Creation Care Mission Statement

Developed by the Creation Care Task Force in September 2016. 

In response to the creative love of God made known to us in the beauty, complexity, and holiness of the created order, we as the people and parish of St. Dunstan’s strive to:

  • Cultivate love of Creation, learning to see the natural world with the compassionate attention of Christ, through intentional and sustained engagement with this place entrusted to our care;
  • Pattern our daily lives as caretakers of Creation, encouraging one another through the sharing of ideas, resources, and experiences, and seeking Christ’s healing of our complicity with the powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God;
  • Minimize the environmental footprint of our parish, honoring the land and practicing mindful stewardship of our planet and its resources, that generations yet to come may continue to know and enjoy God’s bounty;
  • Broaden our perspective and participation by joining others, and inviting others to join us, in shared advocacy and work to protect and renew the earth and its communities.

6205 University Ave., Madison WI

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church