In April of 2018, we began our long-awaited capital campaign: The Open Door Project! Through your pledges, we raised over $1,073,000 to help our parish have more space for our common life and ministries and to accommodate community groups, with accessibility, safety, and comfort for all. Construction will begin in the spring of 2019. You can read more at our Campaign Website here.
Below are some documents that show you the process that led us here.
Parish Letter: Beginning Discernment, July 2016
How We Got Here, December 2016
Community Covenant, December 2016
Discernment Process Update: Forming Teams, December 2016
Update: Working with an Architectural Firm to Assess & Address our Building’s Needs, January 2017
Rev. Miranda’s Sermon on Disequilibrium, January 2017
Capital Campaign: An Overview of the Whole Process, February 2017
Discernment Report: Key Projects? March 2017
Wondering Conversations Report, April 2017
Neighborhood Needs Survey Report, May 2017
Capital Campaign Possibilities, Parish Meeting, December 3, 2017
Capital Campaign Possibilities Overview (Updated January 2018)