A note about plans in a time of pandemic… It is possible that Covid rates could rise again by Holy Week. In that event, we may take some steps to reduce the risk of in-person gatherings, such as increasing ventilation, limiting singing, encouraging advance sign-up to manage capacity, or even moving services outdoors. We will communicate clearly about any such measures. Please read our weekly Enews and/or check the website for the latest information. Zoom worship will always be an option.
ALL ZOOM SERVICES will be on our usual Sunday Morning Worship link. Contact the church office ( or 608-238-2781) or subscribe to our weekly Enews to get the links.
ZOOM WORSHIP, 5 – 6PM: Join from the dinner table! Consider setting your table for a special occasion, with dishes you love, flowers, candles. Have bread and wine or fruit juice on hand.
IN PERSON WORSHIP, 6:30 – 8PM: This year’s service will include an informal Eucharist (not a full meal, as we have done in the past); an opportunity for foot washing; and stripping of the altar.
NIGHTWATCH: Keep vigil for an hour, at home or at church, Thursday evening or Friday morning. It’s appropriate to pray, sing, read the Bible or spiritual texts, or just sit in silence. Sign up for your chosen hour at this link.
ZOOM WORSHIP, 1PM: A Zoom-adapted version of Good Friday worship, with passion Gospel.
IN PERSON, 12PM and 7PM: We will read the Passion Gospel and pray the special prayers of this day. This liturgy does not include the Eucharist.
IN PERSON Children’s Stations of the Cross, 4:30PM: A gentle outdoor exploration of the Stations of the Cross, for all ages.
ZOOM WORSHIP, 6:30 – 7:30: A service of story and song that prepares us for Easter Sunday. You might enjoy gathering by candlelight/dim light, and having bells or noisemakers on hand!
IN PERSON, 8PM – 9:30PM: We’ll honor the Great Vigil, one of the Church’s most ancient rites, with fire and water, story and song, renewal of baptismal vows and the first Eucharist of Easter. PLEASE NOTE: This service will BEGIN at the Parish Center, the green building at the end of the parking lot. We will walk to the church midway through the service.
ZOOM WORSHIP, 9AM: A festive Easter liturgy online!
IN PERSON, 8AM & 10AM: Gather for Easter worship with Eucharist. All are welcome! We are planning an outdoor reception and an egg hunt after the 10AM service.
Report to St. Dunstan’s Vestry, Prepared by Sharon Henes, November 2018
In August we embarked on a season of intergenerational renewal, during Rev. Miranda’s sabbatical, and by the end of October we achieved a deeper understanding of each other and built a foundation of new relationships. Many people went into this experience thinking our church was built on two generations –kids and adults but we realized our church has layers of generations. Numbers can’t quantify our experience but approximately 90-100 members of the congregation participated in at least one activity during the sabbatical intergenerational renewal! That in itself is both amazing and exciting! (Equally amazing was there was very little negative feedback throughout the sabbatical or reported in the surveys.) Some of the members who did not participate indicated to me an appreciation for the intergenerational renewal project and that they were experiencing benefits. At the beginning of the sabbatical, I challenged everyone to get to know someone who is 15 years older or younger themselves and the vast majority of people met that challenge.
Reflecting on the season, there are some definite points to keep in mind moving forward:
Events and activities took place on weekends with the exception of SaintFest and the campfires. SaintFest ran for 5 consecutive evenings and the campfires were on one Wednesday night and two Thursday nights. Our intergenerational renewal project included the following activities:
This sabbatical intergenerational renewal experience had several benefits for the church members. The most cited benefits are:
People did not want the experience to end with the end of the sabbatical. (Several expressed to me a concern that momentum of this experience will end.) As we move forward beyond this season of renewal, we want the following:
On Friday, November 27, St Dunstan’s held our second annual Black Friday Craft-In. From 1 – 4pm, we were open to the public, with our Gathering Area and Meeting Room full of tables covered with crafting materials. Crafts included decorative ornaments, flower headbands, stamped notebooks and cards, cardboard shields, tiny clay pot nativity scenes, knitting demonstrations, magnets, and more. Over the course of three hours, about sixty people came – and stayed. They stayed to make crafts together, to chat, to share cookies and cocoa, to take a break and have a little fun together on a busy holiday weekend.
