This year, my Annual Meeting address is a preliminary report on the Wondering Together conversations we’ve been having.
Context: Awareness of need to work on medium- and longer-term financial sustainability for our life together here
We have been advised that any serious work along those lines needs to start from a clear sense of who we are and what we’re about, as a church
We’ve asked ourselves those kinds of questions before – most recently in prep for 2018 capital campaign & renovation
But we’ve been through a lot and changed a lot since then.
Time for a renewed season of wondering together about how God is shaping us and where God is leading us.
Wondering Conversation process
Started in late summer; most recent in December
Have probably included about 50 people so far – in person and online, kids, youth, adults & elders, a pretty good range.
I would still like to gather more input! Possible online version; maybe another couple of group conversations if people would enjoy that – it’s really rich, holy space. Let me know!
Going through the notes, SO FAR… pulling out big topics & themes. This isn’t a full report! Just some observations…
Cluster of responses about how we worship & engage with the Bible and faith.
Being an intergenerational church, with scope for meaningful involvement for kids & youth.
Liturgical playfulness & intentionality
Hands-on participation & our Scripture dramas
People’s liturgical and personal quirks are welcomed
Peaceful quiet & holy noise – God can be in both
Someone said, “I am not comfortably bored. Ever.”
In terms of theology and beliefs:
Scope to question, wonder, explore, rebuild, play
Listening & learning from one another – “The Bible is in all of us”
“Christ cares about liberation, here and now, for all people.”
An awareness that good theology can happen on the floor
A cluster of responses about the other things we do, besides worship.
Creation care commitments.
Caring for and enjoying our grounds; respecting our non—human neighbors like the bats.
Our commitment to youth ministry. In one conversation folks wondered out loud whether we have a call to serve queer and unchurched youth.
Outreach giving and volunteer opportunities to serve others.
Someone said, “We are most ourselves when we are reaching out.” One of our young folks said, “Madison and Middleton are better because of St. Dunstan’s and I’m proud of that.”
Our ongoing work around voluntary land tax and restorative actions with respect to the Native peoples of this place.
The BIGGEST set of responses – fullest pages of tick marks and notes – had to do with how we *are* as a community, to and for each other.
People talked about inclusive welcome.
Meaning everything from welcoming LGBTQ+ folks, to welcoming folks of no church background, to welcoming folks of all ages in the fulness of who they are.
People said, “We allow children to be children.” And: “St. Dunstan’s listens to children.”
One of our youth, re: inclusive welcome at youth group: “Are you part of this church? We don’t care. Are you part of any church? We don’t care. Do you play board games?You’ll learn.”
Many people spoke in various ways about mutual care.
Safety, trust, respect, kindness, shared prayer.
Someone said, “We love each other through the changes.”
Someone said, “It’s OK to bring your feelings to church.”
Several folks talked about valuing our commitment to Zoom church: the ways it keeps people connected; the intimacy of face-to-face worship and shared prayer on that platform.
People value a sense of room and opportunity to share their gifts and skills. One person mentioned the “non-hierarchical use of people” – if you want to lead something or help shape something, there’s probably room for that.
Reflecting on the many ways people stepped up to make music last summer, one person described St. Dunstan’s as “this amazing thing that creates what it needs.”
People talked about resilience and capacity to change.That we’re a church that’s dynamic, not rigid.
Folks described a balance of comfort and growth, support and renewal, “not living in the status quo.”
“The casualness and the messiness and the constant evolution.”
Someone said that our church at its best is “compassionate, honest, joyful, and hopeful.”
Someone said that she chose our church, and stays at our church, because it’s a place of fierce love.Fierce love.
People are super clear that we’re not perfect! There’s a lot for us to keep growing into.But there’s also a lot that is hope-filled and holy.
As your pastor: I think I know this church pretty well. But there were some things in all this that surprised me! Some stuff that seems distinctive about St. Dunstan’s — the grounds and Creation Care commitments, land acknowledgment work, even our strong commitment to outreach – were mentioned often, but were not the biggest themes.
I don’t think that’s because they’re not important to people. Maybe instead it’s because we understand that those things flow out of more fundamental things about the kind of faith community we’re striving to be, together.
Another thing I’m learning from these data is that folks with no kids or grown kids do understand and value what we are doing in creating a community of welcome and nurture for kids and youth. It’s a big encouragement to me, to hear that.
I want to come back to that phrase fierce love. It came up in our very first conversation; I had forgotten it. But once I read it again, it stuck in my mind.
It was rattling around in my brain as I read a book about the Rule of St. Benedict, the week before last, in preparation for my clergy retreat. Benedict lived in the 6th century, and founded a monastic order, the Benedictines. His Rule of Life laid out how community life in Benedictine monasteries should be ordered, but Christians – and non-Christians! – who are not monastics have found wisdom and value in the Rule, as a pattern for Christian living, for fifteen hundred years now. (By the way, Dunstan was a Benedictine monk and founded many Benedictine monasteries!)
The book I was reading quoted this from Benedict’s Rule: “Try to be the first to show respect to one another, supporting with the greatest patience one another’s weaknesses of body or behavior… This zeal the [community members] should practice with fervent love.”
Try to be the first to show respect to one another…
Supporting with the greatest patience one another’s weaknesses of body or behavior. Now, listen: For Benedict’s time, it was a big deal to propose that community should embrace those who were different in various ways and help them participate and belong.
I don’t love the language of “weaknesses,” but if we shift just a little to supporting one another in our differences of body and behavior, then we’re getting really close to some things people say they value at St. Dunstan’s.
This zeal the [community members] should practice with fervent love. When I read this, fervent love caught my attention because it sounded a lot like fierce love.
I looked up Benedict’s original Latin for this passage. Fervent is a Latin word; it comes from the word for boiling – it has to do with heat and intensity. But in the original text, it’s not just fervent love. It’s ferventissimo love.
Our music folks will know that means not just fervent but SUPER FERVENT. THE FERVENTEST.
Fervent and fierce have a lot in common. They point to an intensity of love, a love that digs in and holds on; a love that’s willing to bare its teeth when necessary.
And what Benedict names here as part of the work of community – striving to be the first to show respect to one another, supporting with the greatest patience our differences of body and behavior, with fervent love – that reminds me of a lot of what is coming up in these wondering conversations.
I’m not saying that we should declare fierce love our new mission statement, or start printing it on T-shirts.
I just found it to be a phrase that captures a lot of what people say they love about this church, and a lot of what you all hope, for this church.
Fierce love is a simple phrase, but not a simple reality.
On a weekly basis, I have to work to figure out where to spend my limited time and energy nurturing fierce love among us.
Sometimes we need to discern, together, about direction and season, projects and priorities.
And of course we don’t all see eye to eye. There can be conflicting needs and hopes, for all kinds of reasons.
The Society of St. John the Evangelist, another monastic community, includes this early on in their Rule of Life: “The first challenge of community life is to accept whole-heartedly the authority of Christ to call whom he will. Our community is not formed by the natural attraction of like-minded people. We are given to one another by Christ and he calls us to accept one another as we are.”
Look, if something shows up in a monastic Rule of Life, it’s because it’s hard, OK?
Fierce love isn’t simple; it also isn’t easy.
We have many growing edges. Ask me and I can name a few; maybe you can too.
Our resources – human, financial, strategic – are often stretched thin, and we have to make hard choices, let some things go, and live with uncertainty.
I don’t think everybody here feels loved fiercely. We have ongoing work to do fully welcoming and integrating newer members, and listening to the needs of longer-term members.
And let’s be honest, some folks just want to come to church. It’s OK if you’re not looking for a community of fierce love!
Are we are fierce as we mean to be?As we need to be, for each other, for the world?
Are we ready to support our youth group making Pride signs for our lawn again this June, even if it means another month of being vigilant for potential vandalism?
Are we ready to take creation care beyond solar panels and composting, to talking about how we can be advocates for, and participants in, big, systemic change?
Are we ready to have hard, bold conversations about where our convictions as people of faith meet the issues at stake in the elections this year?
Fierce love isn’t simple.Fierce love isn’t easy.Fierce love can be hard, messy work.
But I think fierce love, fervent love, ferventissimo love, is important. Is holy.
Might be a thing that makes a church worth people’s time and care and investment, in a season of so much struggle and change in the world around us.
I’ll close with a favorite prayer, composed by William Temple, who was the Archbishop of Canterbury during World War II.
O God of love, we pray thee to give us love:Love in our thinking, love in our speaking,Love in our doing, and love in the hidden places of our souls;Love of our neighbours near and far;Love of our friends, old and new;Love of those with whom we find it hard to bear, and love of those who find it hard to bear with us;Love of those with whom we work,And love of those with whom we take our ease;Love in joy, love in sorrow; love in life and love in death;That so at length we may be worthy to dwell with thee,Who art eternal love. Amen.
Our Annual Reports are an overview of many of our ministries and their recent projects and priorities. It’s a good way to know what we’re up to. Note that not all ministry groups send in an annual report! NOTE: We don’t post email addresses on the website, but use our Contact Us form or talk to Rev. Miranda to get connected with any of these ministries.
Children’s Formation
Sunday school
Sunday school is back to our pre-pandemic schedule of meeting twice a month during 10AM in-person worship. (Most of our kids are participating in church in person, though StoryChurch is one online kid-centered offering, and we are open to others as needed!) We have two Sunday school classes, one for ages 3 through first grade and one for second grade through fifth or sixth (whenever kids decide they’d prefer to stay in church). In the younger classroom they are working through a set of core holy stories, using materials from the Godly Play and Diddy Disciples books. In the older classroom we are patching together our own curriculum from various sources, based on the Sunday lectionary. In the new year we may start integrating some of our Scripture drama work as part of the schedule for that class. Interested folks welcome as teachers and helpers – talk with Rev. Miranda!
