Fifth Station

Fifth Station: The Cross is laid on Simon of Cyrene

A cross made of sticks rests on a figure made of found objects.
Simon carries the cross. Assemblage work, Dale Sproule, 2021.

A reading from the Gospel according to Mark

Then they led him out to crucify him. They compelled a passer-by, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross; it was Simon of Cyrene. (Mark 15:20b-21)

Silent Reflection

A Hymn to the Cross, by Fortunatus (6th Century)

(Hymn #166 in the Hymnal 1982)

Faithful cross, above all other: one and only noble tree!

None in foliage, none in blossom, none in fruit thy peer may be:

sweetest wood and sweetest iron, sweetest weight is hung on thee.

Bend thy boughs, O tree of glory! Thy relaxing sinews bend;

for awhile the ancient rigor that thy birth bestowed, suspend;

and the King of heavenly beauty  gently on thine arms extend.


Holy God,  Holy and mighty, Holy immortal one, have mercy upon us.

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6205 University Ave., Madison WI

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church