Episcopal congregations have always had lots of folks who weren’t raised Episcopalian, and St. Dunstan’s is no exception. Folks coming from Roman Catholic backgrounds are often attracted by the Episcopal Church’s inclusiveness and democratic authority structures, in combination with a pattern of worship, honoring of sacraments, and cycle of holy times and seasons which are familiar and meaningful to them. Folks from Evangelical backgrounds are often attracted by the beauty and integrity of our ancient way of worship, as they discover that we’re not just reading the same thing from the same book over and over again, but letting rich words and images from Scripture and tradition enter our hearts and minds, become the language of our souls, and carry us through the times when we have no words of our own.
New Episcopalians and lifelong Episcopalians love our church for many of the same reasons, like the way the liturgy invites you to worship with your whole self; the embrace of orthodoxy without rigidity; the way everyone is welcomed into full participation; and the generous space in our churches for those who’ve been burned out, worn out, or cast out.
If you’d like to learn more about Christianity, the Episcopal way of Christianity, and/or St. Dunstan’s Church in particular, use the Contact link at the top of the page to send a message and Rev. Miranda will get back to you… or just join us for worship, and start a conversation!