Drama Camp
Our summer kids’ camp in 2022 was a Drama Camp, focused on building kids’ skills and engagement with various aspects of drama and theater. About 25 kids participated over the course of the week, including some guests from the wider community. The younger group worked on using their bodies, faces, and voices to express different feelings, played with costumes, and developed a performance of the story of Jonah. The older group explored lights and tech, makeup, props and set design, voice and expression, and much more, while preparing a performance of the Biblical story of Tobit. It was a great week and we are carrying some of those skills into our Scripture drama and pageant work during the year!
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry Program has undergone one significant change this year: hiring a dedicated staff person. Isabelle had a number of big goals coming into this position, but there are three in particular that have seen marked improvement.
First, expanding communication regarding youth activities with the wider parish has been successful by the utilization of monthly “wrap-up” emails and increasing day-to-day visibility through frequent Facebook posts. The parish has been able to receive updates on the annual Treinen Farm visit, the Halloween and Christmas parties, Friday night craft projects, and other service events.
Second, youth ownership of the youth program has been strengthened by seeking input on Friday night activities, monthly events, and service opportunities. The GSAFE bake sale was requested, priced, and staffed by the youth themselves, resulting in a $593 donation. Coming up at the end of January is an almost entirely youth-organized overnight retreat (Holy Creations: Self Love & Care) where the youth will get to explore topics they’ve expressed both and interest and need for. A similar approach is being taken for spring programming and summer service trips.
Lastly, youth programming has made only as many adjustments as befits the wants and needs of the youth themselves. To maintain tradition and smooth the transition process, Fall and Spring bonfire days are still going strong! To make space for the artistically inclined, one Friday a month has had a dedicated seasonal craft. In upcoming months, the youth hope to have multiple Lent Madness get-togethers, movie nights, a murder mystery dinner party, and an open house art gallery in the Parish Center.
As far as need goes, Isabelle is still trying to find/establish a best practice for Friday night second-adult volunteers. You could help greatly in that process by signing your name & volunteer preferences to this link: Finally, if you have ideas for events, crafts, games, demonstrations, or destinations, please contact Isabelle to initiate some collaboration! Thanks much for reading, and the kids hope to see YOU on an upcoming Friday night.
Building & rebuilding community
Moving into the fall of 2022, parish leadership heard and perceived a need to focus on building and rebuilding community. One endeavor in that direction this fall is the new Aging Together group, which meets about once a month on Friday mornings on Zoom. We’ve had some meetings focused on particular topics, like loneliness and the disorienting effects of grief; others have been focused just on sharing and mutual support. Some people have started meeting on Zoom most Fridays because connection feels good!
Another new endeavor was a small group that met on Zoom for four sessions focused on practical tools for raising faithful kids. Out of that work came a plan to have monthly evening Zoom meetings for parents, for check in and mutual support, similar to our previous Spirituality of Parenting group.
We’re also working on returning to some of our pre-pandemic fellowship opportunities, like regular young adult meetups and crafting gatherings. If you’re interested in any of this, talk with Rev. Miranda to learn more – and in some cases, perhaps help make it happen!
Saturday Book Club
The Saturday Book Group meets on Saturday mornings every 6-8 weeks, though less frequently during the summer. We generally alternate between fiction and non-fiction books. In 2022 most meetings were remote on Zoom. In 2023, we plan to hold hybrid meetings – in person combined with Zoom.
Books we read in 2021 were:
The Luckiest Boy in the World by Patrick McBride
The Madness of Crowds by Louise Penny
The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story created by Nikole Hannah-Jones
Contributed Poems in memory of Dan Hanson
Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
The Road to Character by David Brooks
Speak to Peter if you’d like to know more. Please do join us.
Contemplative Prayer
The contemplative prayer group finished its year in May 2022 (after starting in October 2021). We continued to meet online throughout the spring and experimented with several types of prayer together, including the examen, welcoming prayer, Ignatian contemplation, and lectio divina. In July, we gathered in person for a potluck lunch hosted by Susan Franks. Overall, we gained insight into new ways to connect with God and are grateful for the friendships we made with one another along the way! – Submitted by Jamie Smet
Music Ministries
St. Dunstan’s music ministries is a loose conglomeration of musicians (both vocalists and instrumentalists) who do help us sing, listen to, and play music for service; write special hymn lyrics; compose, transcribe, and engrave psalms, hymns, choral arrangements, and original music; provide special music on- and off-site in collaboration with wider church events; handle music library, technological, and licensing logistics; provide second-adult presences for children’s choir rehearsals; organize fellowship events; publicize off-site music events; and provide financial and material support.
2022 required continued adaptation of our musical activities to meet the challenges of the season, including Deanna’s reduced hours. Some highlights of what we accomplished include:
offering musical offerings of a range of difficulties and configurations at 9am and 10am services
developing and refining routines for an intentionally hybrid, eclectic music ministry that’s sustainable long-term
continuing to experiment with a come-as-you-are, all-ages Orff bell ensemble
To all ensemble participants; guest musicians of all stripes; folks who manage the library and technology behind-the-scenes; donors; and the congregation: thank you for your continued support!
Outreach Annual Report 2022
St. Dunstan’s Outreach Ministries are many and varied, including gifts of time, service, and monetary donations. We gratefully acknowledge the many gifts of human and financial resources in support of Outreach from other individuals and ministries within the St. Dunstan’s family.
In 2022, the Outreach Committee used monetary donations and in person volunteer hours to address the following concerns: disaster relief, food insecurity, lack of shelter and housing, eviction prevention, refugee resettlement, LGBTQ+ rights/safety, and criminal justice reform.
The Outreach Ministries Committee holds meetings on the last Saturday of the Month. The meetings are currently held at 9:30am, via zoom. We welcome new voices and new concerns; please consider joining us! Contact Evy if you would like to be added to the Outreach e-mail distribution list we use to keep members informed about upcoming Outreach meetings and related activities. If you have issues you would like us to address or organizations you would like to support you can either email them directly to Evy or fill out the outreach input form at this link
St. Dunstan’s Outreach Allocations in 2022
Every year, St. Dunstan’s sets aside a percentage of the budgeted pledged income to be allocated to organizations locally and internationality that serve those in need. In 2022St. Dunstan’s Outreach Committee allocated $17997 to the following organizations and projects:
Middleton Outreach Ministry, Bread for World, MOSES, Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee-Newala, GSAFE (creating safer schools for LGBTQ+ youth in Wisconsin), East H.S. Food Pantry, Jewish Social Services/ refugee resettlement program, Second Harvest, The Beacon, Just Dane for Healing House, Mr. Bob’s Under the Bridge, Briarpatch Youth Services, Badger Needs Network, Grace Food Pantry, Tenant Resource Center, Mennonite Central Committee/Ukraine, Bstrong/Ukraine, and the Diocesan Haiti Partnership.
St. Dunstan’s Outreach Endowment Fund
This year the outreach committee sought congregational input on the distribution of grants from the outreach endowment fund. The fund was established in 1995, by the vestry and is managed by Diocese of Milwaukee Trustees of Funds and Endowments. Annually the outreach committee makes recommendations to the vestry for spending a percentage (aprx. 5%) of the fund to provide donations to organizations addressing basic human needs. 50 people participated in the voting process and the votes were very close. The organizations that received the most votes were The Road Home and Allied Food Pantry. Both organizations received $2,500 from the outreach fund.
Outreach Core Ministries and Volunteer Opportunities
There are several core ministries that St. Dunstan’s invests volunteer time and resources in on a continual basis. These are just a few of them.
Outreach MOSES Ministry
Since 2018, St. Dunstan’s has been a Member of MOSES – “Madison Organizing in Strength, Equity and Solidarity for Criminal Legal System Reform” – a non-partisan interfaith organization that works to promote social justice with a focus on ending mass incarceration. In doing so, MOSES seeks to deliver a message of hope, healing, and unity that reaches beyond the divisions of race, creed, and socioeconomic status. MOSES provides many opportunities for volunteer participation at various levels, such as helping at a MOSES-sponsored event; serving on a MOSES task force or committee; or making a tax-deductible financial donation to MOSES. In 2021 and 2022, St. Dunstan’s served as the host location for an annual rummage sale to raise funds for MOSES – over $2,700 was raised for MOSES at the 2022 rummage sale, thanks in part to members of St. Dunstan’s who supported this event by donating items and being present to help as needed. For more information about MOSES, visit their website at
Middleton Outreach Ministry has been able to navigate many transitions during this past year. They have continued to provide food and housing assistance in a number of ways. At the end of August, MOM expanded to in-person shopping four days a week and continued the drive-thru, delivery and mobile services. This past November saw 100,000 pounds of food distributed along with 8600 pounds of clothing. They supported more families in the Connections housing program so they could move out of doubled-up living arrangements and into homes of their own. Currently 15 families involved in this program have received housing, and will continue to have one year of support from MOM. Also, MOM special events have provided needed assistance during the year—600 students received backpacks and school supplies through the Back to School Program; 432 Thanksgiving meals were distributed; and the Winter Wishes program provided over 500 households with gift cards. St. Dunstan’s Outreach
Committee has continued its support of these very important community services with monetary donations, volunteers, as well as participation in the past year’s Winter Wishes program. Thank you, St.Dunstan’s for helping us contribute in so many ways to provide the assistance needed to sustain the good works of Middleton Outreach Ministry.
