Sunday School & Youth Group

Some of the kids (and grownups!) of St. Dunstan's, dressed as Saints of God for our All Saints celebration.
Some of the kids (and grownups!) of St. Dunstan’s, dressed as Saints of God for our All Saints celebration.

Our Sunday school classes usually meet on the second and third Sunday of every month, during the school year. We have three classrooms, for kids aged 3 (or old enough to sit and listens to a story) through kindergarten; first through third grade; and fourth through 6th grade.

Our Sunday school class for 3 – 6 year old kids uses the ‘Godly Play’ approach, sharing and reflecting on the central stories of our faith.

Our Sunday school classes for 6 – 11 year olds use a curriculum based on the Sunday lectionary, the same Bible lessons we hear in the liturgy that day. They explore those lessons through discussion, art, drama, and other projects.

Starting in fall 2019, we have TWO youth groups: a Middle High group for kids in 5th through 8th grade, and a High School group for kids in 9th through 12th grade. Both groups meet weekly on Friday evenings – Middle High from 5:30 – 7:30pm, High School from 7 – 9:30PM. We know kids won’t be able to attend every week, but meeting weekly gives the best opportunity to build community & allow kids to come when they can! If you’d like to support this ministry as a helper, or by contributing towards our Pizza & Trips fund, talk with Rev. Miranda or Sharon Henes.

We also look for ways to engage our kids and youth regularly in our life as a parish, including our monthly All-Ages worship, usually on the last Sunday of the month. If your child would like to help out or serve in particular way, let’s talk. And look out for occasional events for children and youth, like our seasonal pageants, summer Church Camps, and more!

To learn more about our Sunday School & youth programs, or lend a hand, talk with Rev. Miranda (238-2781).

6205 University Ave., Madison WI

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church