Aside from our terrific team of volunteers, almost no members of St Dunstan’s attended. Our guests were folks from the neighborhood, other area churches, and the wider community. They came because it sounded like a fun way to get out of the house for a few hours. Grandparents, parents, and aunts and uncles brought kids of all ages, and kids and adults enthusiastically engaged with our craft stations. Strangers helped each other – my six-year-old daughter made fast friends with two sweet eighth-grade girls. Susan, one of our hospitality volunteers, remarked on how much people seems to be enjoying the time together: “Last night as I thought about the greatest reward of the arts and crafting, I felt like it was the friends, parents and grandparents involved with each other in a way that created a very memorable holiday experience; everyone seemed to be extremely grateful to be there.”
I was really touched that we had at least two households who had come last year, for our first Craft-In, and have been looking forward to coming again, ever since – even spreading the word and bringing friends. What a wonderful affirmation!
Last year, our Craft-In was something new, and we got a little press about it, which helped with our pre-event publicity. Planning for this year, I wondered if we’d get much turn-out without the media boost. But in fact, turnout was substantially higher, we were better organized, and the event was amazing. We ate all the cookies and used up most of the craft supplies, and people had a wonderful time. This is an event people like enough to talk about and plan ahead to attend. That’s really exciting! I hope next year’s Craft-In will be even bigger and better – and we’ll buy a few more cookies.
– Rev. Miranda+
The creative impulse originates in the heart of God. God is present, the divine energies are present, in every creative impulse. The human being, made in the image and likeness of God, shares in God’s creative energies.
-Br. Mark Brown, Society of Saint John the Evangelist
Thanks to all the volunteers, donors, and participants in Saturday’s Hoops for Housing basketball tournament and kids’ fair at Westmoreland Park! We had a great time and raised over $2000 for Briarpatch Youth Services, which serves the needs of homeless teens in Dane County. Biggest thanks go to the 11-year-old member of our congregation who brought us this idea, told us why it mattered, and led us all along the way to this great event.
Rector’s Discretionary Fund offering, Sunday, March 15: On third Sundays, half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community. Thanks for all your generous support.
Sunday School, Sunday, March 15, 10 am: This week, our 3-6 year old class will continue learning about the Faces of Easter, while our 7-11 year old class will explore Psalm 107.
Members of St. Dunstan’s are welcome to join the Zion City Church congregation in their weekly worship service of thanksgiving and praise on March 15. The service is from noon to 2:00pm. Meet at St. Dunstan’s at 11:30am to carpool, or meet at Zion City Church shortly before noon. They are located at 1317 Applegate Road in Madison. This is just south of the Beltline, off of Fish Hatchery Road.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, March 15, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.
Explorers, Sunday, March 15, 6:30pm: St. Dunstan’s Explorers will meet for light refreshments and wide-ranging conversation. All are welcome. (I will see if I can get any more definitive information by Thursday)
Young Adult Meet-up at the Vintage, Sunday, March 15, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.
Do you like to feed people? Consider joining our St. Dunstan’s Meals Network, to provide a meal for another household in our congregation. New babies, critically ill family members, surgery, or a death in the family are just a few of the occasions for which people might need extra support and compassion. Sometimes it’s just dropping of food, sometimes it’s also sitting with people and listening to how things are going. Go to the “Sharing Meals” page under “People” on our main page to join our network or, if you’re already part of it, to pick a date on our current meal calendars.
Vestry Meeting, Wednesday, March 18, 6:45pm: The Vestry is the elected leadership body of our parish. Any members are welcome to attend our meetings, to observe or raise questions or ideas.
The Stations of the Cross, Fridays at noon: Walking and praying the Stations of the Cross is a meaningful practice of prayer for many Christians in the season of Lent. On Fridays you are invited to come and join Rev. Miranda in sharing Scripture, meditations from Christian tradition, and prayer as we walk with Jesus on the journey to the cross.
Outreach Committee Meeting, Saturday, March 21, 8-10:30am: All are welcome to join our conversations about how St. Dunstan’s can best serve the world with our resources and our hands. We begin with an optional potluck breakfast at 8am.