Healing House
Healing House, located at 303 Lathrop Street in Madison, is an 8 bed facility, providing 24/7 recuperative care for homeless families who have been released from the hospital or who need care to prepare for a surgery or medical procedure. Families are cared for by medically trained staff and volunteers and can stay for up to 28 days. The Healing House provides clients with three meals a day, child care assistance, and case management to end the cycle of homelessness. St. Dunstan’s is a part of group of organizations brought together by The Road Home to provide meals to families staying at the Healing House. The next week St. Dunstan’s will be supplying food for Healing House is February 19 -25, 2023.
Grocery Shopping for Refugees/ Jewish Social Services
Humanitarian crises in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and elsewhere have displaced millions of people. Some of these people and families who have been arriving to the United States under UN humanitarian parolee status are being resettled in Madison under the management of Jewish Social Services. We wanted to support them in a tangible way, something more than simply writing a check. To that end, beginning in August of 2022, the St. Dunstan’s Outreach Committee and a team of volunteers has been helping JSS with their important work by shopping for and delivering groceries for new households who are arriving in Madison. This fills an important gap between the time of their arrival and when their food benefits can be applied for and processed. The shopping list reflects the cuisine of their country of origin. So when they are going through so much stress as they settle into their new home, they have familiar foods waiting for them, in the fridge. The Committee allocated $1500 in 2022 to reimburse congregation members for buying groceries. Funds not spent on grocery shopping were sent to Second Harvest Food Bank. Since last August, we have had the privilege to assist 7 households from Congo, Afghanistan, and Syria as they have settled into our community.
Diaper Drive – Pantries are almost always looking for large-sized diapers. We held a diaper drive again this year, and were able to donate over 5900 diapers to pantries. A child needs approximately 6500 diapers between birth and potty training. Many families in our area are struggling financially, and they have to make tough decisions about whether to buy much-needed diapers or groceries or pay their rent. The Wisconsin FoodShare program (food stamps) does not cover diapers, other personal care items, or household cleaners. Decisions must be made all the time about how to spend the small amount of money coming in. Imagine wanting and needing to change your baby’s diaper because you know it’s dirty, but you only have a couple diapers left and no money with which to buy more diapers. Furthermore, families often don’t have the money to buy economy-sized boxes or the time to watch for sales.
This year, we donated diapers and wipes to the following organizations: Allied Drive Food Pantry, Karen’s Essential Center (a pantry in the Elver Park area), Healing House, and Reach Out Lodi (a pantry in Lodi). Thank you very much for your incredible generosity!
Creation Care Annual Report
St. Dunstan’s as a parish has carried a commitment to creation care since its earliest years, when the first rector Bob Childs planted exotic conifers around the grounds. In 2016 we gathered a Creation Care Task Force and created our Creation Care Mission Statement: . Here are some ways we are living it out this year….
This area of ministry currently has more energy than organization! We could really use a facilitator or co-facilitators for a Creation Care team, to gather us every couple of months to share ideas and updates, identify and move along various projects, and so on.
Installing Solar Panels
Installing solar panels on the main building (spring/summer 2023). Thanks to two major gifts and a small Solar for Good grant from RENEW Wisconsin, we are moving forward with this project, which should cover about 75% of our usual electricity use at the main building. (There will be additional costs, though how Inflation Reduction Act provisions apply to us is still to be determined so we don’t have exact numbers yet.) We’re really excited to be able to generate our own energy (and reduce our utility bills!) In this way.
The Walnut Syrup Project
Last year, starting in early February, we placed 8 taps into 4 trees at three different locations on the church grounds. It took a while before they started actually dripping sap, but over the full season weeks, we collected somewhere around 50 gallons of sap. We did some preliminary boiling indoors on a stove along the way to help in preserving the sap and reducing the volume we were storing, and on March 26, 2022 we had our first ever sap boil using a stove constructed from cinder blocks, a few bricks, a stove pipe and a steam tray pan. We ended up doing a second boil as well, and ultimately ended up with a little shy of 1 gallon of Black Walnut Syrup. 2 pints of the syrup went home with the makers. A small amount was offered as tasting samples at the church, some of it was used in some tartlets for the pie brunch this last fall, and a quart was given as a gift alongside the check that St. Dunstans made to the Wisconsin Inter-Tribal Repatriation Committee. The remainder of last year’s syrup will be available to have on pancakes at the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper.
– Submitted by Phil. Talk to Phil or Carrie about this project!
The Grounds Mapping Project
For years we have needed an up to date digital map of the property that shows particular features, including things like our permaculture plot and other useful plants. After getting conversant with the appropriate software in 2022, John L. plans to work on some mapping this year, including at least a basic map and a map that notes memorials on the property, such as trees and benches. If you have other mapping ideas, talk with Rev. Miranda or John!
Today is Annual Meeting Sunday for St. Dunstan’s.Episcopal churches do this every year. Later today at 1PM people will gather on Zoom – we’ll get back to doing it in person one of these years! – and we’ll elect our vestry members and other positions, and receive this year’s budget, and some other updates on priorities, projects and finances.Anyone who considers themself a member of St. Dunstan’s is welcome to join us – or even if you’re not sure you’re a member yet but are just interested in how we do business.
On Annual Meeting Sunday I like to have my sermon be a reflection on where I think the church is and where we’re going.And I always hope that the readings assigned for that Sunday, on the calendar we share with many other churches, give me something to talk about. Well, this year, when I looked at the lessons assigned for today, there wasn’t just one or two that seemed to fit… they ALL did.So we’re hearing all the lessons today – it’s a lot of Scripture! And after each lesson I’ll say a little bit about what call or affirmation it bears for us.
I want to get one thing out of the way before we continue.When we get to talking about the finances, later today, you’ll hear that we’re starting this year with a deficit budget.Our best guess right now is our expenses might be about $11,000 more than our income, in 2022.
The Finance Committee and Vestry didn’t try to squeeze our budget to narrow that gap any further, for a couple of reasons.For one thing, we had a $9000 budget deficit last year, which mostly worked itself out over the course of the year.For another thing, more than half our pledging households increased their pledges for this year.That feels like a mandate to keep doing what we’re doing.
We do have some work to do on the longer-term financial stability of St. Dunstan’s.If you have an interest in that, whether it’s planned giving or creative uses of our facilities or new kinds of partnerships, let me know; that’s a team I’d like to start building, this year. But for the time being: Your Finance Committee and Vestry feel confident about moving forward with this budget, and the priorities it represents, in faith and hope.
Let’s continue with the assigned readings for this Sunday – and let’s hear them as words from God to us, the people of St. Dunstan’s, for this day and this year.
This is a text from a time of rebuilding. Judea and Jerusalem had been conquered, almost 150 years earlier.Many people had been killed; most of the rest of God’s people had been taken into exile in Babylon, among strangers and far from their homeland.After fifty years, a new emperor decided to let those who wanted return home, and provided resources for them to start rebuilding Jerusalem.
The time of rebuilding was complicated.There were different priorities about what should be restored first.Should we rebuild the walls so we feel safe?Should we rebuild the Temple so we feel centered?The people who were left in the land resented the returnees.People wanted different things. People needed different things.It must have been a challenging time to be a leader.
This text echoes another scene that took place not quite 200 years earlier, before the Exile.Rummaging around in the Great Temple, the High Priest Hilkiah finds the book of the Law of God – the Torah – and brings it to the young king Josiah.When Josiah hears the words of the book of the Law, he realizes how far his people have fallen from God’s plan for them.He calls an assembly of all the people, and reads them the Torah.And Josiah recommits himself to the covenant relationship between God and God’s people.
The text tells us that “all the people join in the covenant,” but Josiah’s reform seems to be largely top-down.Josiah orders that images of other gods and their places of worship be destroyed. Josiah commands people to observe the holy feast of Passover.Maybe that’s why Josiah’s changes didn’t really change things.
What happens in Nehemiah’s time is the same – and different. Nehemiah the governor, and Ezra the priest, call the people together and read them the book of the Law of God.It’s not clear why they do it at this particular time.Maybe it’s just that the walls and the Temple are both rebuilt, and enough people have returned to sort of have a nation again, and it’s just time to remind everyone of who and whose they are.
This time, the people seem to matter as much as the leaders.Notice some of the details from the text.Those reading from the book gave interpretation, so that the people could understand what was being read.The people listened attentively, and wept at what they heard – grieving at the long years they’ve spent away from their calling as God’s holy nation. I love how Nehemiah and Ezra respond: Don’t grieve! This day, when we remember who we are – this day is holy. Celebrate! Feast! The joy of the Lord is your strength!And the people eat and drink, and share, and rejoice, because they had understood the words that were declared to them.
What call or affirmation might we hear in this text? Studying this text felt really joyful for me this week.I felt a lot of recognition and resonance.We too are in a time of rebuilding – and will be for a while.Experimenting our way into ways of worshipping and gathering and living out God’s call together that are flexible and resilient and hopeful enough to work, in this new season.The contrast between Josiah and Nehemiah reaffirms my conviction that we’re all in this together.That whatever new ways of being we find our way into will work because we listen to each other, and seek understanding, and weep and rejoice together.
