Worship Ministries


Our liturgy, our patterned way of worship, is the core of our common life. Many people help make it happen, in many ways. We would love to have you join us!

Acolytes carry the cross, assist at the altar, and otherwise help things move smoothly. Many of our acolytes are between 4th and 12th grade, but people of all ages are welcome to share this ministry.

Lectors assist in worship by reading our Old Testament and New Testament lessons – loudly, clearly, and with spirit.

MCs and Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) assist in leading worship. MCs prepare for the service, carry the Gospel book, assist at the altar and help distribute the blessed bread and wine to the congregation at the time of the Eucharist. LEMs assist with the distribution of the bread and wine.

The Altar Guild prepares the church for all services, decorates for Christmas and Easter, and cares for our vestments, linens and vessels.

The Choir supports the congregation’s singing, and presents special musical offerings to praise God and add to the beauty and joy of our worship. The choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 5:45pm. To learn more, contact Deanna Clement, our Director of Music Ministry, at 238-2781 .

We are always glad to know about instrumentalists who want share their gifts! Contact Deanna if you have musical skills of any kind to share.

The Greeters, men, women, & children, have very important roles: welcoming people to our parish on Sunday mornings and helping our worship run smoothly. Greeters seat people, carry the bread, wine, and offering plates up to the altar, and guide the congregation’s approach to the altar. This can be a wonderful shared ministry for a family!

Altar Flowers dedications in honor of loved ones or special occasions are gratefully received. You can sign up on a bulletin board in the gathering area.

To learn more or get involved with any of these areas of ministry, contact the church office at 238-2781.




6205 University Ave., Madison WI

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church