Discipleship Practices: Proclaiming

img_0639“Will you proclaim by word and example the good news of God in Christ?” – the Baptismal Covenant in the Book of Common Prayer

We follow the example of Jesus Christ by proclaiming, by word and example, the good news of God’s love, to ourselves, one another, and those we encounter beyond this community of faith. 

We proclaim the good news of God in Christ to inspire and raise up new believers, form our faith community and its members, and bear witness to God’s hope for the world.

We proclaim God’s good news in many languages, including Scripture and sacrament, song and story, art and action. We proclaim by word and example, knowing there are circumstances in which actions speak more effectively than words, and that sometimes simple presence is proclamation. We honor the Anglican vocation to practice and proclaim our faith in the language understood by the people.

We proclaim ourselves as followers of Jesus, even when that’s hard or embarrassing. We speak boldly of the God we know in Jesus, who is a God of love, mercy, justice, inclusion, and radical welcome. We proclaim God’s dream for humanity, resisting the captivity of the status quo.

We practice proclamation with humility and openness, knowing there is always more to learn.

6205 University Ave., Madison WI

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church