Let me say one more thing before we continue.In response to the remaining texts, I’m going to talk about some possible projects and ministry directions that I think God is inviting us further into, this year and beyond. I want to say that I know that what some folks need right now is just the reliability of a holy space (virtual or otherwise), a loving set of people, a place to ask questions, a place where it’s OK to let people know when you hurt. For those folks, the most important work of the next year might be our continued rebuilding and regathering.And that’s OK. It’s better than OK.
There are people who are drawn to church partly because they’re seeking a community to work on mending the world with.And that’s one of church’s most important jobs.But SO IS being a place of consolation and kindness and connection and rest.Nobody should feel any shame if bold new ministry initiatives make you feel like pulling the covers up over your head, right now. OK? OK.
Did anybody notice the jump in this ancient sacred poem?The place where it seems to suddenly change gears? …Verses 1 through 6 are a reflection on creation – and specifically, on the wonders of the heavens. I get a strong sense of somebody sitting on a hillside and watching the sun set and the stars come out, and just thinking about how amazing it all is.Feeling awe and gratitude at the beauty and reliability of nightfall and dawn, sunrise and sunset.
The poet – maybe David, maybe somebody else – is thinking about how God did a really good job creating the universe.Creating these patterns and systems that make life possible and delight the eye and mind and heart.And it’s that mindset of wonder that makes sense of the pivot at verse 7. God’s perfect law revives the soul!God’s stable rule guides the simple!
Beholding Creation, with loving attention, moves the poet first to praise God, Creator, Source, and Sustainer of all things; and then to prayer – deeply personal prayer.Asking God to help them stay aligned with God’s ways.The poet has a particular concern: they know they’re prone to pride, to thinking themself better or wiser or more important than they are. So they ask God to help them avoid that pitfall… and then commend themself to God’s care.
What call or affirmation might we hear in this text? Care of creation is important to us, here at St. Dunstan’s.We try to learn about God by learning about the natural world. We try to love God by loving the natural world.This ancient poem anchors and encourages us.
Gazing at a sunset, dipping your toes in big water, studying an interesting bug – all of this can be part of our spiritual life, our walk with God.Our delight, wonder, awe, fascination – our concern and our grief –when we contemplate creation can move us to worship.To praise; to conviction; to repentance and amendment of life. To remembering how small we really are, and yet how important our call to tend with love.
This year, let’s do more of that.Let’s feed the birds and tap our walnut trees and cut our carbon emissions and call our elected officials and keep becoming a church that loves God by loving the world.Let’s seek ways to build the community of hope and grief and solidarity and possibility that many of us need, as we face deepening climate crisis.
Paul’s metaphor of the church as a human body is truly inspired.We can immediately see the foolishness of a foot saying, “I’m not part of the body because I’m not a hand.”Or the head saying to the feet, “I don’t need you.”We understand that it takes different parts that are good at different things to make a functioning whole, in our bodies.And that some of the parts that we don’t think are very pleasant or presentable – or that we don’t really think about at all, like, say, the spleen – are actually pretty important.
And Paul tells us: Churches are like that too.You are the body of Christ and parts of each other!And just as in a body, if one part suffers, the whole body suffers, so within a church; we should be guided by mutual concern.
Then he returns to the theme we heard earlier in this chapter: that within the church, there are lots of important roles.Prophets, teachers, helpers and healers, leaders, speakers in tongues and interpreters.Earlier he mentioned some others:People of wisdom; people of knowledge; people of deep faith; people of discernment; people of prophetic insight and passion.Paul doesn’t mention some roles that seem pretty central to me – music leader, coffee maker, website maintenance, youth group leader, and such. But we always can add to his list!And all of those capacities are gifts of the Holy Spirit, given by God to help the church be a community where people can find welcome and grace, healing and direction, and ways to do good together.
What call or affirmation might we hear in this text? I think that at St. Dunstan’s we do a pretty good job of making space for people to share their gifts and skills and interests – and trusting that we can be the church God means us to be by doing the things that people are good at and like to do.Speaking as a leader, your interests and energy are one of the top things that I look to for guidance about what we should be doing, where we should be leaning in or pulling back.I believe that God shapes and guides and cares for our church through the people God sends to be part of the church.
When we finished our renovation in late 2019, I figured we’d take a few months to get settled and do normal things, and then put some attention into asking each other: Now what? Where are our interests and energies leading us next? And then Covid hit, and survival and mutual care became our priorities for… two years and counting.
But I think it’s time to stop postponing that shared wondering.We have new members who have joined us in the past few years. We have new skills, interests and passions among our longer-term members, too.
This week the E-News had a link to a Gift and Skill Inventory, a simple online form.I would love for everyone hearing my voice to fill it out.Kids and adults, new and long-term members; friends of the parish, too.If multiple people share a computer, you should be able to fill it out as many times as you need to.We’ll keep sending out the link and reminding you about it for the next few weeks.
Let’s take stock of what we care about, what we’re good at, what we like to do. At the very least, we might find some fun opportunities for skill and knowledge sharing. At the most, we might discover a constellation of interests and commitments and skills among us that we didn’t know was there, and that points towards new ministry possibilities.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus begins his mission. He reads from chapter 61 of the book of the prophet Isaiah, one of the great prophetic texts of God’s people.And he declares: This is it. The year of the Lord’s favor. Look for liberation, and healing, and hope.Because big stuff is about to start happening.
Look, I know I say this a lot, but:Things were not great in first-century Judea. (Remembering that our faith-ancestors have survived hard times before can help us face hard times today. )
Back then, God’s people lived under the rule of strangers.There were armed terrorist groups running around.The wealthy were comfortable, but most people lived in poverty.There was very little effective health care, and lots of people died, all the time, from endemic disease, accidents, childbirth.(There’s a reason people kept mobbing Jesus seeking healing.)Many people felt helpless and hopeless.There was no real reason to think things would get better anytime soon.As Bishop Lee put it in a meeting this week: God’s wholesale remaking of the world was not evident, then, as it is not now.
Jesus’ proclamation – that God’s healing and justice were about to dawn – was no easier to receive then than it is today.In fact, the audience gets kind of mad about it.Who does this guy think he is??This scene ends with people trying to throw Jesus off a cliff.
What call or affirmation might we hear in this text?
I hope I’m not taking my life in my hands by saying this, but:God’s liberation, and healing, and hope are still dawning.Even here, even now.And we can be part of that, as a church.
One of our priorities this year is to start discerning, together, how to use our Community Project Fund: $70,000 that we set aside as part of our capital campaign, to do something for the wider community.It might be our project or it might be a partnership; it might be a one-time thing or seed money to start something bigger.We hope it’ll be something that gives interested St. Dunstan’s folk a way to be involved – to offer our time and energy, for the good of our neighbors, as well as our financial resources.
I already felt pretty sure that this was the year to begin that work – to start talking and learning and praying together about what this project might be.This Gospel, on our Annual Meeting Sunday, feels like it seals the deal, to me. Jesus says: This is the time for people to be healed and freed from all that binds and burdens them.If we begin to seek the ways that we, as a church, can be part of that healing and unbinding, then maybe even 2022 could be the year of the Lord’s favor.
Today’s readings offer us, almost, a charge for the year ahead.Return and rebuild, together.Welcome one another, deepen our relationships, share our gifts.Love and serve God through creation.And seek out new ways to join God’s work in the world.
I have been experimenting with preaching from an outline in this season. Apologies to those who read online – I know this is harder to read than a complete sermon text!
Annual Meeting Sunday
Happens every January (though some churches do it in the late fall)
Business – presenting budget, electing representatives, ministry updates
I usually take invitation to do a “State of the Parish” sermon, to best of my ability
Last year: Jesus at the Wedding at Cana, & anxiety about whether there will be enough. & being in the “stretch zone” as the parish changes and as my role changes too.
Helpful to me to re-read, because honestly, dealing with the renovation last year sucked up a lot of my capacity to think and pray and practice my way into those changes… if you want to re-read it too, I have some copies in the sermon basket!
Year before that: Preached on an Epistle about holding the present lightly, so that we’re more able to welcome God’s future. That was an easy one!
Ask myself: What’s the word that needs speaking? Where am I catching a glimpse of God’s next work among us, that I can name and hold up?
Coming up blank.
Not a bad blank. Not lost, lonely, anxious blank.
Blank page in an artist’s pad, with colored pencils and markers and paints at hand…
Which makes a lot of sense, when I think about where we are in our common life at St. D’s…
I came to St. D’s in Jan 2011. First document that mentions preparing for a cap cam dates from March 2011.
Not because I came here itching to do one, but because folks here had some things they felt could be better.
Budget issues – put it off; good thing!
We began in earnest in 2015. Five years ago.
Open Door Project – make bldgs more accessible, flexible, comfortable and beautiful.
And here we are.
More on that in a bit!
But: Over the hump.
Renovation was the largest part, both financially and logistically; and it’s more or less over.
Still collecting pledge payments for the next couple of years; still some interesting and important pieces to undertake.
And still a lot of closets and cabinets and corners with stuff that doesn’t belong there… I’m telling myself it will be OK if some of the sorting and settling waits till the summer!
But I find there’s also starting to be room to breathe… and wonder, what now?
Back to that blank page…!
Lectionary readings for today frame this wondering space.
Sunday readings come from 3-year calendar used by many churches
Epiph: dropped one lesson, extended another, but still working with assigned texts
Lots of kinds of churches where preachers choose texts; I like the discipline & challenge of hearing what the Spirit is saying to the church though the texts that the lectionary places before us.
Today: Prophetic text from Isaiah; portion of early part of John’s Gospel.