Food Forestry at St. Dunstan’s: Plans for 2015, Saturday, March 21, 1pm: All interested or curious folks are invited to come learn about permaculture, our work adding food plants to our woods and grounds over the past two years, and ideas and plans for this year.
Makers’ Guild, Saturday, March 21, 2 – 4pm: Bring your own current handwork – sewing, knitting, painting, beadwork, whatever! – or help out with preparing sample palm crosses and tucking treats into plastic Easter eggs for our egg hunt on Easter Sunday. All are welcome!
Poetry & Spirituality: John Milton, Sunday, March 22, 9am: Paul Thompson will introduce us to the life and work of the great 17th century English poet, John Milton.
“Last Sunday” Worship, Sunday, March 22, 10am: Our “Last Sunday” pattern of worship is simplified to help children (and adults new to our way of worship) to participate and understand. This month, our Last Sunday worship will invite us all into the final weeks of Lent as we approach the mystery of Easter. Our 8am worship always follows our usual seasonal order of worship.
Christian Formation Committee Meeting, Sunday, March 22, 11:45am: Our Christian Formation Committee meets to review and plan programs for Easter, the summer, and beyond. All interested folks are welcome to attend and participate.
Help Spruce up St. Dunstan’s for Holy Week and Easter! Spring Cleaning inside St. Dunstan’s, Sunday, March 22, 12-2pm: Please see the list of jobs to complete and sign up to help as you are able.
Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday March 22, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the gathering area to help out.
The Stations of the Cross in Downtown Madison, Friday, March 27, 12pm & 5pm: Walk the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross on the streets of a modern city. As we walk the fourteen traditional Stations of the Cross, we will reflect together on how we can trace those events in the geography of Madison today – our issues, stories and struggles. We will start on the sidewalk near the Federal Courthouse, across from the Overture Center, and end in the garden at Grace Church on the square. The total walk will be about 1.2 miles, and it takes about 45 minutes. Come at noon or 5pm, as your schedule permits. All are welcome.
“Palm Saturday”, Saturday, March 28, 10:30am – 12pm: Kids, parents, grandparents and friends are invited to make Easter crafts and communion bread, and to take part in a gentle, age-appropriate and participatory telling of the whole Easter story, presented by the youth and adults of our church. This event is best suited for kids ages 3 to 10. All are welcome!
Spring 2015 Chocolate Making: Our Spring Chocolate Event will be after Easter this year. Mark your calendars for Friday evening and Saturday, April 10 – 11. Signup sheets and order forms will be out by mid-March.
Tools for Tanzania Giving Opportunity: St. Dunstan’s seeks to raise $800 for a set of tools to send to our sister diocese, the Diocese of Newala in Southern Tanzania. Rev Miranda visited Newala with our diocesan team in 2013, and Bishop Oscar Mnung’a visited St. Dunstan’s last October. As partners in this “diosisi rafiki” (friend diocese) relationship, we look for ways to support one another, both in prayer and practicality. Newala is one of the poorest parts of Tanzania. It is overwhelmingly rural, and most people are small-scale farmers, working with traditional hand tools. During Bishop Oscar’s visit last fall, we learned about better-engineered, modern hand tools that would help farmers in Newala. If we can send one set of new farm tools to Tanzania, then local artisans can use them as models to adapt the tools they make for local use. Then local farmers may be able to grow more food for their families, which means more resources for their churches & communities! A set of tools, plus transport costs, comes to about $1300. We are trying to raise $800 as our contribution; our sister parish, St. Andrew’s Church in Monroe, WI, will raise additional funds as our partners in this project. To contribute, put a check in the offering plate with “TZ Tools” on the memo line. Thanks for your generosity!
Episcopal 101, Sunday, March 1, 9am: An ongoing exploration of the Episcopal Church for new and long-time members. This month (POSTPONED from February), a whirlwind tour of Anglican history. All are welcome!
Birthdays & Anniversaries will be honored this Sunday, March 1, as is our custom on the first Sunday of every month. Come forward after the Announcements to receive a blessing and the Community’s prayers.
Healing Prayer, Sunday, March 1: This Sunday, one of our ministers will offer healing prayers for those who wish to receive prayers for themselves or on behalf of others.
