you have an announcement you would like to see in the weekly e-news or the Sunday News and Notes, we are happy to include it. Send announcements to the office at . We ask that all announcements be submitted by the end of the day on Wednesday, because we prepare the E-news and News & Notes on Thursday morning. If you have an announcement or event you’d like to share but are uncertain whether it’s appropriate for the e-news, you can send it to Rev. Miranda at .