Prophet. Godly Play: “a prophet is someone who comes so close to God, and God comes so close to them, that they know what is most important.”
First 39 chaps attrib to OG Isaiah. Later, another prophet’s voice continues and extends Isaiah’s prophecies. Different, but also consistent – it IS one book.
This is Second Isaiah – chap 49.
People of Judea conquered, many killed, others taken away to live in exile.
Prophetic text points towards return to homeland, and restoration of what they have lost, for God’s people.
Israel not forgotten or abandoned; God remembers; God has a future for them.
BUT NOT JUST return and rebuilding: a new mission.
You’ll be honored by foreign kings; you’ll set captives free; your cities will be so full you’ll be saying, “Where did all these children come from?”
MOST OF ALL: Sign of God’s power and redeeming love to the whole world. “It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the survivors of Israel; I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”
Echoes – Song of Praise this season – Isaiah 60: “Nations will stream to your light, kings to the brightness of your dawning…” A city of peace and plenty and light for the whole world.
Import msg for people in exile: temptation to just want what they had before. God says: OK – but I have bigger plans for you.
Now, all that speaks to me pretty directly.
Renovation is not conquest and exile. But there was chaos and confusion and dislocation, and some struggle, and some grief.
And now we can settle in to renewed spaces & return to normal. It would be easy to let that be enough.
Since Xmas: I’ve been able to notice & enjoy. Hearing that from others, too. Things look nice and feel good!
BUT: God through Isaiah: It’s too light a thing to just move back in, tidy up, get back to how things were before all the mess.
God says to God’s people: I have work for you that extends beyond the gates of your city, the doors of your church.
Your renewal has a purpose beyond yourselves.
Return, rebuilding and restoring is not just for our comfort or convenience, but for God’s glory and God’s work in the world.
I don’t know yet what that will look like.
But I believe that’s what we’ll be discerning in the months and years ahead.
What’s waiting to be drawn or painted on that blank page … or maybe several blank pages.
If this makes you uncomfortable – if you were enjoying getting back to normal, and the idea that our new “normal” includes opening our hearts and minds to God’s unfolding purpose for our parish, sounds like more than you’re up for at the moment – then you are not alone.
That’s where our Gospel today comes in – and it is good news.
We are back and forth between the Gospels of Matthew and John a lot in this season, for some reason.
We’re back in John this Sunday, soon after Jesus’ baptism (which we had in Matthew last week), and John the Baptist is telling people about Jesus: “That man over there? He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God!”
John had his own disciples – followers and students – from among the many, many seekers who came to him to hear his preaching & perhaps be baptized.
Here he is pointing away from himself, towards Jesus: That’s who this is all about. That’s who you really need to follow.
Just a few verses before this passage, a verse I treasure:
V. 19-20: “This is the testimony given by John when the Jews sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, ‘Who are you?’ John confessed and did not deny it, but confessed, ‘I am not the Messiah.’”
Something I read a few years ago called this the Confession of John the Baptist – as in, his confession of faith. Only half a joke.
I AM NOT THE MESSIAH. Not the One Sent by God to Save and Restore. I just point at him. Look, there he is!
VIII. Putting the Confession of John in conversation with Isaiah….
It is too light a thing for God’s people to simply have what they had before, restored to them; God intends them to be a light to all peoples, so that God’s saving power can reach to the ends of the earth.
But – and – We are not the Messiah.
Reassurance: Whatever comes next for us does not have to be Messiah-scale.
Nobody, least of all God, expects St. Dunstan’s to fix what ails the world or our nation or even just Madison or Middleton.
Offering ourselves to God’s purposes not the same as being the SAVIOR of the WORLD. That’s a relief!
But just as important: We are not called to be the Savior; but we are called to point towards him.
That IS our job, individually and together – to live lives that point in word and deed towards a loving and redeeming God, made known to us in Jesus Christ.
Picture that blank page. Close your eyes if it helps.
A nice chunky notebook; good brushes; cup of clean water; the colored pencils are sharp and ready…
If art stuff makes you anxious, feel free to pick another image. Wood and tools? An empty garden plot? An image of joyous potential.
We have some praying and wondering and discerning to do, in this season.
I am looking for some prayer partners to pray with me about the next chapter in our common life here at St. Dunstan’s. I don’t know exactly what that looks like either but I know I need it. If you think that might be you, talk to me.
There’s no hurry in all this; we’re still unpacking, and still recovering, from the renovation.
But I think the time is right to begin patient, prayerful preparation for the next thing – remembering that it won’t be OUR thing, but God’s.
The purpose, the plan, and the power – all God’s.
If we listen with open minds and hearts, God will show us the way. I really believe that.
Let us pray.
O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquillity the plan of salvation; let the whole world
see and know that things which were being cast down are being raised up, and things which had grown old are being made new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection by the One through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Our Annual Parish Meeting will be on Sunday, January 19, at 9am. The 2020 parish budget will be presented. To look at the budget and other financial reports, click the link below. You may want to download or print the document to look at it in detail.
Some notes on reading these materials… The middle pages of this document, headed “St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church 2019 Income and Expense Report – 2020 Proposed Budget,” are the annual budget materials and are the most important to review. Here’s a little about how to read them. The column labeled “YTD” is the total actual income or expense for 2019, while the column labeled “Annual Budget” tells you the 2019 budget for each budget line item. Comparing those two columns will give you an idea of how the actual finances of the year played out relative to the budget we adopted last January. The final column, “Proposed 2020 Budget,” is what the Vestry has approved for our 2020 annual parish budget.
Overall, there are three sections to this document:
The balance sheet, an overview of parish assets, funds, and liabilities
The 2019 Income & Expense Report & 2020 Budget
The Designated Funds Report, an overview of some special set-aside and pass-through funds committed for certain purposes. These are separate from the annual budget. This report contains some of the same information as the balance sheet.
As part of the preparation for our Annual Parish Meeting, many ministries prepare reports about their activities in the past year. Here are this year’s Ministry Reports!
Please Note: No contact information is included in the online version of this document. The print version available at church does have contact information. If you want to get in touch and learn more about any of these ministries, just contact the church office at or 608-238-2781 and we will put you in touch!
Ministers of Ceremony : A Minister of Ceremony (MC) assists the clergy with the details of the service. He or she leads the Prayers of the People and usually acts as Lay Eucharistic Minister for the Eucharist at which he or she serves. If there is not an acolyte for the service, the MC also performs the duties of acolyte.For the 8:00 a.m. service, MCs are Sharon Bloodgood, Eric Brown, Sharon Henes, Barbara Karst, Mike Miller, David Segura and Joanne Reis.At 10:00 a.m., MCs are Judi Janowski, Peter Hewson, Claudia Miran, John Laedlein and Heidi Anderson. Joanne Reis acts as the coordinator/scheduler for the 8:00 a.m. ministers. Claudia Berry Miran serves as coordinator/scheduler for the 10:00 a.m. ministers. If you are interested in this ministry, talk to any of the MCs listed for more information. Written by Joanne Reis and Claudia Berry Miran
Lay Eucharistic Ministry: Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) at St Dunstan’s support the Celebrant and MC at all Sunday 10:00 AM services, and at Holy Week and Christmas Eve services.Lynn Bybee, John Ertl, Evy Gildrie-Voyles, Sharon Henes, Peter Hewson, Judi Janowski, Bonnie Magnuson, Mark Rooney, Jess Viste, Tracy Wentz, and Gail Wickman served as LEMs in 2019. Peter Hewson serves as the LEM coordinator. Please speak to him or any LEM if you’d like to know more about the ministry, and/or are interested in serving. – Submitted by Peter Hewson
Altar Guild: The members of the Altar Guild are responsible for preparing the altar for worship services, cleaning up after worship and caring for the vessels, linens, candles, frontals and banners used to make worship beautiful and appropriate for the season. At St. Dunstan’s we have one person assigned per week to be responsible for services during that week, setting up for Sunday morning and cleaning up after the 10 AM service, plus any midweek services.We also have a dedicated group from the 8 AM service who clean up after that service and set up for 10 AM every week.Our 10 AM group includes Evy Gildrie-Voyles, Gretchen Caballero, Betty Enters, Shirley Laedlein and Helen Lackore.The 8 AM group consists of Susan Trudell, Laura Norby and Gail Jordan.Gail also coordinates our flowers through a locally owned floral service.
We are always happy to welcome new people who are interested in learning about this ministry, and need not commit to serving more than one weekend a month. We especially could use more help at our 8AM service. Feel free to talk to any of the members for more information.
This year we again are especially inviting families with children to join us for a single Sunday, or a monthly rotation.It is a great way to learn about the seasons of the church and for kids to have a chance to handle the items used in worship.If your family would be interested in this, please contact Shirley Laedlein. – Submitted by Shirley Laedlein, Altar Guild chair
Prayer Ministry at St. Dunstan’s: The St. Dunstan’s prayer ministry is an active group of about 50 individuals who include prayer requests and concerns from our community in their own private prayers. Sometimes requests come directly from the Rector as well. The prayer requests are shared via email with the prayer group unless a person asks for the details to be private. We also regularly monitor the St. Dunstan’s prayer box on Old Middleton Road where neighbors can share their own concerns. Those requests are put on the St. Dunstan’s Mad City Facebook site.
Only what a person wishes to include will be shared in the prayers. If you are submitting a request for a person other than yourself, we ask you to be sensitive to what that individual would want to have known.
The names appear each week in the Prayers of the People, and they stay on the list for a reasonable length of time. If a name comes off the list and you want it to go back on, please make that known via the email address above.