MOM Special Offering, Sunday, March 1: Half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. Groceries are welcome gifts, too. Here is a list of the top ten items needed at this time: cereal, sugar, canned chicken/turkey, cooking oil, toothpaste/toothbrushes, diapers (sizes 4, 5 and 6), paper towels, and facial tissue. MOM is always in need of quality bedding items such as comforters, sheets, blankets and towels. Thank you for all your support!
Deacon Sybil Performs, Sunday, March 1, Coffee Hour: Did you know that our beloved deacon Sybil Robinson, who still faithfully proclaims the Gospel for us at the age of ninety, is a retired professor of theater and an actress? She will share two prepared pieces, one serious and one comic, for us over Coffee Hour.
Backpack Snack Pack Prep, Sunday, March 1, 11:45am: The kids and families of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join our Madison Vineyard Church neighbors in preparing “Backpack Snack Packs,” to help local school children from low-income households to have nutritious snacks available over the weekend. We’ll work in the Meeting Room at St. Dunstan’s following the 10am service.
Let’s Get Uncomfortable! Conversations about Racism and Racial Justice: Whether you’ve got lots of questions or whether you think you’ve got it all figured out, come explore more deeply with others who share your faith, in this Lenten series. This week we meet at 1pm on Sunday, March 1, and on Wednesday, March 4 at 7:15pm. Talk with Rev. Miranda with questions or for the complete schedule.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, March 1, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.
Guest Preacher, Sunday, March 8: The Rev. John Rasmus, one of our treasured resident retired clergy, will preach about the faith and influence of John and Charles Wesley (feast day, March 3). Thanks to Father John for sharing his voice!
Bible Study, “Dwelling in the Word”, Sunday, March 8, 9am: Every second Sunday, adults and youth are invited to gather in the Meeting Room for an opportunity to engage some of the holy stories of Scripture with our minds, hearts and imagination.
Sunday School, Sunday, March 8, 10am: This week, our 3-6 year old class will begin exploring the Faces of Easter, while our 7-11 year old class will reflect on Psalm 19.
Spirituality of Parenting Lunch, Sunday, March 8, 12 noon: All who seek meaning in the journey of parenthood (at any age or stage) are welcome to come for food and conversation. Child care and a simple meal provided.
Support our Sunday School! Here are a couple of ways you may be able to help out with our growing and energetic Sunday school classes for kids ages 3-6 and 7 – 11.
1. Assist in a classroom. The teachers for our younger class are looking for helpers to help manage the room and watch over play and crafts. This is a lovely bunch of kids; wouldn’t you like to get to know them? Sign up for as little as one date for the months ahead, on the yellow sheet in the Gathering Area below the big calendar.
2. Give us your Lego. Do you have a stash of Lego gathering dust in a closet or basement? There are some great new approaches to doing Sunday school with Lego, and our older class would LOVE to try it out. If you have some Lego to contribute, please bring it in! Only actual Lego, please, but Lego in any amount and of any age is welcome.
Members of St. Dunstan’s are welcome to join the Zion City Church congregation in their weekly worship service of thanksgiving and praise on March 15. The service is from noon to 2:00pm. Meet at St. Dunstan’s at 11:30am to carpool, or meet at Zion City Church shortly before noon. They are located at 1317 Applegate Road in Madison. This is just south of the Beltline, off of Fish Hatchery Road. Five of us attended their service in January, and came away inspired and blest!
The Stations of the Cross in Downtown Madison, Friday, March 27, 12pm & 5pm: Walk the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross on the streets of a modern city. As we walk the fourteen traditional Stations of the Cross, we will reflect together on how we can trace those events in the geography of Madison today – our issues, stories and struggles. We will start on the sidewalk near the Federal Courthouse, across from the Overture Center, and end in the garden at Grace Church on the square. The total walk will be about 1.2 miles, and it takes about 45 minutes. Come at noon or 5pm, as your schedule permits. All are welcome.
Spring 2015 Chocolate Making: Our Spring Chocolate Event will be after Easter this year. Mark your calendars for Friday evening and Saturday, April 10 – 11. Signup sheets and order forms will be out by mid-March.
