

Our Youth Program has begun for the season! Our middle and high school groups meet on Friday evenings. Read more here! Everybody’s welcome, even if you don’t attend our church on Sundays.

IN-PERSON WORSHIP: On Sunday mornings we worship in person at 8AM (no music) and 10AM (some singing)The 8AM worshipping community is quite small; that service is a good fit for people who like quieter, simple worship, and those who are very Covid-cautious. The 10AM worshiping community includes kids as well as adults of many ages and life stages, and there’s usually a light “coffee hour” fellowship time afterwards, for those who’d like to stay and chat.

SUNDAY SCHOOL meets twice a month, during 10AM in-person worship, usually on the second and third Sundays of the month. (This fall the dates are Sept. 15 & 22; Oct. 13 & 20; and Nov. 10 & 17.) Kids gather for worship with the rest of the congregation, then are sent forth with a prayer. We have one classroom for kids ages 3 through 1st grade, and a classroom for kids in 2nd grade up into middle school.

COVID PRECAUTIONS as of August 2024: At our 8AM service, masks are required. At our 10AM service, and other services unless specified, masks are recommended but optional. We have active ventilation in our worship space. At Eucharist, the wine is shared in small cups to be used by an individual or shared within a household. Please join us on Zoom instead if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness or have been diagnosed with Covid within the past 5 days. Click here for more details about our masking policy. 

ONLINE WORSHIP:  At 9AM we worship online, using  Zoom. We also have two small Sunday evening Zoom services: Vespers at 6:30PM and StoryChurch (with a storybook and child-friendly prayer time) at 7PM. 

Everyone is welcome at any of our services, online or in person! You don’t have to dress up, though you can if you like to. And it’s fine to bring your coffee, goldfish crackers for a toddler, or whatever you need to be comfortable. Here’s a great blog post about worshiping with kids at different ages and stages. If there’s anything that would be helpful for your household, or if you have questions, please get in touch! 

To get Zoom links,  and to hear about other events and plans,  subscribe to our weekly E-news. (You are always free to unsubscribe later!) We also post worship links, among other things, in our Facebook group, St. Dunstan’s MadCity. All friends of St. Dunstan’s are welcome to ask to join the group. You can also get to know us by using the links on the left of this page to see worship bulletins and read recent sermons. 

About St. Dunstan’s

A view up the center aisle of the torch, looking toward the altar, with two acolytes in the foreground.St. Dunstan’s is a warm,  lively Episcopal church whose hallmarks are welcome of all who seek a spiritual home; the nurture of intergenerational community and the active participation of children; the use of art, music, and drama in worship and faith reflection; practicing care of Creation, with our church grounds as a resource; and service and advocacy for those in need.  Visitors and newcomers are always welcome at worship or any other parish event.   Read our official Statement of Welcome here. The short version? Everybody’s welcome, no exceptions!

St. Dunstan's folks at the Madison Pride Parade.St. Dunstan’s Church affirms that LGBTQ+ people are made in God’s image. With the larger Episcopal Church, we affirm and celebrate the lives, marriages, and vocations of LGBTQ+ people. We recognize that Christians and churches have caused deep wounds, and we desire to be a place of safety and healing. 

Creation care is an important value for us here and we’re always looking for more ways to live it out as a parish and in our daily lives.  About 75% of our electricity is generated through solar power from the roof panels we installed in 2023. The rest is generated through  MG&E’s Green Power Tomorrow program.

Find us on Facebook

You can Like our church page, St Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, to get updates and sermon links. Members and friends of the parish may join our Facebook group, St. Dunstan’s MadCity, a more informal place to share thoughts, local events of interest, prayer requests, and such.

Our Parish Mission Statement

In response to Christ’s divine humanity, St. Dunstan’s strives to seek, love, and serve God, welcoming all to gather in worship, serve those in need, care for the environment, and listen and respond to each other.

A Welcome Message from Rev. Miranda

Rev. Miranda blessing the waters at the Baptismal Font, with kids gathered around in the foreground.If this is your first encounter with St. Dunstan’s, welcome! We hope you will consider joining us for worship soon. I would love to meet and chat, and to answer any questions you may have about St. Dunstan’s parish or the Episcopal Church. You will find we are a warm and lively parish family, with lots of opportunities for engagement and shared ministry – and an equally warm welcome for those who simply want a place to worship on Sunday morning, without seeking more involvement at this time. I am available to make pastoral calls to anyone who is ill or going through a difficult time – or to have coffee with someone who’s struggling to make sense of it all – or to share conversation and prayer with someone seeking God’s guidance in their life – or to get down on the floor and talk about Jesus with kids. Please be in touch, and let’s explore where our mission as a parish connects with your life, your needs and your hopes. May the grace, love and fellowship of God be with you always.
Rev. Miranda+

“Every Sunday at ordinary Episcopal churches, something extraordinary takes place. In a society in which tables of hospitality are mostly closed off to strangers, a public feast is held. You don’t need to buy a ticket to this meal. Not everyone necessarily knows each other; not everyone gets along perfectly, but they come together nonetheless. The food is simple stuff— bread and wine—about to become something more than itself. As the story is told and songs are sung, a change takes place. Hearts are lifted. The brokenness in the lives of each of the participants, and the brokenness of the world, is brought into focus. Healing begins to pour through it. Lives turned inward are opened outward. In the midst of the messiness and richness of this meal is the presence of Jesus, felt and known through the Spirit, tasted in the bread and wine, inviting us and the whole of the world into community with God.” (Dwight Zscheile, People of the Way)


















6205 University Ave., Madison WI

St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church