And if you would like to participate in this ministry, please be in touch! This usually amounts to a couple of prayer request emails per week. – Submitted by Celia Fine
Evening Church Camp, August 2019: This year we decided to have our Evening Church Camp be for all ages again – and since the building was in the process of renovation, we decided to take it outside! We came up with no-kitchen dinners, and ate at tables in the Nave. Every night we had a different Scripture reading – ranging from Genesis to Revelation – exploring the relationships among God, humanity, and Creation. Father Tom, Father John, and Cecilie Ballard helped adults, middle kids, and little kids engage with the stories and themes in age-appropriate ways. Our outside actives were amazing and lots of people helped out! Some favorites were meeting chickens, making giant bubbles, helping build a beautiful wood structure behind the Parish Center, and Predator Tag on the pine island. Thanks to all who helped out and participated!
Sunday School: This past spring we decided it was finally time to shift from a curriculum we’ve been using for many years for our Elementary classes and design our own curriculum, based on the activities our kids most enjoy and that seem most fruitful for encouraging understanding of and reflection on the day’s Scripture text or theme. (For example, we have learned that many of our kids really enjoy acting out a Scripture story & then talking about it, and the curriculum we used to use only offered that option occasionally.
Over the summer, Rev. Miranda mapped out focus texts for the Sundays of the coming year, based on the Revised Common Lectionary, and interested folks met to talk about how best to engage with those texts. Those notes were turned into simple lesson plans. We have been using our homegrown curriculum since September and it seems to be going well! We are still learning and adjusting, but the teachers say the materials are easy to use and the kids are responding well.Several of our youth help out in the Sunday school classrooms regularly, assisting with Bible study and drama.Our youngest classroom continues to use the Godly Play curriculum, sometimes enriched with other materials. That story-based curriculum works well for the preschool and kindergarten age group.
Thanks so much to all our Sunday school teachers! If you’d like to help out sometime as a helper or guest, talk to Rev. Miranda or Sharon Henes. – Submitted by Rev. Miranda
Cookie Church
Below is the text of a display about Cookie Church that Rev. Miranda prepared for the Church Innovation Summit in St. Paul last summer. It explains what it is and the ideas behind it. So far we have done three “seasons” of Cookie Church. Look for another to come early in 2020. Rev. Miranda will survey parents of young children who might like to participate for the best time to gather, and we are thinking about how to structure the next season to meet some of our young kids’ enthusiasm about making music!
What is Cookie Church?Here’s our announcement text: “Cookie Church is simple bedtime church. It is child-centered but not just for kids; we find that youth and grownups like it too! We will share singing, story, Eucharist, and a snack. (Yes, there will be cookies.) We end with bedtime prayers and it’s OK to come in your pajamas!”
Here’s the welcome script: “Welcome to Cookie Church! What will we do? There will be singing. There will be a story. There will be Eucharist. And there will be cookies! At Cookie Church we make church together, and one of the ways we do that is by singing together….”
Parents of Cookie Church:
St. Gregory of Nyssa, San Francisco. St. Gregory’s is very intentional about supporting liturgical participation. We take special inspiration from the especially the Supper Service that the Rev. Sylvia Mutia-Miller led during her tenure there, to explore kids’ interest in and capacity for liturgical leadership in various roles.
Waffle Church, St. Lydia’s Dinner Church, Brooklyn: Waffle Church is a monthly child-centered liturgy featuring Eucharist, waffles, and shared clean-up.
Music that Makes Community: Music that Makes Community is an organization committed to renewing the practice and spirituality of shared song, especially paperless song. Singing without books or screens is a relational and human way to sing that builds community and helps us listen and enjoy each other.
Why Cookie Church?St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church in Madison, WI, is enthusiastically welcoming of children, but our Sunday worship doesn’t have a lot of different jobs for kids. So we needed a space to explore what kids could do, and liked to do, in liturgy. Thus was born Cookie Church.Cookie Church is a child-centered-but-not-just-for-kids, mostly child-led evening liturgy. Its purpose is not to shift kids out of the Sunday morning worship of the whole assembly. Instead, we want to invite kids deeper into our shared worship by discovering together their capacity for liturgical leadership in a rage of tasks and roles.
Core Principles: Sunday Morning Doesn’t Work For Everybody. We’re a pastoral-sized church with one clergy person on staff, and we’re committed to intergenerational worship and community. We are not seeking to create a separate worshiping community for young children and their parents.At the same time, it’s simply true that Sunday morning is hard for some people, such as toddlers with midmorning naps, teenagers with sporting events, and some older adults who may move slowly in the morning.One goal of Cookie Church is to offer an alternative time and type of worship, to meet some of these needs. As we continue to experiment, we’ll be thinking about how to keep Cookie Church sustainable in terms of clergy/staff time and energy; and how to keep it in living relationship with Sunday morning worship.
Core Principles: Kids Need Jobs. In the fall of 2018, I went on sabbatical to learn from Episcopal churches that include kids in worship well. I came back with some core principles. One core principle is: Kids need jobs – and not just acolyting. There is dignity and delight in choosing a job you want, that fits your capacities and interests. We let adults chose roles they enjoy; why not do the same for kids and youth?At Cookie Church, kids can do everything except celebrate the Eucharist. When folks arrive, laminated slips naming the jobs are laid out on a table: Leader, Bell Ringer, Bread Minister, Lector, Crucifer, Song Leader, Candle Lighter, and more. The jobs represent a range of responsibility and skill, and suggested ages are on the cards. Arriving, kids immediately start choosing the job they want, recruiting friends, and inviting newcomers.When we held a feedback session after our first five-week run of Cookie Church, the kids told us unanimously and clearly: We like the jobs!
Core Principles: Paperless Worship Includes Everybod. At Cookie Church, the only people with something in their hands are the Presider and Leader. We use paperless music, including a call-and-response sung Eucharist. This equalizes participation for people of all ages, and for “regulars” and newcomers.
Core Principles: Experiment & Get Feedback. We started Cookie Church with a five-week run on Sunday nights in Lent, to see how it went and what we could learn. I asked for feedback at the end of worship every night, and we made tweaks as we went along. Some tweaks were small, like switching in an easier song; some were larger, like adding the Leader role when it became clear there were kids ready to help lead worship. After Easter, we held a feedback session to ask people who’d come to Cookie Church, What did you like? (The jobs! The stories! The cookies!) What would we do differently next time? (More interactive prayers! Easier song at the Peace!) And should we do it again? (YES!) That feedback fed plans for Cookie Church in July.
What Next for Cookie Church?Cookie Church will probably come back as a regular offering in the fall; a core group really enjoys it, and we’re interested to advertise it beyond our regular members. Our two short runs of Cookie Church, in March and July, helped us test and improve the liturgy, and learn who it serves.We’re also beginning to explore how we can extend some of this approach into Sunday mornings, to offer more ways kids and youth can participate and lead in regular Sunday worship.
Creation Care Task Force: Caring for God’s Creation has long been a part of St. Dunstan’s identity, and is reflected in our parish’s Mission Statement, which includes a call for “care for the environment.” In connection with this aspect of our parish’s mission, in 2016 a group of interested parishioners formed a Creation Care Task Force to explore what the Bible says about the importance of respecting and caring for God’s Creation, and to identify ways to help us live out this theme in our lives as individuals and as a parish. In 2017 and 2018 we held Creation Care Open Meetings in which interested members of the parish identified and elaborated on ways to advance the four goals of St. Dunstan’s Creation Care Mission Statement:
Cultivate love of Creation
Pattern our daily lives as stewards of Creation
Manage the environmental footprint of our parish, and
Broaden our perspective and participation.
Although the Task Force is not a permanent Committee of St. Dunstan’s and does not meet on a regular schedule, members remain interested in engaging with the congregation from time to time.
In 2019, we held a series of brief (15-20 minute) “Bite Sized” Climate Change intergenerational learning opportunities after 10am services, with grownups, kids and youth invited and welcome. During each session, we watched a short video together examining an aspect of the climate conversation, discussed the video briefly, and then closed in prayer.
St. Dunstan’s Summer 2019 Green Habits Challenge invited parishioners, individually or as a household, to try out various green habits during the summer months – small but significant actions as ways to pattern our daily lives as caretakers of God’s creation (e.g., reduce use of disposables; participate in a Spirituality in Nature gathering at St. Dunstan’s; reduce the impact of your diet). Members completing at least 5 of the 11 Challenges were awarded badges in early October.
In 2020, St. Dunstan’s has been invited to join a year-long pilot program called Churchlands, which is an opportunity to explore how Episcopal churches that own land can begin to relate to land holdings in a way that is more faithful to the Gospel: integrating discipleship, ecology, justice, and health. Rev. Miranda and Carrie Tolejano will attend a kickoff retreat in late January, then there will be monthly online meetings for much of the year. If you’re interested in attending a meeting, talk with Rev. Miranda! Submitted by John Laedlein.
Ladies’ Night Out: Ladies of St. Dunstan’s and some friends have been eating dinner together one Friday evening each month at restaurants of their choice. During 2019 we have had up to eight people enjoying dinner and companionship each time. Kathy Whitt coordinated the details during the year, and Marian Barnes has taken charge since December. Women are welcome to take part by contacting the person in charge, and she makes the reservations. Submitted by Kathy Whitt
Coffee Hour: The weekly Coffee Hour following our Sunday 10:00 a.m. service is a wonderful way to extend the ministry of fellowship to everyone.This time provides an opportunity to visit with friends, greet visitors, and enjoy coffee, juice, and treats.Coffee Hour hosts can sign up to host on specific Sundays during each month. Tablecloths and napkins can be found in storage bins in the Gathering Space, and serving items are located in the kitchen cabinets.