Tools for Tanzania Giving Opportunity: St. Dunstan’s seeks to raise $800 for a set of tools to send to our sister diocese, the Diocese of Newala in Southern Tanzania. Rev Miranda visited Newala with our diocesan team in 2013, and Bishop Oscar Mnung’a visited St. Dunstan’s last October. As partners in this “diosisi rafiki” (friend diocese) relationship, we look for ways to support one another, both in prayer and practicality. Newala is one of the poorest parts of Tanzania. It is overwhelmingly rural, and most people are small-scale farmers, working with traditional hand tools. During Bishop Oscar’s visit last fall, we learned about better-engineered, modern hand tools that would help farmers in Newala. If we can send one set of new farm tools to Tanzania, then local artisans can use them as models to adapt the tools they make for local use. Then local farmers may be able to grow more food for their families, which means more resources for their churches & communities! A set of tools, plus transport costs, comes to about $1300. We are trying to raise $800 as our contribution; our sister parish, St. Andrew’s Church in Monroe, WI, will raise additional funds as our partners in this project. To contribute, put a check in the offering plate with “TZ Tools” on the memo line. Thanks for your generosity!
Lent Letters: It’s an ancient custom of the church for members to confess their sins to a priest and receive God’s forgiveness. Sometimes we carry old hurts or regrets that need to be told, but are hard to tell someone we see regularly. “Lent Letters” is a new approach, inspired by the tradition of sacramental confession and reconciliation in Lent. You write a note about something you want to lay down, and sent it to another priest to be blessed and offered up. See the “Lent Letters” station in the Gathering Area, from Ash Wednesday onwards, to learn more. Rev. Miranda is also very willing to meet with you for the Rite of Reconciliation (BCP p. 447) during Lent or at any time.
Last Sunday All-Ages Worship, Sunday, February 22, 10am: We will begin the season of Lent with the Great Litany procession, the gospel of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, and an all-ages sermon on fasting. Our 8am service will follow our usual Lenten order of worship.
Spirituality and Poetry, Sunday, February 22, 9am: Come for an exploration of the themes of Lent in poetry. We meet in the Chapel Meeting Room between services.
Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday, February 22, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the Gathering Area to help out.
Let’s Get Uncomfortable! Conversations about Racism and Racial Justice: Whether you’ve got lots of questions or whether you think you’ve got it all figured out, come explore more deeply with others who share your faith, in this Lenten series. We will offer the same material at two different times, for your convenience – Sunday afternoons at 1pm, starting Feb. 22, and Wednesday evenings at 7:15pm, starting Feb. 25.
Coffee Hour hosts needed for most of March! Please consider being a coffee host. Sign-up sheets for upcoming months can be found in the Gathering Space. Thanks for lending a hand.
Episcopal 101, Sunday, March 1, 9am: An ongoing exploration of the Episcopal Church for new and long-time members. This month (POSTPONED from February), a whirlwind tour of Anglican history. All are welcome!
Birthdays & Anniversaries will be honored next Sunday, March 1, as is our custom on the first Sunday of every month. Come forward after the Announcements to receive a blessing and the Community’s prayers.
Healing Prayer, Sunday, March 1: Next Sunday, one of our ministers will offer healing prayers for those who wish to receive prayers for themselves or on behalf of others.
MOM Special Offering, Sunday, March 1: Next Sunday, half the cash in our offering plate and any designated checks will be given to Middleton Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. Groceries are welcome gifts, too. Here is a list of the top ten items needed at this time: cereal, canned fruit (no peaches/pears), sugar, canned chicken/turkey, cooking oil, toothpaste/toothbrushes, fruit juice, diapers (sizes 4, 5 and 6), paper towels, and facial tissue. MOM is always in need of quality bedding items such as comforters, sheets, blankets and towels. Thank you for all your support!
Deacon Sybil Performs, Sunday, March 1, Coffee Hour: Did you know that our beloved deacon Sybil Robinson, who still faithfully proclaims the Gospel for us at the age of ninety, is a retired professor of theater and an actress? She will share two prepared pieces, one serious and one comic, for us over Coffee Hour.
Backpack Snack Pack Prep, Sunday, March 1, 11:45am: The kids and families of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join our Madison Vineyard Church neighbors in preparing“Backpack Snack Packs,” to help local school children from low-income households to have nutritious snacks available over the weekend. We’ll work in the Meeting Room at St. Dunstan’s following the 10am service.
