Improving weather and lower Covid rates make it possible for us to include some in-person, outdoor gatherings in our plans for Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday. Most in-person opportunities require sign-up in advance. Read on to learn more!
Items for use during online Holy Week services are available for pickup at the church, starting Friday, March 19. They are on a table outside the main red doors. You do not need to come at a particular time. If you need items dropped off, please contact Rev. Miranda soon.
IN-PERSON GATHERING INFORMATION IS BELOW! PLEASE READ before deciding to sign up or attend. The ZOOM LINK for all special liturgies can be gotten by contacting the church or subscribing to our E-news.
9AM (Zoom): Worship with Palm & Passion Gospels
1PM (At church, outdoors): Palm Procession & Jerusalem Readings. Sign up online at this link!
6:30PM & 7PM (Zoom): Palm Sunday Vespers & StoryChurch (as usual)
7:00PM: Bread Baking Lesson (Optional!) Meet Rev. Miranda on Zoom to learn to make a simple loaf. You will need:
- 3 cups of All-Purpose flour
- 1/2 cup of Whole Wheat flour. (Available for pickup at church; don’t buy a whole bag if you don’t usually use it!)
- 1/4 teaspoon yeast (either instant or active dry is fine)
- 1 teaspoon salt (kosher preferred, but table salt is fine)
You’ll also need a large bowl; access to warm water; half-cup and one-cup measures; and a tea towel or other light cloth big enough to drape over your bowl.
If you already have your own bread recipe/process, you are very welcome to join for companionship while you bake!
6:30 (Zoom): Maundy Worship Gathering
Join from your dining table, at the end of your evening meal. Consider preparing a festive dinner, and set your table as if you had beloved guests attending. Have some bread and wine (or equivalents) set aside for the end of the meal. To do foot- or hand-washing, have a bowl or tub, warm water, and towels on hand. Soap and anointing oil are available at the church.
9AM – 4PM (except 12 – 12:30pm): Church Open. Visit the Altar of Repose, honor a wooden cross, and pray the Stations of the Cross (outdoors or indoors). No sign-up necessary. Please wear a well-fitting mask at all times, and keep distance from others.
12PM & 7PM (Zoom): Good Friday worship
4PM (Zoom): Good Friday worship for kids
10AM (Zoom): Holy Saturday service with Prayers for the Departed
7-8PM (Zoom): Vigil of Holy Storytelling
Have a candle ready to light and bells to ring. Pick up bells and/or candles at church if you don’t have your own!
7PM (YouTube): Easter Vigil at All Saints’ Cathedral, Milwaukee. Bishop Jeff Lee, who will be our Bishop Provisional, will preach. There will be other opportunities to “meet” Bishop Lee.
9PM (At church, outdoors): Holy stories around the New Fire. Capacity: 8 households. Sign up online at this link!
9AM (Zoom): Easter Worship with special music & drama.
11AM & 1PM (At church, outdoors): EASTER EUCHARIST. Each service will last about 30 minutes, and will include the Renewal of Baptismal Vows. Sign up online at this link! Make sure you choose your intended time slot.
11:30 and 1:30PM (At church, outdoors): Egg Hunt. Sign up here if your kids (10 or under) would like to hunt Easter eggs! Make sure you choose your intended time slot.
Some Things to Know about ALL In-Person Gatherings…
- In-person gatherings will all be outdoors, with at least 6 foot distancing. All participants are asked to wear a well-fitted mask (meaning that it stays securely over your nose and mouth, with minimal gapping), and to follow basic Covid screening protocols – don’t come if you have new symptoms consistent with Covid, or contact with a positive case within the past 14 days. These restrictions apply regardless of vaccination status.
- Advance signup will be required for most in-person events. Our capacity limits are based on available space. However, we will try to accommodate everyone who wants to attend in person! Please sign up SOON, so we have time to add additional services if needed. If you try to sign up and there are no slots, let Rev. Miranda know!
- All signups are available on our website,, under “Worship.” If you find the sign-up website difficult, contact Rev. Miranda and she can sign you up!
- In-person gatherings will be abbreviated, around 30 minutes or less. Music will be instrumental. You may hang around and visit for a little while afterwards, but please maintain distancing and masking, and don’t stay long.
- Dress for the weather – you’ll be outside for 30 – 45 minutes. Services will not be moved indoors. We will cancel only if there’s a thunderstorm, heavy rain or blizzard.
- Places to sit/stand will be marked, with 6 – 10 feet between areas.
- You are welcome to bring your own lawn or camping chairs. We have some chairs and benches, but yours may be more comfortable.
- Be aware of your personal risk factors for Covid when making decisions about attending these or any other in-person events.
- At the Easter Eucharist, bread and wine will be distributed in individual containers, with households coming forward one at a time.
- Please try to minimize bathroom use at church, but bathrooms can be used if needed.
- Hand sanitizer, masks, and disinfecting wipes will be available.
- We will be glad to see one another in person! Please express that joy in non-contact ways. (No hugs – yet!)