During the summer months of 2019 while the kitchen was undergoing renovation and water wasn’t readily accessible, we had what I like to call, “The Mobile Coffee Hour”.Everyone seemed to accept the fact that the main beverage typically served (COFFEE) wasn’t available!Coffee Hour hosts now have the advantage of working in our beautifully enlarged kitchen space with convenient storage, more prep area, new appliances, and awesome lighting.It’s amazing!
In our spacious gathering area, Coffee Hour also gives us a chance to observe some special celebrations throughout the year, such as cakes to honor the newly baptized and those with birthdays and anniversaries. In November we celebrated the intake of our yearly pledges with a delicious “Piece Be With You” coffee hour, featuring pies of all types.
Many families host Coffee Hour regularly, and we are thankful for their dedicated service to this ministry of fellowship.Volunteers are always needed and very welcome – the monthly sign-up sheets are located in the Gathering Space. If you have questions or would like more information about volunteering for Coffee Hour, please contact Janet Bybee.
Greeters Ministry: This is a fun ministry if you like to meet people. We use one Greeter each Sunday which means you only have to serve once a month. We are always in need of substitutes or replacements. So, if this interests you, please see me, Bernice Mason, the lady with the hat, and I’ll sign you up. See you in Church.Submitted by Bernice Mason
St. Dunstan’s Church Library: Our church library now is located where people can see and use it. Prior to the renovations it was shelved in the lower level. The books were in storage during construction, and now they are in the first floor classroom. We have books about the church and the faith, as well as some fiction and some about our outdoor environment. They are arranged alphabetically by author’s last name for easy browsing. To check one out, put your name and the name of the book on the checkout paper, and cross your name off when you return it. This library is not the same as the Little Free Library outside in the woods. Submitted by Kathy Whitt, church librarian.
Wednesday Book Group: The Book Group continues to meet each Wednesday morning, having coffee, discussing the various subjects evoked by the books we read and sharing some of our life stories. This year we have read together: Unsheltered, by Barbara Kingsolver; Almost Everything, Notes on Hope, by Anne Lamott; Why Religion, by Elaine Pagels; The Second Mountain, by David Brooks;and The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, by Margareta Magnusson. (It’s not as dreary as it sounds!)The current book is Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain. Come have a cup of coffee, a little bite of something sweet and discuss the book. Actually reading the book is not a prerequisite. For more information please contact Valerie McAuliffe.Peace.
Saturday Book Club: Formerly known as the Men’s Book Club, we are now the Saturday Book Group; all are welcome! The Saturday Book Group meets on Saturday mornings at St Dunstan’s every 6-8 weeks except during the summer. We generally alternate between fiction and non-fiction books. For the January session, we each brought a favorite short story. Conversation about books and other things that come to mind flow freely, depending on who is there.
Books we read in 2019 were: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, The Death and Life of the Great Lakes by Dan Egan, The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming by David Wallace-Wells, A Good American Family by David, Maraniss, and Manhattan Beach by Jenifer Egan.
Some things have changed. Jim Hindle served as the coordinator of the club for many years, but stepped down in the spring. Thanks, Jim, for keeping us informed!Please speak to Peter Hewson if you’d like to know more. We welcome new members.
Music Ministries: St. Dunstan’s music ministries includes the choirs (children’s and adult’s); the musician’s collective (a loose conglomeration of both vocalists and instrumentalists) and all those who do help us do everything that goes into doing music together. This work includes singing and playing music for service; writing special hymn lyrics; composing, arranging, and engraving psalms, hymns, and original music; providing special music on- and off-site in collaboration with wider church events; handling music library, technological, and licensing logistics; providing second-adult presences for children’s choir rehearsals; organizing fellowship and planning events; publicizing off-site music events; and providing financial and material resources.
This year involved learning to use the new space we have from the much appreciated work for the Open Door Project (the elevator is awesome!); honoring beloved fellow musicians who have gone before us into the great cloud of witnesses; and experimenting with ways to make music more nimbly and inclusively together. To all the members of our regular ensembles; guest musicians; folks who manage the library and technology behind-the-scenes; donors; and the congregation: thank you for your continued support! – Submitted by Deanna Clement
Monday Art Group: Monday Art Group meets from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. It’s a great way to start the work week, especially if you don’t work Monday mornings! We gather in the Meeting Room which has wonderful natural light throughout the year. We are an informal group that enjoys friendship and conversation. We work on our own individual projects that have included acrylic and watercolor painting, drawing, colored pencil blending, card making, needle felting, and Zentangle. We often listen to classical or jazz music as we work. We welcome any artists, would-be artists and crafters who would like to join us but request that your choice of projects have minimal fumes. Hope to see you soon! Submitted by Judy Kellner
Acolytes: St. Dunstan’s has approximately 15 young people who serve at the altar.Our acolytes display a high level of teamwork with the more experienced acolytes taking the initiative to help and mentor our less experienced acolytes.Their ministry is greatly appreciated. Submitted by Sharon Henes
Youth Group: The first half of 2019, our youth group consisted of 6th – 9th graders and average weekly attendance was approximately 10 kids (our “membership” consisted of 16 youth).Our highlights from the end of Season 4 included a middle school retreat based upon the Way of Love.Our retreat service project was researching and providing loans through KIVA.
During the summer of 2019, 15 youth and 4 adults went on a mission trip in southern Wisconsin. Each day consisted of prayer, travel to the next site, Bible study, service project, swimming, games and worship.We began the trip by going to Oconomowoc where we did landscaping.Our next day we went to Racine where we got to know guests of The Hospitality Center, served food and learned more about the neighborhood surrounding the church.Our last location was Watertown where we sorted clothes in Mary’s Room, painted a garage, landscaped and sorted props for their drama program.The last day was a fun day consisting of a mini-golf tournament (we had the place to ourselves), a painting lesson and a water park.The mission trip provides an opportunity to provide service, grow in faith and strengthen our community.
In addition, we sent one adult and one youth member on the last Mishpack trip.This mission trip consisted of working with Habitat for Humanity in Bozeman, Montana followed by hiking in the mountains.
The fall of 2019 highlights include:
We now have both a high school and middle school youth groups!
Our middle school youth group (consisting of 5th – 8th graders) started Season 5 and meets every Friday night from 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. for fellowship, games and worship.They also come together once a month on the weekend for an activity.
Our high school youth group (consisting of 9th and 10th graders) started Season 1 and meets every Friday night from 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. for fellowship, games and worship.They also come together about every other month for an activity.
We have 24 youth (5th – 10th graders) who have come to at least one youth group meeting or activity this fall.(One Friday night we had 19 youth attend youth group!) Looking around on a Sunday morning you may notice that we don’t have that many middle schoolers and high schoolers and you would be right.About a third of our youth group members attend other churches or no church at all!
We have a new home – the lower level of the parish center!This space is greatly appreciated by all as we were really crowded in our old space.We are planning an event which will allow everyone to come and see the space!
In October, 4 youth and 3 adults attended the Revival in Appleton and met the Presiding Bishop!
Our youth groups walked in the GSAFE Trick or Trot and sent out care packages to college students and military members.
Looking ahead in 2020…
Our middle school youth group will have a retreat in March.
Our high school youth group will be participating in the Province V Youth Event.
We have two youth members attending the national Episcopal Church Event in the Washington DC area in the beginning of July.
Our high school youth group will be joining a youth group from Hudson to go on a 9 day mission trip to do urban ministry in Denver, Colorado.
Our middle school youth group will be going on a 5 day mission trip in southern Wisconsin.
We would like to thank our team of adults who serve as a “third adult” at our middle school youth group weekly gatherings.These individuals join us for a Friday night approximately 6-8 times during the program year.Thank you to those who surprise us by leaving homemade treats!Also thank you to the Outreach Committee for allocating funds to ensure our mission trip could take place!
Finally thank you to the parish for supporting this growing ministry!We appreciate the prayers, our new space, and financial support this year!
UTO and Episcopal Church Women: United Thank Offering and Episcopal Church Women (UTO and ECW). Things have been quiet this year for several reasons. Regarding UTO, because we have been in the throes of the capital campaign this year I felt like there was no good time or way to add another fundraising effort to the women of the parish. I’m hoping to set a date for an ingathering preceded by some conversation regarding UTO– it’s history and it’s philosophy.
In regards to ECW, I have had some conversations with women in the parish and some ideas have been shared as to things we might provide from a program point of view for women of the parish. They have included the day away which we have had in the past in the fall with trips to nearby communities that have interesting shopping venues. There has also been discussion of going to a movie every once in a while (monthly?) that would be of interest to women with coffee and discussion following in the restaurant at Point Cinema. There has also been discussion regarding a birthday lunch every couple of months to celebrate the birthdays of those 2 months with cards to share. (This was an activity we had a long time ago).Please contact me if any of this appeals to you and also if you would like to be part of a small group to plan any activities of interest. In the same vein – women are always welcome to join the Wednesday Morning Book Group either as an ongoing participant or because the book being read appeals to you – see Val McAuliffe for more info on this.
Blessings for all that you do as the women of the church, both within the parish and in your work outside the parish. May the start of the decade bring you blessings, joy and peace in your life and for those whom you love. – Submitted by Connie Ott
Outreach Ministries Report
St. Dunstan’s Outreach Ministries are many and varied, including gifts of time, service, and monetary donations.We gratefully acknowledge the many gifts of human and financial resources in support of Outreach from other individuals and ministries within the St. Dunstan’s family.
