The Rev. John Rasmus is our preacher on Sunday, October 18. Father John is a priest associate of this parish, having retired to Madison after serving in the Diocese of Eau Claire.
Words in Season Poetry Performance: Over coffee hour on Sunday, we’ll hear some poems performed by members of the parish. Watch for the next Words in Season event if you’d like to get involved next time!
THE HUNGER WEEKS: October 18th is Bread for the World Sunday! This year the focus is on federal support of Child Nutrition, especially the WIC program. At 9:00 am, between services, further information about these nutritional programs will be presented in the Chapel, and there will also be a chance to discuss church groups’ work to influence public policy. Following the 10:00 am service, those wanting to write their Congressional representatives will meet in the Chapel to write their letters. Further information, writing materials and sample letters will be provided.
THE HUNGER WEEKS: CROP Walk for Hunger, Sunday, October 18: We have a great team gathered for this year’s CROP Walk! All money raised is used to fight hunger and a percentage of the money stays right here in Dane County being distributed to the food pantries. You can write a check to support our walkers, with CROP on the memo line, and put it in the offering plate. Thanks for all your support!
Sunday School, Sunday, October 18, 10am: Our 3-5 year old class will be learning about the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, while our 6 – 10 year old class will talk about finding greatness in serving others.
Rector’s Discretionary Fund Offering, Sunday, October 18: As on every third Sunday, half the cast in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. This fund is way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Please give generously.
Evening Eucharist (BCP), Sunday, October 18, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins. We use the Book of Common Prayer for this liturgy. Our seasonal worship books are based on the prayerbook, but if you miss holding the little red book, you may enjoy attending these bimonthly services.
Younger Adults Meet-up at the Vintage, Sunday, October 18, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.
St. Dunstan’s Finances At a Glance: As we approach our fall Giving Campaign, our church finances should be clear to all members. Take a look at our display in the Gathering Area. More detailed financial reports are available on request; speak with Rev. Miranda or a vestry member, or call the church office (238-2781).
Vestry meeting, Wednesday, October 21, 6:45pm. Any members are welcome to attend.
Giving Campaign Kickoff & Fall Talent Show, Sunday, Oct. 25, 11:30 – 1pm: Our fall Giving Campaign starts with a Talent Show, at which members of St. Dunstan’s will share their skills. A light lunch will be served. If you’d like to contribute to the performances or gallery, sign up by Sunday, October 18!
Left Unsaid: Remembering our Beloved Dead at Sandbox Worship, Thursday, October 29, 5:30pm: Maybe there’s something you didn’t have a chance to say. Maybe you thought you’d said it all, but as the years pass, you’ve discovered more. Come for an evening framed in prayer, a space to speak the words you want to say to one of your loved ones who has gone on before, as we anticipate honoring our beloved dead on All Saints Day (Nov. 1). After worship, we’ll share a simple meal. All are welcome.
Makers’ Guild, FRIDAY, Oct. 30, 1 – 3pm: Everyone who enjoys working with their hands is invited. We will get acquainted with our church’s new-to-us digital cutter, and start preparing craft materials for our Black Friday Craft-In event (Nov. 27). You can also bring your own holiday crafting projects to show off and work on – or bring your holiday crafting dilemmas and we can brainstorm together! Friends are welcome too.
Ladies’ Night Out, Friday, October 30, 6pm: Join our monthly get-together as we dine at area restaurant and enjoy good conversation among women of all ages from St. Dunstan’s. This month we will meet at the Freehouse Pub, 1902 Parmenter in Middleton.
All Saints’ Day, Sunday, Nov. 1, 10am: We will celebrate this holy day with an opportunity to remember the faithful departed; renewal of our baptismal vows; and, at our10am All-Ages Worship, with kids dressed as famous saints. Come at 9am for our Christian Formation hour: “Holy Dying: Advance Planning from a Christian Perspective,” a conversation about end-of-life issues from a spiritual and practical perspective.