About ChurchLands
The Churchlands pilot cohort began in 2020 with the goal to bring together church leaders to provide a platform and community to help move the church’s land holdings to better use. The ChurchLands program is focused on restoring connections between people, places, and God. Read more about the Churchlands Pilot Cohort here: https://dev1.curlyhost.com/church-lands/
St. Dunstan’s and ChurchLands
St. Dunstan’s applied to this program in the winter of 2019, and were invited to join the pilot cohort. The kickoff retreat was held at Plainsong Farm in late January of 2020. Rev. Miranda and Carrie T. attended as St. Dunstan’s representatives.
In early March, we met with interested members of the parish to share what we had learned and the questions we hope to explore together this spring and summer. Here are the notes from that meeting.
Our Grounds as a Resource in a Difficult Time
In April 2020, we are beginning to wonder together about how our grounds might be a resource for our congregation and beyond during this season of pandemic illness and social distancing. Click here to read more & share any ideas you may have!