Walking the Stations of the Cross in Lent: The Stations of the Cross are an ancient meditation on Jesus’ trial, execution, and burial. Our Stations of the Cross, based on stations created by one of the parish’s founding members, are now hung around our Nave. You are invited to walk and pray the Stations of the Cross in our nave, any time during the season of Lent. Fridays at noon are a traditional time to do so. Call ahead to the church office (238-2781) or check in with Rev. Miranda if you want to make sure the church is open when you’d like to come, or would like to walk the Stations with others. Our Stations booklet is based on Scripture and readings from Christian tradition.
Easter Flower Sign-Up: If you would like to sponsor and dedicate flowers for the Easter services, please see the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area.
Rector’s Discretionary Fund Offering, Sunday, March 15: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund this day and on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Thank you for your generosity.
Youth group this Friday in the parish center: middle high 5:00-7:30, senior high 7:00-9:30. Pizza and snacks provided! Contact Sharon for more information.
POSTPONED – WATCH FOR NEW DATE!: Taco/Potato Bar at the Parish Center: Sponsored by the St. Dunstan’s Middle and High School Youth Groups.?? This is an opportunity to see the Parish Center which was renovated as part of the Open Door Project and meet our youth group members. This is also a fundraiser for the two mission trips our youth groups will be embarking on this summer. (We will likely reschedule for May!)
Saturday Book Club, March 21, 10am: American Nations by Colin Woodard
According to award-winning journalist and historian Colin Woodard, North America is made up of eleven distinct nations, each with its own unique historical roots. In American Nations he takes readers on a journey through the history of our fractured continent, offering a revolutionary and revelatory take on American identity, and how the conflicts between them have shaped our past and continue to mold our future. From the Deep South to the Far West, to Yankeedom to El Norte, Woodard (author of American Character: A History of the Epic Struggle Between Individual Liberty and the Common Good) reveals how each region continues to uphold its distinguishing ideals and identities today, with results that can be seen in the composition of the U.S. Congress or on the county-by-county election maps of the 2016 presidential election.
Bite Size Climate, Sunday, March 22, 11:50 – 12:10: Many of us are fearful and sad about climate change and its many impacts. An important first step towards change is to be informed citizens who understand the issue and can talk about it with others – since we’ll all need to work together for change. Come watch a short video about composting and carbon catcher, and share ideas and questions about composting!
Dinner at Grace Shelter, March 22: Thank you to all of you who donated extra goodies for the Christmas time dinner. We have this dinner in March and again in June to finish out this calendar year. Presently we are serving about 120 men but during the summer it drops to about 80.
Ladies Night Out, March 27, 6pm: We will meet at Monk’s Bar and Grill for tasty food and great conversation. Monk’s is located at 8313 Murphy Drive in Middleton. Everyone welcome to this opportunity for community. Please let Marian Barnes know if you can make it.
Madison-Area Julian Gathering, Wednesday, April 8: We welcome everyone who is interested in learning more about contemplative spirituality in the Christian tradition. We meet the second Wednesday of the month for a period of contemplative prayer, after which we discuss a reading from Julian of Norwich, a 14th Century English mystic who has been called “a theologian for our time.” We would love to have you join us. If you have questions, contact Susan Fiore, ObJN.
Would you like to pray with and for other St. Dunstan’s folk? Our Prayer Chain is an email list that receives updates about people and situations in need of prayer, in our parish and beyond. To join the list of people who receive these requests and holds them in prayer, email . You can also send prayer requests to the same address.
Announcements for E-news: If you have an announcement you would like to see in the weekly e-news or the Sunday News and Notes, we are happy to include it. Send announcements to the office at . We ask that all announcements be submitted by the end of the day on Wednesday, because we prepare the E-news and News & Notes on Thursday morning. If you have an announcement or event you’d like to share but are uncertain whether it’s appropriate for the e-news, you can send it to Rev. Miranda .
Camp Webb 2020 (June 21-27) is accepting applications now! Camp Webb is an outdoor ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, for children and youth grades 3 through senior high. It is held at a camp outside Elkhorn, WI. Camp tuition is $400, with a deposit of $100 due at the time of registration. St. Dunstan’s offers $150 in aid to all our campers, with additional assistance possible; contact Rev. Miranda () or our treasure Val McAuliffe () for financial assistance. Camp Webb usually fills up, so register soon! Use this link:
Diocesan Prayer as we search for the 12th Bishop of the Diocese of Milwaukee: Gracious and loving God in whom we live and move and have our being: we pray for your guidance and wisdom that we may faithfully follow your calling in our lives and as we as the Diocese of Milwaukee discern the calling of our twelfth bishop. We give you thanks for the ministry of Bishop Miller and his family, especially for the health that has been brought to our diocese through his leadership. We pray for those whom you have called to serve on our Standing, Search, and Transition Committees, and for those who will respond to your call to enter into discernment with us to be our next bishop. Give us all listening and prayerful hearts for this most important task. This we ask in the name of the One who said, “Come, follow me.” Amen.