Rev. Miranda and elected deputies Gail Jordan-Jones and Shirley Laedlein attended the first convention of our new, reunified diocese on October 4th and 5th. Since this was not just “diocesan convention as usual,” Gail wrote up a report on what she experienced and noticed. Shirley added a few thoughts, too – read to the end! Here’s Gail’s report.
“Earlier this month Shirley Laedlein and Gail Jordan-Jones joined Miranda as delegates for the very first Diocese of Wisconsin Annual Convention at the Holiday Inn Conference Center in Steven’s Point Wisconsin. Tom McAlpine, Connie Ott and Sarah Errington were there as well (thank you!). Connie brought yarn and knitting projects galore to give away in hopes those bundles of yarn would soon turn into plenty of warm hats and mittens! Sarah Erlington spent her time helping Diocesan staff with the logistical details of the event.
As we began the conference, late Friday afternoon, there were various introductions and we learned that the chief planner of this very first ever state-wide diocesan convention resigned with about two weeks left til the event. Her colleagues wished her well–although the timing was tough on everyone. Hence, Sarah had lots of jobs at the convention. Special shout-out to Sarah!
Friday night, there was a nice Build your own Taco buffet–followed by some remarks from the Presiding Bishop-Elect, the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe. We would hear from him again as the preacher at our Saturday Eucharist. Between both opportunities to hear him we got a dose of his personal ideology about church doctrine and growth and his deep faith in the Trinity and our common humanity. The Episcopal Church is in good hands.
After breakfast on Saturday, we all participated in our first joint Eucharist with the installation of our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Matthew Gunter. It was a special service with participation from the Oneida tribe and many parishes from around our newly reunited diocese. The participants included our own Isaac Gildrie-Voyles! Thanks, Evy, for the transportation services!
In the business sessions of the convention, we spent a fair amount of time voting for both Lay and Clerical members of the various offices and committees of our newly formed diocese. Starting from scratch requires lots of people willing to serve–we were so grateful to all those who stepped up to give us a firm beginning.
The budget aspect of the meeting went quickly. Those who scrutinize the budget had likely already done so and had their issues addressed.
We said our goodbyes and departed Steven’s Point reflecting on our experiences at this First meeting of the reunified Wisconsin Diocese. It was an honor.”
Shirley Laedlein adds,
“First, I think that this was a well run event, and time management was good. That’s especially impressive considering the changes in Diocesan staff.
Also, I was impressed with how everyone there seems invested in making this Diocese of Wisconsin work. And Presiding Bishop Elect Sean Rowe seems very excited about what we are doing in Wisconsin. In both his Friday remarks and Saturday homily, he implied that what we do here will be closely watched by the national church, and we may have an impact on how things are done in the future. I find that exciting!
I found that people from all over the state are willing to meet each other and are eager to work together to find and carry out what God has planned for us.
Finally, I am SO delighted to have the Oneida parish be part of our diocese. What they contribute in history and liturgy is impressive! The sung Te Deum they contributed to the Eucharist was wonderful! I believe we have a bright future.”