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It costs money to have a church. Almost 90% of the funds that support St. Dunstan’s in our shared life of fellowship and mission comes from us – the people of St. Dunstan’s. Long-term members who’ve given faithfully every year for decades; people who visit once, with a family member or on their way through town, and experience God’s grace here, and place a gift in the offering plate in gratitude.
Most of our members make an annual pledge to St. Dunstan’s. Your pledge is your statement of what you plan to give, over the course of the coming calendar year. Discerning what we give back to God out of all that has been given to us is part of the journey of faith. Some of our members commit a percentage of their income, ranging from 1 to 10%, and many strive to increase that percentage over the years. Others give as they are able. The practice of pledging allows parish leaders to budget responsibly for the coming year, with a realistic sense of what our income will be. Pledge information is always kept confidential. Pledged income accounts for 80 – 85% of our income each year, in addition to non-pledged gifts and other income sources.
By pledging, we commit to give back to God some portion of what God has given us, in thanksgiving for what we have and in hope for what we can do together here, as an outpost of God’s Kingdom at 6205 University Avenue. And in turn, St. Dunstan’s gives back to God, too, by sharing funds with the wider community through our annual Outreach grant program.
St. Dunstan’s Church holds a Giving Campaign every fall, inviting members to make their pledge as we prepare a budget for the coming year. However, we are happy to accept a pledge at any time. If you are new to St. Dunstan’s and would like to make a pledge, simply ask Rev. Miranda for a pledge packet when you’re at church, or call the church office at (608) 238-2781 and we’ll send you the information.
How Much should I Pledge?
Your pledge is both a financial commitment, and part of your relationship with God. It is both deeply private and profoundly communal, as your pledge joins the pool of funds that sustains our shared ministry here. Here are some suggestions for determining your pledge amount. You can always adjust your pledge if your circumstances change. All pledge information is always handled confidentially and respectfully.
- Pray and reflect about the role of money in your life and your relationship with God. What makes it hard to give? What helps you give freely? What are the fruits of giving to St. Dunstan’s, to other good causes, to God?
- Talk about your pledge with your household, your financial advisor, with friends or with your pastor.
- Consider giving a percentage. For new pledgers, you might consider 2 – 3% of your income as a starting point. No pledge is too small; your commitment and support is the true treasure.
- Make your pledge. Once you have chosen a number, reflect again: does it feel both meaningful, and manageable? When you are satisfied, fill out your Pledge Certificate (enclosed) and return it to the church.
Ways to Pay your Pledge
You can pay weekly, monthly, quarterly, or whatever is best for you.
- Simply place your check in the offering plate on Sunday. You may request offering envelopes, if that is helpful.
- You can also mail your check to: St. Dunstanʼs Episcopal Church, 6205 University Ave., Madison, WI 53705
- Ask your bank or check their website for a “Bill Pay” feature that will send a check automatically every month.