Help feed the students! St Francis House Dinner, Sunday, March 1: St. Dunstan’s will provide dinner for the St. Francis House community in a few weeks. We are asked to provide food for up to 15 people, and we are invited to attend worship with the students at 5pm. Vegan and gluten-free options are welcome (that’s easier than you think: a veggie stew over rice, bean chili …). Please sign up in the Gathering Area if you can help with the meal, or contact Rev. Miranda at 238-2781.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, March 1, 6pm: Join us for a simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.
Support our Sunday School! Here are a couple of ways you may be able to help out with our growing and energetic Sunday school classes for kids ages 3-6 and 7 – 11.
1. Assist in a classroom. The teachers for our younger class are looking for helpers to help manage the room and watch over play and crafts. This is a lovely bunch of kids; wouldn’t you like to get to know them? Sign up for as little as one date for the months ahead, on the yellow sheet in the Gathering Area below the big calendar.
2. Give us your Lego. Do you have a stash of Lego gathering dust in a closet or basement? There are some great new approaches to doing Sunday school with Lego, and our older class would LOVE to try it out. If you have some Lego to contribute, please bring it in! Only actual Lego, please, but Lego in any amount and of any age is welcome.
Members of St. Dunstan’s are welcome to join the Zion City Church congregation in their weekly worship service of thanksgiving and praise on March 15. The service is from noon to 2:00. Meet at St. Dunstan’s at 11:30 to carpool, or meet at Zion City Church shortly before noon. They are located at 1317 Applegate Road in Madison. This is just south of the Beltline, off of Fish Hatchery Road. Five of us attended their service in January, and came away inspired and blest!
Mishpack Summer Youth Mission Trip Registration: Mishpack this year will be July 17 to August 2. If you are currently a high school student, you are eligible to go on Mishpack. Contact Fr. John or JonMichael Rasmus for details, or talk with Rev. Miranda. Interested students will need to register by the end of March.
Lent Letters: It’s an ancient custom of the church for members to confess their sins to a priest and receive God’s forgiveness. Sometimes we carry old hurts or regrets that need to be told, but are hard to tell someone we see regularly. “Lent Letters” is a new approach, inspired by the tradition of sacramental confession and reconciliation in Lent. You write a note about something you want to lay down, and sent it to another priest to be blessed and offered up. See the “Lent Letters” station in the Gathering Area, from Ash Wednesday onwards, to learn more. Rev. Miranda is also very willing to meet with you for the Rite of Reconciliation (BCP p. 447) during Lent or at any time.
Family Field Trip to MOM, Saturday, February 14, 12:30pm: The kids and families of St. Dunstan’s are invited to visit the MOM (Middleton Outreach Ministry) food pantry, to learn more about how they – and we – can serve our neighbors in need. We’ll tour the pantry and sort food donations from our parish food drive. Dress warmly as it can be cool in the building.
Sunday School, Sunday, February 15, 10am: Our class for 3 – 6 year olds will receive the Parable of the Sower, and our older class (7 – 10 years) will explore the Gospel of the Transfiguration of Jesus. All kids & parents welcome!
Rector’s Discretionary Fund offering, Sunday, February 15: Half the cash in our collection plate, and any designated checks, will go towards the Rector’s Discretionary Fund this day and on every third Sunday. This fund is a way to quietly help people with direct financial needs, in the parish and the wider community.
Christian Formation Committee Meeting, Sunday, February 15, 11:45am: All are welcome to join us as we plan programs for learning and spiritual growth for all ages, for Lent, Easter, and beyond.
Evening Eucharist, Sunday, February 15, 6pm: A simple service before the week begins. All are welcome.
Explorers Meeting, Sunday, Feb. 15, 6:30pm: The Explorers meet to bounce around big ideas. This month we’ll talk about the Task Force to Reimagine the Episcopal Church and their ideas. All are welcome!
Young Adult Meet-up at the Vintage, Sunday, February 15, 7pm: The younger adults of St. Dunstan’s are invited to join us for conversation and the beverage of your choice, at the Vintage Brewpub on South Whitney Way. Friends and partners welcome too.
