The Rev. Dr. Miranda Hassett is the Rector (the priest in charge) of St. Dunstan’s. Our Director of Music Ministry, Deanna Clement, leads and coordinates our choirs and other musical ensembles and provides musical support and leadership for our worship. Ann McGrath, our Office Coordinator, keeps things running and answers questions during the week. Read more about our staff here.
Alongside the Rector, every Episcopal church has a Vestry, an elected board that meets monthly and oversees the life of the parish. At St. Dunstan’s, we have six members on our vestry. In addition, we have the Senior and Junior Wardens, persons elected to special leadership roles to support and consult with the Rector. The basic responsibilities of the Vestry and Wardens are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church’s mission by word and deed; to ensure effective organization and planning; and to manage resources and finances.
About 100 people worship at St. Dunstan’s every Sunday, split between our 8am and 10am services. We’ve got a wide range of ages, professions, and backgrounds. We are committed to inclusive welcome of all who come seeking God and community here, and we strive to express that welcome fully and warmly to all who come to worship with us.
Who are the people of St. Dunstan’s? We are the children building block towers near the fireplace in the back of the church, and the elders bowing gray heads in prayer. We are the graceful lofty roofline that draws the spirit upward to the heavens; we are the living green of our woods and gardens, rooted in our good earth. We are the quiet of people gathered for prayer and the happy buzz of people sharing a meal. We are the people who’ve been here for 50 years and the people who joined last week. We are the shared laughter in good times and the hot meal on the doorstep in tough times. We are singers and schoolchildren, nurses and network administrators, professors and painters, teachers and technicians, accountants and administrators, scientists and therapists, quilters and carpenters, homemakers and retirees.
We are the people of St. Dunstans’s – and we are not yet what we will be when you join us.