Outreach Vision Statement: We seek to act in response to Christ’s words, “Whatever you do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me.”
Outreach Mission Statement: We act as the steward of the human and financial parish resources for Outreach, to serve those in need who work and live beyond the physical borders of the church and its grounds.
In 2020, the Outreach Committee used monetary donations and in person volunteer hours to address the following concerns: Disaster Relief, Support for victims of Domestic Violence, Eviction Prevention/Housing, Refugees/Immigrant’s Rights/Safety, LGBTQ+ Rights/Safety, Criminal Justice Reform, and Hunger/Poverty.
The Outreach Ministries Committee holds meetings on the last Saturday of the Month.We welcome new voices and new concerns; please consider joining us! Contact Evy Gildrie-Voyles if you would like to be added to the Outreach e-mail distribution list we use to keep members informed about upcoming Outreach meetings and related activities.
St. Dunstan’s Outreach Allocations in 2019
Every year, St. Dunstan’s sets aside a percentage of the budgeted pledged income to be allocated to organizations locally and internationality that serve those in need.In 2018 St. Dunstan’s Outreach Committee allocated$17954 to the following organizations and projects:
Episcopal Relief and Development Community Immigration Law Center
Bread for the World MOSES (Criminal Justice Reform)
Middleton Outreach Ministry Dane Sanctuary Coalition
Agrace Hospice Care Episcopal Migration Ministry
KIVA Micro Loans Episcopal Network for Economic Justice
Falk School Domestic Abuse Intervention Services
Bus Passes for Homeless Students Joining Forces For Families
GSAFE (Creating Safe Schools for LGBTQ+ youth) Middleton Youth Center
St. Duntan’s Youth Outreach Mission Trip RISE (Respite Care For Families)
Briar Patch (Services for Homeless Youth)
St. Dunstan’s Outreach Endowment 2019
Each year the Outreach Committee solicits grant requests from the “endowment” portion of the investments at the diocesan Trustees of Funds and Endowments. This year the amount to be distributed was $5000.Grants of $2,500 each were given to Hope Haven North Bay Lodge, a residential addiction treatment facility and Madison Urban Ministry for emergency needs of members of their Family Connections program, a program for families with at least one incarcerated parent.
As always, we are looking for other locations and programs to support with our endowment grant money. Please contact Evy Gildrie-Voyles or Connie Ott with suggestions.
Core Ministries: There are several core ministries that St. Dunstan’s invests volunteer time and resources in on a continual basis.These are just a few of them.
Falk Pantry & Falk Grant: Our outreach efforts for the Falk Elementary School Pantry have continued to provide much needed support of non-food items not covered by food stamps. Our annual budget for these items is $1000 and we make sure to shop wisely to stretch it far! During the winter and spring, the Owls youth group collaborated on monthly packs of feminine hygiene products, toilet paper, and diapers. The outreach committee also provided $400 last spring to be used for some greatly needed teaching materials and supplies for the sensory room. In the fall, we were asked to focus on full sized items like lotion, deodorants, dish soap & laundry detergent while still supplying diapers and toilet paper. We finished off the year by providing 16 Wal-Mart gift cards in small denominations for the social worker to distribute to families with emergencies. They are also extremely grateful for the Falk Grant St Dunstan’s provides to assist families facing a housing crisis. The social worker shared one recent story of how a small portion of the grant was used to help a family realize their dream of buying their first home after they came up a little short on the earnest money. Submitted by Krissy Mayer
MIDDLETON OUTREACH MINISTRY: This past year MOM has been focusing on increasing the capacity of its Housing Stability Program to serve a growing need in the community it serves.MOM strives to emphasize eviction prevention to help individuals and families with evictions on their records to find stable housing in the future. The Food Pantry continues to assist thousands in the community to access nourishing food.Around 100,000 pounds of food continue to be distributed each month with offerings of nutritious foods and produce. The Clothing Closet offers high quality clothing, helping clients extend their budgets as the seasons change.In any given month, more than 10,000 pounds of clothing are provided. The Seniors Program assists with rides to and from appointments as well as providing light household indoor and outdoor chores.
St. Dunstan’s continues to be a generous contributor to the success of the MOM organization.Consistently we donate monetarily to the MOM Second Harvest account and provide in-kind donations of food, household items, and clothing. The congregation contributed generously to the Back to School program as well as providing gifts for four families through the Winter Wishes program.Most significantly, the Outreach Committee has generously allocated monies from its Operating Budget for MOM to use as needed.Also, several members of the congregation volunteer time at the Pantry, Clothing Closet, and as drivers for seniors.
Thank you for continuing to support the efforts of Middleton Outreach Ministry to help our neighbors and our community.Together we can bring hope and security when it is most needed. – Submitted by Janet Bybee
St. Dunstan’s Diaper Drive: A child needs approximately 6500 diapers between birth and potty training. Many families in our area are struggling financially, and they have to make tough decisions about whether to buy much-needed diapers or groceries or pay their rent. The Wisconsin Food Share program (food stamps) does not cover diapers, other personal care items, or household cleaners. Decisions must be made all the time about how to spend the small amount of money coming in. Imagine wanting and needing to change your baby’s diaper because you know it’s dirty, but you only have a couple left and no money with which to buy more diapers. Furthermore, families often don’t have the money to buy economy-sized boxes or the time to watch for sales.
In 2019, we have received $455 in donations and gotten $1,000 from the outreach committee. We have spent $442.68 which represents more than 3000 diapers given for those that need them! We are continuing to look for sales to provide the largest about of diapers with our funds.Thank you for your generosity. Submitted by Mary Rowe
BREAD FOR THE WORLD: More than 1 in 5 children in the United States live in low-income families that must struggle every month to obtain enough food to eat. How do these low-income families get enough food? Our federal government supplies almost all of it. In fact, more than 90% of hunger relief food comes from the feds. Charitable organizations such as churches and service clubs supply less than 10% of what is needed. These voluntary sources cannot provide all the food that is needed. It would be economically impossible for them to do much more, even if they wanted to.
The Christian Organization BREAD FOR THE World recognizes how crucial the government’s food programs are. It works to coordinate and encourage Christians of all denominations (and anybody else), to contact their elected representatives and ask them to be sure that federal food-support funds such as food stamps (SNAP) are adequate for the needs of low-income people. The hundreds and thousands of letters and emails from all over the country that we send to our elected politicians have had really important positive impacts on federal food programs over the years.
We at St. Dunstan’s support these food-relief efforts. Those who attended St Dunstan’s on Bread for the World Sunday in early November received the names and addresses (snail-mail and Facebook) of all of our Senators and Congressional Representatives. All of you who communicated with your elected officials have helped to make a positive difference in the allocation of funds to alleviate hunger. We never know how many contacts are made. We only know that last year a Congress divided on almost every other issue stood together in shaping legislation that fed hungry people in this country and abroad. Submitted by Peg and Dan Geisler
Healing House: Healing House, located at 303 Lathrop Street in Madison, is an 8 bed facility, providing 24/7 recuperative care for homeless families who have been released from the hospital or who need care to prepare for a surgery or medical procedure. Families are cared for by medically trained staff and volunteers and can stay for up to 28 days. The Healing House provides clients with three meals a day, child care assistance, and case management to end the cycle of homelessness.St. Dunstan’s is a part of group of organizations brought together by The Road Home to provide meals to families staying at the Healing House. The next week St. Dunstan’s will be supplying food for Healing House is March 29th through April 4 of 2020.If you would like to join this ministry please contact Evy Gildrie-Voyles.
Grace Shelter: Grace Shelter began 30 years ago.Thank you to Sue Lloyd and Rose Mueller who have served as coordinators for this ministry.St. Dunstan’s envolvement with Grace Shelter was revised this past summer to enable us to continue helping to serve the homeless men in downtown Madison.Our schedule is serving dinner on the 4th Sunday of 4 months during the year (September, December, March and June).Depending on the time of year we may serve from 50-150.There are 12 volunteers that cook and/ or serve and 4/5 families that provide the cereal, milk, juice and fruit for the morning meal the next day.
We were heartened by church members’ response to our request for dessert for the Holiday meal as we could have been serving over 140. Thanks to all who have given their time and energy to continue our commitment to Grace Shelter.
MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength, Equality, and Solidarity): MOSES is a Madison-area ecumenical group with a multi-year track record of successful work for criminal justice reform in Wisconsin. St. Duntan’s is a participating member of MOSES.MOSES meetings are held different member churches on the 1st Sunday of each month.Anyone who is interested in criminal justice reform is encouraged to attend.Please contact Elvice McAlpine or Bonnie Magnuson for more information.
In 2019 the MOSES sponsored Solitary Confinement Truck, which contains a reconstruction of a solitary confinement cell came to St. Dunstan’s as part of our August Parish Read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson. The Parish Read was organized by Bonnie, Elvice, and Pam Witzig. Here are some of the highlights of the Just Mercy Parish read.There was good attention from the congregation during verbal announcements.A large percentage of members (of all ages) from both the 8:00 and 10:00 services interacted with Talib and the Solitary Confinement Cell Truck.11 people regularly followed the on-line discussion.9 people participated in one or more of the four section by section discussions. 10 people participated in the whole book discussion. Others said they read the book but didn’t participate in a discussion and others paid attention to the posters. Submitted by Elvice McAlpine