A new presence in our sanctuary: The Virgin of Guadalupe is a depiction of Mary, the mother of God, based on an appearance of Mary to a Native American peasant in Mexico in the 16th century. This manifestation of Mary is very important to Latino Christians, Catholic and Protestant alike, and she is a powerful symbol of God’s grace coming to the poor and marginalized. We welcome the Virgin to join our collection of holy images near the baptismal font at St. Dunstan’s, as a sign of hospitality to Latino visitors and members.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Tuesday, February 17, 5:30 – 6:30pm: Great food and fellowship! Join us and bring a friend for a tasty meal. Suggested donation of $5 per adult, $10 per household, kids eat free. If you’d like to help or contribute, signup in the Gathering Area!
Ash Wednesday services will be at noon, 4pm, and 7pm on Wednesday, February 18. The 4pm service is especially intended for kids and families.
Ashes To Go, Wednesday, February 18, 8 – 9am and 2 – 3pm: Our drop-in “Ashes To Go” station will be at Old Middleton Road & St Dunstan Drive, besides our signboard and Little Free Library. Pull over on St. Dunstan Drive or park across the street on Stonefield Rd. Imposition of ashes, prayer, and warm beverages will be available.
Last Sunday All-Ages Worship, Sunday, February 22, 10am: We will begin the season of Lent with the Great Litany procession, the gospel of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, and an all-ages sermon on fasting. Our 8am service will follow our usual Lenten order of worship.
Spirituality and Poetry, Sunday, February 22, 9am: Come for an exploration of the themes of Lent in poetry. We meet in the Chapel Meeting Room between services.
Grace Shelter Dinner, Sunday, February 22, 7pm: Every fourth Sunday, a loyal group of St. Dunstan’s folk provides dinner for residents at the Grace Church shelter, and breakfast the next morning. See the signup sheet in the Gathering Area to help out. To learn more, talk with Rose Mueller at 608-836-1028.
Lent Letters: It’s an ancient custom of the church for members to confess their sins to a priest and receive God’s forgiveness. Sometimes we carry old hurts or regrets that need to be told, but are hard to tell someone we see regularly. “Lent Letters” is a new approach, inspired by the tradition of sacramental confession and reconciliation in Lent. You write a note about something you want to lay down, and sent it to another priest to be blessed and offered up. See the “Lent Letters” station in the Gathering Area, from Ash Wednesday onwards, to learn more. Rev. Miranda is also very willing to meet with you for the Rite of Reconciliation (BCP p. 447) during Lent or at any time.
Let’s Get Uncomfortable! Conversations about Racism and Racial Justice: Whether you’ve got lots of questions or whether you think you’ve got it all figured out, come explore more deeply with others who share your faith, in this Lenten series. We will offer the same material at two different times, for your convenience – Sunday afternoons at 1pm, starting Feb. 22, and Wednesday evenings at 7:15pm, starting Feb. 25.
Lenten Virtual Book Group – CRAZY BUSY: A [mercifully] short book about a [really] big problem, by Kevin DeYoung. Rev. Miranda invites members and friends to a “virtual book group” this Lent, beginning the last week in February. We’ll read along together during Lent and share reactions and reflections on a Facebook group. (If you’re not a Facebook user, you would have to join Facebook to participate.) A $10 donation to defray the cost of the books is welcome, but not required. You can also check the libraries for the book or buy it for your e-reader. Look for “Lenten Reading Group – Crazy Busy” on Facebook and ask to join up!
Have you been baptized? The Prayer Book tells us, “Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church.” From the earliest years of Christianity, the season of Lent (which begins March 5) was when new Christians studied the faith and prepared for baptism at Easter. If you have never been baptized, or aren’t sure, and would like to learn more about this rite, please contact Rev. Miranda at 238-2781.
All are invited to an evening of celebration, song, and prayers. From 6:30 to 8-ish, enjoy desserts and board games, and try out our “Photo Booth”! At 8:15 we’ll begin a simple participatory New Year’s Eve vigil service, exploring the themes of longing for justice, the mystery of time’s passing, and new beginnings. At 9pm we’ll loudly & joyfully declare it the New Year (with the good folk of Greenland and Argentina)! All are welcome.
Location: St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church, 6205 University Ave., Madison, WI. Questions? Call 238-2781.
This is an alcohol-free event.