Jesus Christ is Risen Today Virtual Ensemble Project

We are inviting members and friends of St. Dunstan’s to contribute recordings of “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” (Hymnal 1982 #207). Watch the tutorial about how to do it, and then record yourself and send it in.

Tutorial (also available at, with additional instructions in the video description):

Accompaniment Only (also available at Please listen to this track when recording–that’s what will let all the parts synchronize right!

Singers: let’s use the first intro and verse as an instrumental introduction. That’ll mean you’ll start at 0:43.

If you’d like to hear a part separately, the following recordings play through each part once below.

Soprano Practice Track (also available at

Alto Practice Track (also available at

Tenor Practice Track (also available at

Bass Practice Track (also available at

If you would like to receive individual coaching or help making your track, please reach out to Deanna () to set up a time over Zoom.